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The IEEE Awards Board (AB) administers the highest medals, awards, and recognitions presented by IEEE. Through its Awards Program, IEEE advances the interests of its members by recognizing their contributions in advancing the fields of interest to IEEE to the benefit of society. By this means, the image and prestige of the organization, its members, and the profession are all enhanced. The IEEE Awards Program honors members and other professionals for their service to society.

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What are the IEEE Awards?

The IEEE Awards Board administers IEEE-level awards on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors. These consist of IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards (TFAs), and Recognitions. These are the highest-level awards given by IEEE.

These awards may be presented annually when, in the judgment of the Awards Board, suitable candidates are available. Candidates for the IEEE Medals, TFAs, and Recognitions shall be endorsed by the Awards Board before submission to the IEEE Board of Directors for final approval. IEEE-level awards may be established and terminated only by the IEEE Board of Directors.


  Description Presentation

Medal of Honor and Medals

Nomination Deadline: 15 June

IEEE Medals are at the top of the hierarchy of awards; the IEEE Medal of Honor is the highest award. IEEE Medals embrace significant and broad IEEE interests and purposes.

The IEEE Medal of Honor and the IEEE-level Medals, as well as the Service Awards, Corporate Awards, and Honorary Membership, shall be presented at the annual IEEE Honors Ceremony.

Technical Field Awards (TFA)

Nomination Deadline: 15 January

IEEE TFAs are bestowed for contributions or leadership in specific fields of interest of IEEE.

IEEE TFAs and Prize Papers are presented by the IEEE President or designee at an IEEE technical conference or symposium as recommended by the relevant selection committee.



Nomination Deadline: 15 June

IEEE Recognitions are comprised of Service Awards, Corporate Awards, Prize Papers, Honorary Memberships, and an IEEE Staff Award.

IEEE Recognitions are presented at various IEEE venues.

Other Recognition Opportunities for IEEE Members 

There are additional opportunities to honor the accomplishments of IEEE members within IEEE organizational units and partnering societies. 

 Presentation venues vary.



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