Research: Economics and Trade

China’s ambitious Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS) comprises a nation-wide data-gathering effort intended to regulate corporate behavior. This report describes the policy background, present function, and ultimate vision for this system as…

Under a “state-led, enterprise-driven” approach, Chinese firms have significantly expanded their presence in extr

Linked here is table of Chinese companies listed on the NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange, and NYSE American, the three largest U.S. exchanges.

The report analyzes nearly two decades of data compiled by the Bureau of Economic Analysis to profile U.S.

Since its establishment in 2000, the Commission has closely followed the situation in Hong Kong.

China has become a leader in developing and exporting its smart cities technologies like networked cameras, sensors, and location services—and the rest of the Internet of Things—to collect a wide variety of data in order to control things like…

The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission released a staff research report entitled, Cascading Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Outbreak in China.

On January 15, 2020, President Donald Trump and China’s Vice Premier Liu He signed a “Phase One” trade agreement. It forms part of an effort to resolve trade tensions that have been ongoing since March 2018, when the Office of the U.S.