Social Impact Fund

The American Heart Association is investing in local entrepreneurs and organizations that are breaking down the social and economic barriers to health equity.

Twin Cities Investment

Investment Window Open:  November 30, 8:00 a.m. CST   

Investment Window Close: January 15, 2020, 5:00 p.m. CST

Who is Eligible:  Investee must be operating within either the Twin Cities areas and the solution must impact Twin Cities residents. Investee may be a company, organization, or individual. 

Eligible Activities: We are looking to support sustainable solutions addressing any of the following: food insecurity, economic empowerment, housing insecurity, or education/ reducing the achievement gap.

Budget Requirements: Budget requirements will be discussed during the interview process. The pool of available funding is $1,000,000 for one or two year grants.

Funding Period: All project activities and funds must be used and take place between March 1, 2021-February 28, 2023.

ChiFresh Kitchen image courtesy ABC Chicago Localish

ChiFresh Kitchen tackles unemployment, food disparity on South, West Side Chicago communities

ChiFresh Kitchen looks to break down barriers by providing employment opportunities and healthy foods.

Health doesn’t begin at the doctor’s office.

When people don’t have stable homes, nutritious food, good schools or clean air and water, their health suffers. The differences among neighborhoods can be dramatic: The life expectancy of two people living just a few miles apart can differ by  20 years.

The American Heart Association’s Social Impact Fund is helping close that gap by supporting projects that can change neighborhoods — and improve the lives of everyone there. 

Reach our investors

If you’re making a difference in your community and could use additional funds to expand your work, we want to know.

In the News

Read the latest stories about the fund.

Read more news

Social Impact Fund: Year 1

This time last year, the American Heart Association announced the Social Impact Fund to address social determinants of health, because where you live should not determine how well or how long you live.

To date, we’ve activated more than $12.8 million in new funding for 19 organizations that are breaking down social and economic barriers to health. Let’s reflect on the year with Raymond Guthrie, managing director of the Fund.