America’s Decades-Old IT Systems Need a Reboot

Why Federal IT Investments Will Help to Ensure Timely COVID-19 Relief

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Failing to Invest in IT Systems Have Weakened Critical Agencies & Programs

Failing to prioritize and invest in updated or new technologies and solutions have left critical benefit programs, services, and infrastructure vulnerable to public health emergencies, economic shocks, natural disasters, and security threats. And now, outdated IT systems are worsening an already difficult situation as agencies are left overwhelmed and underprepared.

Republicans Let Enhanced Unemployment Insurance Support Expire & It Could Take Weeks to Reprogram

House Democrats passed the Heroes Act months ago — and then Heroes 2.0 less than two weeks ago — to provide desperately needed fiscal relief to state and local governments and extend the $600 enhanced unemployment benefits through January 2021 for workers in need. This way, state UI systems could continue administering aid and hopefully shorten wait times since systems were already familiar with the program.

The Time to Modernize America’s IT Systems Is Now

The federal government has a responsibility to invest in new, modern technology solutions to help citizens better access aid and services, allow agencies to complete their missions, help state and local governments administer federally financed programs, and spend taxpayer dollars more efficiently. This is even more important now as our nation struggles to recover from the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting recession.

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Fighting for budget priorities that reflect the values of families across the country.

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