DAP Learning Series

Justifying the Web Analyst’s Role in Your Organization

How to justify an analysts role on your team and make a business case for this person to leadership.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET

Hosted by Digital Analytics Program (DAP) and Digital.gov

Creating and integrating an analytics function into any team or organization is challenging. We’ll discuss:

  • How do I justify a web analyst role on my team?
  • How do I make the business case for this role to my leadership?
  • How many analysts do I need?
  • How should an analyst integrate into my team for the best results?
  • What hats would an analyst need to wear?

We’ll address these questions and more in this DAP Learning Series webinar.

About the speaker

Freddie Blicher supports the Digital Analytics Program as an analyst and teaches courses in analytics across the D.C. area.

The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) helps agencies better understand the public’s interaction with the federal digital space, and records over 2.5 billion pageviews on more than 5,000 federal government websites each month. Much of these data are available to the public at analytics.usa.gov.