Childhelp Partner Agencies

Without the help of our partner agencies, the work that Childhelp does would not be possible. Our partner agencies listed below have helped in so many ways and we are so thankful for their time, dedication and support.

Childhelp Children’s Center of Arizona and Arizona Mobile Center

Childhelp Community Center

  • Littleton School District
  • Tanner Community Development Corporation- funds The Parents As Teachers Program (via First Things First Grant)
  • Arizona Governor’s Office- funds Strengthening Families Program

National Hotline

  • Child Helplines International

Childhelp Children’s Center of Tennessee

  • Knox County District Attorney’s Office
  • Knox County Sheriff’s Office
  • Knoxville Police Department
  • Knox County Juvenile Court
  • Knox County Department of Children’s Services
  • East Tennessee Children’s Hospital
  • Family Justice Center
  • Tennessee Chapter of Children’s Advocacy Centers
  • Southern Region of Child Advocacy Centers
  • National Children’s Alliance

Childhelp Foster Family and Adoption Agency of Tennessee

  • Council on Accreditation (COA)

Childhelp Alice C. Tyler Village in Virginia

  • The Joint Commission