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About SRP

Superfund Research Program

SRP Commemorative Booklet
To learn more about the history of the program and its research successes, check out the SRP commemorative booklet.

Since its inception in 1987, the SRP has applied a multidisciplinary approach to research focused on providing a solid foundation that environmental managers and risk assessors can draw upon to make sound decisions related to Superfund and other hazardous waste sites. We believe that research plays a crucial role in addressing challenges posed by environmental contamination, such as health risks, toxicity, exposure predictions, fate and transport, and the need for cost-effective treatments for hazardous waste sites found throughout the United States.

Today, the Program supports peer-reviewed research in university-based Centers, encompassing collaborations at over 100 institutions. These Centers conduct interdisciplinary, multiproject research focused on one central theme. The SRP also provides funding for Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Research (SBIR/STTR) grants designed to foster the commercialization of relevant technologies, products, and devices, as well as funding for individual research grants to address specific issues that complement the multiproject center grants.

The SRP also has a strong training component, supporting many outstanding graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. Finally, the Program funds a variety of outreach efforts to facilitate the translation of the Program's research findings to the communities and organizations most concerned with hazardous substances, with the ultimate goal of improving public health.

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