About Us


October 17, 2019

Organization Chart

Organization and Function

Minister's Secretariat


  • Management and Coordination Division
  • Policy Evaluation and Administrative Review Division
  • Division for Evaluation of International Organizations
  • ODA Evaluation Division
  • Diplomatic Record and Information Disclosure Division
  • Inspection Division
  • Diplomatic Archives
  • Security Division
  • Crisis Management Coordination Division
  • Local Partnership Cooperation Division
  • Information Safeguarding Division
  • Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Personnel Division
  • Information and Communications Division
  • Financial Affairs Division
  • Health and Welfare Division
  • Overseas Establishments Division
  • Protocol Office
  • Official Guests Division
  • Foreign Visit Division
  • Public Diplomacy Strategy Division
  • Domestic Public Relations Division
  • Office for Strategic Communication Hub
  • Internet Public Relations Division
  • Office for Comment and Opinion
  • Press Division
  • Cultural Affairs and Overseas Public Relations Division
  • Multilateral Cultural Cooperation Division
  • Exchange Programs Division
  • Friendship Ties Division
  • International Press Division


The Minister's Secretariat takes charge of overall coordination and administration under the Ministry and other ordinary functions of the Minister's Secretariat.

Press Secretary/Director-General for Press and Public Diplomacy and Director-General for Cultural Affairs take charge of the following matters.: information and knowledge dissemination in Japan concerning the international situation and diplomatic policies; overseas dissemination of information on Japan's domestic situation and diplomatic and foreign policies as well as information and data collection necessary to fulfill the above functions; implementation of international agreements to promote cultural exchange; cooperation with international cultural organizations, and; presenting Japanese culture abroad and promoting cultural exchanges with foreign countries.

Foreign Policy Bureau


  • Policy Coordination Division
  • Policy Planning Division
  • Division for Promotion of Emerging Countries Policy
  • National Security Policy Division
  • International Safety and Security Cooperation Division
  • International Peace and Security Cooperation Division
  • Space and Maritime Security Policy Division
  • Emerging Security Challenges Division
  • United Nations Planning and Administration Division
  • Recruitment Center For International Organizations
  • United Nations Policy Division
  • Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Division
  • Gender Mainstreaming Division


The Foreign Policy Bureau takes charge of the planning of basic and middle- or long-term foreign policy from wider points of view and the coordination of policies formulated by other bureaus. Special emphasis is put on national security issues and issues related to the United Nations. The Bureau also plays a leading part in a serious emergency.

Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Science Department


  • Arms Control and Disarmament Division
  • Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions Division
  • Conventional Arms Division
  • Non-Proliferation, Science and Nuclear Energy Division
  • International Science Cooperation Division
  • International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division


The Disarmament, Non-proliferation and Science Department takes charge of the following matters: arms control and disarmament; non-proliferation; nuclear energy, and; science cooperation and other scientific affairs.

Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau


  • Regional Policy Division
  • Former Overseas Territories Service Division
  • First Northeast Asia Division
  • Second Northeast Asia Division
  • First China and Mongolia Division
  • Second China and Mongolia Division
  • Oceania Division


The Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau takes charge of the following matters: planning work connected with the formulation of policies concerning Asian and Oceanian countries and overall coordination of the implementing of such policies; political affairs concerning Asian and Oceanian counties (including the protection of Japanese nationals and their property in these countries) and collection of necessary information as well as conducting of necessary research and surveys on them.

Southeast and Southwest Asian Affairs Department


  • First Southeast Asia Division
  • Second Southeast Asia Division
  • Southwest Asia Division


The Southeast and Southwest Asian Affairs Department takes charge of the following matters: planning work connected with the formulation of policies concerning the Southeast and Southwest Asian countries and overall coordination of implementing such policies, and; political affairs concerning the Southeast and Southwest Asian countries, and collection of information relating to these countries as well as research and surveys on them.

North American Affairs Bureau


  • First North America Division
  • Second North America Division
  • Japan-US Security Treaty Division
  • Status of U.S. Forces Agreement Division


The North American Affairs Bureau takes charge of the following matters: planning work connected with the formulation of policies concerning the North American countries and overall coordination of implementing such policies, and; political affairs concerning the North American countries and collection of information relating to these countries as well as research and surveys on them.

Latin American and Caribbean Affairs Bureau


  • Mexico, Central America and Caribbean Division
  • Caribbean Division
  • South America Division


The Latin American and Caribbean Affairs Bureau takes charge of the following matters: planning work connected with the formulation of policies concerning the Latin American and Caribbean countries and overall coordination of implementing such policies, and; political affairs concerning the Latin American and Caribbean countries and collection of information relating to these countries as well as research and surveys on them.

European Affairs Bureau


  • European Policy Division
  • Asia-Europe Cooperation Division
  • Western Europe Division
  • Central and South Eastern Europe Division
  • Russian Division
  • Liaison Office for Hokkaido, Russian Division
  • Japan-Russia Economic Affairs Division
  • Central Asia and Caucasus Division
  • Japan-Russia Exchange Programs Division


The European Affairs Bureau takes charge of the following matters: planning work connected with the formulation of policies concerning the European countries and overall coordination of the implementing of such policies, and; political affairs concerning the European countries and collection of information relating to these countries as well as research and surveys on them.

Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau


  • First Middle East Division
  • Second Middle East Division


The Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau takes charge of the following matters: planning work connected with the formulation of policies concerning Middle Eastern and North African countries and overall coordination of implementing such policies, and; political affairs concerning Middle Eastern and North African countries and collection of information relating to these countries as well as research and surveys on them.

African Affairs Department


  • First Africa Division
  • Second Africa Division


The African Affairs Department takes charge of the following matters: planning work connected with the formulation of policies concerning Sub-Saharan African countries and overall coordination of implementing such policies, and; political affairs concerning Sub-Saharan African countries and collection of information relating to these countries as well as research and surveys on them.

Economic Affairs Bureau


  • Economic Policy Division
  • International Economy Division
  • European Union Economic Affairs Division
  • OECD Division
  • International Trade Division
  • Services Trade Division
  • International Trade and Investment Dispute Settlement Division
  • Intellectual Property Affairs Division
  • Economic Partnership Division
  • APEC Division
  • Economic Security Division
  • Fishery Division


The Economic Affairs Bureau takes charge of the following matters: protection and promotion of Japan's interests relating to foreign commerce and navigation; cooperation with international economic organizations and matters concerning treaties of commerce and navigation and other commercial and economic agreements, and; survey of the international economic situation and compilation of statistics and collection of data concerning the international economy.

International Cooperation Bureau


  • Aid Policy and Management Division
  • Non-Governmental Organizations Cooperation Division
  • Development Assistance Policy Coordination Division
  • Development Assistance Policy Planning Division
  • Development Administration Division
  • Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Relief Division
  • Country Assistance Planning Division I
  • Country Assistance Planning Division II
  • Country Assistance Planning Division III
  • Global Issues Cooperation Division
  • Specialized Agencies Division
  • Global Health Policy Division
  • Global Environment Division
  • Climate Change Division


  • The International Cooperation Bureau takes charge of the following matters:
  • policy formulation and implementation of Official Development Assistance;
  • foreign policy on global issues and development cooperation with international organizations;
  • issues related to human security and global health;
  • foreign policy on UN and other specialized agencies concerning social and economic affairs;
  • issues related to global environment and climate change;
  • survey of the international economic cooperation situation and compilation of statistics and collection of data concerning international economic cooperation;
  • issues related to the Japan International Cooperation Agency;
  • matters concerning humanitarian assistance and enforcement of the law concerning dispatch of Japan disaster relief teams,
  • assistance to NGO's as well as other matters relating to economic cooperation.

International Legal Affairs Bureau


  • International Legal Affairs Division
  • Law of the Sea Division
  • International Judicial Proceedings Division
  • Treaties Division
  • Economic Treaties Division
  • Social Treaties Division


The International Legal Affairs Bureau takes charge of the conclusion of treaties and other international agreements, and matters of international law and legal matters concerning foreign relations.

Consular Affairs Bureau


  • Consular Policy Division
  • Division for the Consular Administrative Planning
  • Division for the Overseas Voting
  • Consular Service Division
  • Hague Convention Division
  • Japanese Nationals Overseas Safety Division
  • Terrorism Preparedness and Response Division
  • Passport Division
  • Foreign Nationals' Affairs Division
  • Certification Section, Center for Consular Services
  • Overseas Security Information Section, Center for Consular Services
  • Visa Information Section, Center for Consular Services


The Consular Affairs Bureau takes charge of the following matters: protection of Japanese nationals and their property abroad (except matters dealt with by other bureaus); matters relating to the civil status of Japanese nationals abroad; certification of documents issued by Japanese or foreign authorities with regard to matters relating to civil status or other matters related to both Japan and a foreign country; issuance of passports and other documents necessary for travel abroad; visas; planning general diplomatic policies regarding foreign nationals residing in Japan; planning and handling of emigration affairs; assistance and protection of emigrants and promotion of emigration programmes, etc., liaison and coordination with other governmental organizations connected with emigration and supervision of the relevant function of the Japan International Cooperation Agency.

Intelligence and Analysis Service


  • First Division
  • Second Division
  • Third Division
  • Fourth Division


The Intelligence and Analysis Service takes charge of the following matters: general management of information on the international situation; general administration of research affairs; research and surveys on foreign countries (except matters under the charge of other bureaus), and; general analysis of the international situation and collection of necessary information.

Foreign Service Training Institute


  • Lectures Section
  • Language Section
  • Accounting / General Affairs Section


The Foreign Service Training Institute takes charge of providing training programs that can be classified into three main categories: Training for Newly-recruited Foreign Ministry Officials, Training for Overseas Pre-Postings, and Training for Mid-career Personnel.