DAP Learning Series: Creating Your Own Campaign URL Builder

Wednesday, April 18, 2018 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET

Hosted by Digital Analytics Program and DigitalGov University

The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) Learning Series is designed to increase your skills and understanding of DAP’s implementation of Google Analytics in the government.

Custom campaign URLs can help you collect information to determine which marketing campaigns are more effective. Efficient implementation of custom campaign URLs depends on your tagging strategy and it is important to set up a scalable methodology. In this training, we’ll talk about campaign tagging strategies and show you how to create a campaign URL builder.

You’ll learn:

  • What are custom campaign URLs
  • When to use custom campaign URLs
  • How to create a tagging strategy
  • How to create an Excel or Google Sheet tool with formulas to ensure correct application of custom URL parameters
  • How to document your custom URLs to use for reporting later on

The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) offers advanced, easy web analytics to federal agencies. DAP is run by the Office of Products and Programs in the GSA.