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Influenza (flu) is an acute, contagious virus that causes high fever, respiratory distress, aches, chills, and extreme fatigue. In those with compromised immune systems and the elderly, flu can be fatal. The influenza virus occurs seasonally, with peak cases occurring from December to February. Flu infection can be prevented or its symptoms lessened through annual flu vaccine. Flu research in VA focuses on improved vaccination outreach, access to services, and preventing transmission in healthcare settings such as clinics and hospitals.

Search results were generated based on the search term "Influenza". Results are updated weekly, as new data are available.

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(5 of more than 186 INFLUENZA focused publications)

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Publication Briefs

(5 of more than 3 INFLUENZA focused publication briefs)

  • Organizational Factors Associated with Successful Campaign to Increase Influenza Vaccination among VA Healthcare Providers
    VA’s Office of Public Health commissioned a study to characterize organizational factors and practices associated with vaccination campaign success among health care providers (HCPs) in the VA healthcare system. Findings showed that successful HCP flu campaigns shared several recognizable characteristics, many of which are amenable to adoption or emulation by programs hoping to improve their vacci...
    Date: July 4, 2016
  • Comparing High-Dose Influenza Vaccine to Standard-Dose Vaccine among Elderly Veterans
    This study assessed the relative effectiveness of high-dose (HD) influenza vaccination compared to standard-dose (SD) vaccination among Veterans 65 years and older who received either HD or SD vaccine during the 2010-2011 flu season. Findings showed that high-dose influenza vaccine was not more effective than standard-dose vaccine in protecting against hospitalization for influenza or pneumonia in...
    Date: March 31, 2015
  • VA Communication and Information Sharing During H1N1 Influenza Pandemic
    This study assessed information sources and communication provided to VA facility infection control departments, and how these departments disseminated information to facility staff during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. Communication was facilitated when information was timely, organized, disseminated through multiple channels, and included educational materials. Barriers to effective communic...
    Date: June 23, 2012

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( 5 of more than 3 INFLUENZA focused projects )

Project No.  Title  PI  Funding Start   
RRP 12-515 Use of Declination Forms to Improve Influenza Vaccination in Health Care Workers LaVela, Sherri 2013-10-01
RRP 10-046 2009 H1N1 Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza in SCI/D:Infection Control Strategies LaVela, Sherri 2010-08-01
SCT 01-169 Increasing Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination in the VA SCI&D Population Weaver, Frances 2002-04-01
RRP 12-515 Use of Declination Forms to Improve Influenza Vaccination in Health Care Workers LaVela, Sherri 2013-10-01
RRP 10-046 2009 H1N1 Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza in SCI/D:Infection Control Strategies LaVela, Sherri 2010-08-01

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HSR&D Briefs, Reports, Newsletters

5 sample "Influenza" publications displayed.

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    Total results: 86 Searched for: =Influenza Search Publications Total results:...results: 86 Searched for: =Influenza Search Publications Total results:...results:

  • Search Publications

    Total results: 86 Searched for: =Influenza Search Publications Total results:...results: 86 Searched for: =Influenza Search Publications Total results:...results:

  • Search Publications

    Total results: 86 Searched for: =Influenza Search Publications Total results:...results: 86 Searched for: =Influenza Search Publications Total results:...results:

  • Search Publications

    Total results: 86 Searched for: =Influenza Search Publications Total results:...results: 87 Searched for: =Influenza Search Publications Total results:...results:

  • Search Publications

    Total results: 86 Searched for: =Influenza Search Publications Total results:...results: 87 Searched for: =Influenza Search Publications Total results:...results:

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