Eventbrite Now Available for Federal Use

Does your agency host events, organize meet-ups, or provide training and professional development? Then Eventbrite can help you manage the process more easily and efficiently. Eventbrite is the latest tool with a federal-compatible Terms of Service.

Eventbrite is an online ticketing service that allows event organizers to plan, set up registration or ticket sales and promote events and publish them across Facebook, Twitter and other social-networking tools directly from the site’s interface.

Eventbrite can be a useful tool for promoting events, tracking how many people have registered, and communicating with those who have registered. The web-based interface can be used for both small events with fewer than 50 participants or large events with thousands of attendees

So if you want to give Eventbrite a try please collaborate with your agency’s Point-of-Contact for Terms of Service and share the Eventbrite terms of service with your agency’s lawyers, and explore whether this new tool can help meet your strategic goals.