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Baldrige Program Impacts

Baldrige Program’s benefits for the U.S. economy 820 to 1, 121 Baldrige Award winners, 2010­–2019 award applicants represent 650,093 jobs, 348 Baldrige examiners volunteered, State Baldrige-based examiners volunteered around $29 million in services.

820 to 1: Ratio of Baldrige Program benefits for the U.S. economy to program costs

(Economic Evaluation of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, December 2011)

121: Baldrige Award winners

(including 8 two-time winners) serving as national role models

85%: Median growth in revenue for two-time Baldrige Award winners

55.5%: Median job growth for two-time Baldrige Award winners

(compared with 4.6% for a matched set of industries and time periods)

2010–2019 Baldrige Award applicants represent

  • 650,093 jobs

  • over $181 billion in revenue/budgets

  • about 590 million customers served

$7.8 million: value of services donated by 348 national Baldrige examiners in 2019

$29 million: value of services donated by state Baldrige-based examiners in 2018

Baldrige Impacts in Health Care

  • A study by Truven Health Analytics links hospitals that adopt and use the Baldrige Criteria to successful operations, management practices, and overall performance.
  • 65% of hospitals are likely to "use the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence as a systematic framework for performance improvement or as an internal assessment tool" by 2018, according to survey results reported in Futurescan 2013 PDF.
  • According to the same survey, 41% of hospitals are likely to submit an application for the Baldrige Award or a state-level Baldrige-based award by 2018.

Baldrige Impacts, State by State

Learn more about impacts and benefits in each state.

Baldrige Infographics

Baldrige Helping Organizations Succeed for 30 Years
Baldrige Criteria: Thirty Years of Evolution = Revolutionary Change


Results with Baldrige
Baldrige is "A Huge Return on Your Investment"
Research on Baldrige

Related Links

How Baldrige Works
Purchase Baldrige Excellence Framework Business/Nonprofit, Education, Health Care
Baldrige Products and Services
Baldrige Award
Baldrige Award Recipient Listing
Baldrige FAQs


  • Baldrige Customer Service
    (301) 975-2036
    100 Bureau Drive, M/S 1020
    Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1020
Created June 10, 2011, Updated January 13, 2020