“A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.”
-Sundar Pichai, CEO, Google

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Our Workforce

Here’s where we are today.

  • Overall
  • Tech
  • Non-tech
  • Leadership


In 2015, we moved in the right direction.

We’re still not where we want to be when it comes to diversity, but last year, we made progress in our efforts to build a more diverse Google. We’re hiring above our current representation of Blacks and Hispanics, and we increased representation of women in leadership and in technical roles.

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Of new hires in 2015 were Black, compared to 2% of our current population.

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Of new hires in 2015 were Hispanic, compared to 3% of our current population.

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Of new hires in 2015 were women in tech, compared to 19% of our current population.

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Of employees in leadership positions were women, a 2% increase from last year.