Unified Interior Regions

Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin

Map of Region 7 Upper Colorado River Basin

Map of Region 7 Upper Colorado River Basin

Map Showing USGS/DOI Unified Region 7 and parts of adjoining Regions

Regions L2 Landing Page Tabs

The DOI Unified Region 7 - Upper Colorado Basin includes Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico.  The data, information, analyses, and tools developed by the USGS support land managers in making decisions on the landscape.  USGS Science Centers in the Region conduct multi- and interdisciplinary research and monitoring related to natural resources, ecology, and natural hazards.


Date published: November 5, 2020

Invasive Brown Treesnake Present on Cocos Island, Agencies Working to Prevent Further Spread

For the first time, an invasive brown treesnake population has been found on Cocos Island, an 83.1 acre atoll located 1.5 miles off the southwest coast of Guam.  

Date published: November 5, 2020

Now Trending…Earthquakes

The earth isn’t the only thing shaking after an earthquake.

Date published: October 29, 2020

USGS Estimates Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the Austin Chalk Formation of the U.S. Gulf Coast

The Austin Chalk and Tokio and Eutaw Formations of the Gulf Coast Basin contain a mean of 6.9 billion barrels of oil and 41.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas according to a new assessment by the U.S. Geological Survey. In comparison, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that the United States used 7.5 billion barrels of petroleum products in 2019.

USGS Science Centers in Region 7-Upper Colorado Basin conduct a large number of cooperative and collaborative projects with other agencies and partners. A sampling of those projects are shown below on this web page.

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Date published: September 14, 2020
Status: Active

USMIN Mineral Deposit Database

Our objective is to develop a national-scale, geospatial database that is the authoritative source of the most important mines, mineral deposits, and mineral districts of the United States.

Date published: August 21, 2020
Status: Active

Isotope and Chemical Methods for Mineral and Geoenvironmental Assessments and Support of USGS Science Strategy

This Project integrates several geochemical tools—stable isotope geochemistry, noble gas geochemistry, active gas geochemistry, single fluid inclusion chemistry, and fluid inclusion solute chemistry—in studies of the processes that form mineral deposits and the processes that disrupt them during mining or natural weathering. Research is directed toward fundamental scientific questions or, in...

Date published: August 20, 2020
Status: Active

National Geochemical Database

The National Geochemical Database project assembles, reformats, corrects, and archives historical data obtained from the geochemical analysis of millions of geologic samples collected for USGS studies. These data, representing hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of USGS research, are provided to USGS researchers; other Federal agencies; State Geological Surveys and Environmental Protection...

Contacts: Steven M Smith
Date published: August 20, 2020
Status: Active

Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging of Critical Mineral Resources

Our project will characterize the primary critical minerals (minerals that contain critical elements in their base structure) that are not yet in the USGS Spectral Library. We propose to increase understanding of the spectral indicators of critical minerals using lab-based studies of hand specimens and drill core, hyperspectral field...

Date published: August 3, 2020
Status: Active

Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes

Understanding the genesis of ore deposits and their behavior in the environment is a subject of great importance to the Nation. A relatively new tool to aid in these efforts to investigate the origin and environmental effects of ore deposits is the use of "heavy" metal stable isotopes. Our research objectives are to utilize various isotopic systems to advance our understanding of ore genesis...

Date published: July 31, 2020
Status: Active

Metal Transport in Mineralized Mountain Watersheds

The central objective of this project is to develop a greater understanding of deep bedrock groundwater circulation and its contribution to surface water metal loads in mineralized mountain blocks composed of sedimentary rocks. This work is being performed in cooperation with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as part of a broader research program aimed at understanding processes...

Date published: July 31, 2020
Status: Active

Integrated Hyperspectral, Geophysical and Geochemical Studies of Yellowstone National Park Hydrothermal Systems

We are researching the subsurface groundwater flow systems in Yellowstone and the relation of these systems to understanding the regional movement of water in a volcanic center. New geophysical data will be integrated with existing data sets from hyperspectral data from Yellowstone's thermal areas and thermal water geochemistry to help define regionally extensive mineral assemblages, the...

Contacts: JoAnn Holloway
Date published: July 1, 2020
Status: Active

Quantitative Disease Ecology

Researchers at the USGS are working on developing new quantitative methods to study disease dynamics in wildlife systems as well as systems at the wildlife-domestic-human interface. Much of our work focuses on how host population structure affects disease invasion, persistence and control in wildlife disease systems. We tackle these issues with a combination of simulation and statistical...

Date published: June 19, 2020
Status: Active

Critical Elements in Carbonatites: From Exploration Targets to Element Distribution

Critical elements are essential to the modern economy and have potential supply chain disruptions, but compared to most base and precious metals, little work has been done in understanding ore-grade enrichments. Carbonatites are the primary source of the worlds light rare earth elements and niobium, and a potential source for heavy rare earths, scandium, tantalum, and thorium. Project...

Date published: June 15, 2020
Status: Active

Microbial Source Tracking and Escherichia coli Monitoring in the Rio Grande in the South Valley, Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Rio Grande, in southern Albuquerque, is an impaired reach for bacteria. Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria are elevated in this reach of the Rio Grande even without stormwater present, during what is referred to as “dry season”. Samples will be collected over a range of flows including during the dry season (November 1st-June30th). Water samples will be analyzed for E. coli and microbial...

Contacts: Rebecca Travis
Date published: May 11, 2020
Status: Active

Denali National Park Geohazards Geologic Mapping

Denali National Park (DENA) is a major draw for tourism and recreation and a major economic engine for central Alaska. However, the geologic forces that created the steep landscape of DENA also make it prone to geologic hazards (geohazards) like landslides, debris flows, and earthquakes. DENA has only one major road, called the ‘Park Road’, that serves nearly all of its infrastructure.


Date published: April 30, 2020
Status: Active

A Shallow to Deep View Inside the Hydrothermally Altered and Mineralized Silverton Caldera Complex: New Geologic Insights Gained From Modern Geophysical Interpretations

The Silverton caldera complex in southwest Colorado hosts base and precious metals that have been mined since the late 1800s. Extensive mine workings, excellent bedrock exposures, and deeply incised drainages make this area a natural laboratory ideally suited for furthering our understanding of the mineral systems in a volcanic environment. In addition, state-of-the-art geophysical...

USGS Science Centers in Region 7-Upper Colorado Basin collect a wide variety of natural resource data types including spatial, geologic, hydrologic, and biologic data. Data included in USGS-series publications that are not publically available in USGS databases are published in Data Releases. Tools are USGS products that can be used to analyze those types of data.

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Date published: December 4, 2020

Bayesian modeling of NURE airborne radiometric data for the conterminous United States: predictions and grids

This data release includes estimates of potassium (K), equivalent uranium (eU), and equivalent thorium (eTh) for the conterminous United States derived from the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) national airborne radiometric data compilation (Duval and others, 2005). Airborne gamma ray spectrometry (AGRS) measures the gamma-rays that are emitted from naturally occurr

Date published: December 2, 2020

Influence of wildfire and beetle-caused canopy mortality on water temperature regimes in cutthroat trout streams, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO.

This dataset was collected to build on past and ongoing monitoring and research efforts within Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). Specifically, the data were collected to test the hypothesis that reductions in canopy cover due to natural disturbances (i.e. wildfire and beetle kill) result in increases in water temperature, or the longitudinal thermal gradient of a

Date published: November 20, 2020

Landscape inputs and simulation output for the LANDIS-II model in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

This data release provides inputs needed to run the LANDIS-II landscape change model, NECN and Base Fire extensions for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), USA, and simulation results that underlie figures and analysis in the accompanying publication. We ran LANDIS-II simulations for 112 years, from 1988-2100, using interpolated weather station data for 1988-2015 and downscale

Date published: November 17, 2020

Hydrologic and geophysical data from high-elevation boreholes in Redwell Basin near Crested Butte, Colorado: Hydraulic test data

Boreholes were drilled in 2017 and 2018 in Redwell Basin, a headwater catchment underlain by mineralized and hydrothermally altered sedimentary rock in the Elk Mountains near the town of Crested Butte, Colorado. Site locations and well construction are documented under the main page of this data release. Hydraulic data were acquired during drilling and on core samples to estimate the hydrauli...

Date published: October 15, 2020

Data release for: Spatially explicit reconstruction of post-megafire forest recovery through landscape modeling

This data release provides inputs needed to run the LANDIS PRO forest landscape model and the LINKAGES 3.0 ecosystem process model for the area burned by the Black Dragon Fire in northeast China in 1987, and simulation results that underlie figures and analysis in the accompanying publication. The data release includes the fire perimeter of Great Dragon Fire; input data for LINKAGES including...

Date published: October 15, 2020

Data release for Accounting for Land in the United States: Integrating Physical Land Cover, Land Use, and Monetary Valuation

Land plays a critical role in both economic and environmental accounting. As an asset, it occupies a unique position at the intersection of the System of National Accounts (SNA), the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Central Framework (SEEA-CF), and (as a spatial unit) SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EEA), making land a natural starting point for dev

Date published: October 13, 2020

Data release for tracking rates of post-fire conifer regeneration distinct from deciduous vegetation recovery across the western U.S.

Post-fire shifts in vegetation composition will have broad ecological impacts. However, information characterizing post-fire recovery patterns and their drivers are lacking over large spatial extents. In this analysis we used Landsat imagery collected when snow cover (SCS) was present, in combination with growing season (GS) imagery, to distinguish evergreen vegetation from deciduou

Date published: October 9, 2020

Elevation of top of Precambrian rocks from previous USGS studies of the Colorado Plateau

For use as part of a regional petroleum assessment, the USGS in the early 1990’s developed a dataset reporting elevation on the surface of the Precambrian basement of the central and southern Colorado Plateau and vicinity (Butler, 1991). This dataset was released as paper report that included a table of basement elevations at more than 3,700 control points, including outcrop d

Date published: September 29, 2020

Data release for Integrating physical and economic data into experimental water accounts for the United States: lessons and opportunities

Water provides society with economic benefits that increasingly involve tradeoffs, making accounting for water quality, quantity, and their corresponding economic productivity more relevant in our interconnected world. In the past, physical and economic data about water have been fragmented, but integration is becoming more widely adopted internationally through application of the Syste

Date published: September 29, 2020

Environmental tracer data from surface water and groundwater samples collected in Redwell Basin near Crested Butte, Colorado, 2017-2019

This dataset contains environmental tracer data from surface water and groundwater samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in Redwell Basin, an alpine watershed in the Elk Mountains near the town of Crested Butte, Colorado. The basin is underlain by interbedded shale and sandstone that have been variably hydrothermally altered and silicified by local magmatic intrusions. Samples were...

Date published: September 25, 2020

Geochemical data for alkaline igneous rock units in the Cripple Creek district, Colorado USA: 1989-2016

This data release includes new major and trace element geochemical data acquired by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for igneous rocks in the Cripple Creek district in Colorado. Cripple Creek is among the largest epithermal districts in the world, with more than 800 metric tons (t) Au (>26.4 Moz). The ores are associated spatially, temporally, and genetically with ~34 to 28

Date published: September 23, 2020

Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) data and ages for selected Native American Sacred Ceremonial Stone Landscape features--Final Project Report Submitted to the Narragansett Tribal Historic Preservation Trust

Stone rows, enclosures, structures and chambers can be found in the landscapes of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Structures similar to those shown in the cover photo are documented elsewhere. The age, cultural affiliation, and purpose of these stone structures--which are found in a variety of forms, such as piles arranged in spatial configurations across landscapes, shapes suggesting

This Maps web page contains descriptions of and links to USGS topographic maps, the National Map, and other types of maps that are not official USGS publication series, including online interactive maps related to Region 7-Upper Colorado Basin. To access USGS publications series maps related to Region 7, please visit the Publications page of this web site.

Filter Total Items: 14
Screenshot of San Juan River Basin Sites
March 4, 2019

The USGS monitors current streamflow and water-quality conditions at various sites in the Animas and San Juan River Basins in Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, including areas below the Gold King Mine release area. These streamgages provide continuous data on streamflow and select water-quality constituents including specific conductance, water temperature, pH, and turbidity.

Aquifers: Map of the Principal Aquifers of the United States
March 13, 2018

The areal and vertical location of the major aquifers is fundamental to the determination of groundwater availability for the Nation. The map, which is derived from the Ground Water Atlas of the United States, indicates the areal extent of the uppermost principal aquifers on a national scale.

USGS StreamStats New Mexico
March 13, 2018

StreamStats version 4 is a Web application that provides access to an assortment of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and for engineering and design purposes. 

NMBGMR Interactive Map
March 12, 2018

These geospatial data are provided to the public to aid in the understanding of the geologic resources of New Mexico.

The National Map
March 12, 2018

The National Map is a collaborative effort among the USGS and other Federal, State, and local partners to improve and deliver topographic information for the Nation. It has many uses ranging from recreation to scientific analysis to emergency response. The National Map is easily accessible for display on the Web, as products and services, and as downloadable data.

February 23, 2018

Topographic maps are a signature product of the USGS. They were essential for integrating and analyzing place-based information, and were widely used by receationalists. After 125-year legacy of topographic mapping (1884-2009), the USGS embarked on an innovative future of integrating historical maps with computer-generated maps from a national geographical information system (GIS) database.

Colorado StreamStats Screen Capture
May 17, 2017

The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas, get basin characteristics and estimates of flow statistics, and more. 

Funding partners: Colorado Department of Transportation and Colorado Water Conservation Board

Digital Elevation Model in the Atchafalaya Basin, LA
April 19, 2016

The 3DEP products and services available through The National Map consist of standard digital elevation models (DEMs) at various horizontal resolutions, elevation source and associated datasets, an elevation point query service and bulk point query service. All 3DEP products are available, free of charge and without use restrictions.

Colorado. The location of the 188 streamgages used to develop the peak-streamflow equations
September 15, 2015

The location of the 188 streamgages used to develop the peak-streamflow equations, of which 44 streamgages have paleoflood or non-exceedance bound data.

Colorado Flood Database
October 24, 2010

An easy-to-use, Web-based geodatabase of historical flood and paleoflood information which includes links to sources of flood data.  The interface makes this collection of information useful to water-resource managers to better understand the historic events for improved flood-frequency estimates of the largest floods in Colorado.

USGS Science Centers in Region 7-Upper Colorado Basin produce hundreds of USGS-series publications, journal papers, and books each year that are subject to rigorous review by USGS specialists. The publications shown below on this page are related to study areas and staff members of USGS Science Centers in Region 7 compiled from the USGS Publications Warehouse.

Filter Total Items: 4,962
Publication Thumbnail
Year Published: 2021

Quantifying model structural uncertainty using airborne electromagnetic data

The ability to quantify structural uncertainty in geological models that incorporate geophysical data is affected by two primary sources of uncertainty: geophysical parameter uncertainty and uncertainty in the relationship between geophysical parameters and geological properties of interest. Here, we introduce an open-source, trans-dimensional...

Minsley, Burke J.; Foks, N. Leon; Bedrosian, Paul A.

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Year Published: 2020

Structure contour and isopach maps of the Wolfcamp shale and Bone Spring Formation of the Delaware Basin, Permian Basin Province, New Mexico and Texas

A series of structure contour and isopach maps for the Wolfcamp shale and the Bone Spring Formation of the Delaware Basin, Permian Basin Province, were generated in support of the U.S. Geological Survey 2018 assessment of undiscovered continuous oil and gas resources. The interpreted formation tops used to generate the maps are from the IHS Markit...

Gaswirth, Stephanie B.
Gaswirth, S.B., 2020, Structure contour and isopach maps of the Wolfcamp shale and Bone Spring Formation of the Delaware Basin, Permian Basin Province, New Mexico and Texas: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020–1126, 37 p., https://doi.org/ 10.3133/ ofr20201126.

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Year Published: 2020

Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk and Tokio and Eutaw Formations, U.S. Gulf Coast, 2019

Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated undiscovered, technically recoverable mean resources of 6.9 billion barrels of oil and 41.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in conventional and continuous accumulations in the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk and Tokio and Eutaw Formations onshore and in State...

Pitman, Janet K.; Paxton, Stanley T.; Kinney, Scott A.; Whidden, Katherine J.; Haines, Seth S.; Varela, Brian A.; Mercier, Tracey J.; Woodall, Cheryl A.; Schenk, Christopher J.; Leathers-Miller, Heidi M.; Pearson, Ofori N.; Burke, Lauri A.; Le, Phuong A.; Birdwell, Justin E.; Gianoutsos, Nicholas J.; French, Katherine L.; Drake, Ronald M.; Finn, Thomas M.; Ellis, Geoffrey S.; Gaswirth, Stephanie B.; Marra, Kristen R.; Tennyson, Marilyn E.; Shorten, Chilisa M.
Pitman, J.K., Paxton, S.T., Kinney, S.A., Whidden, K.J., Haines, S.S., Varela, B.A., Mercier, T.J., Woodall, C.A., Schenk, C.J., Leathers-Miller, H.M., Pearson, O.N., Burke, L.A., Le, P.A., Birdwell, J.E., Gianoutsos, N.J., French, K.L., Drake, R.M., II, Finn, T.M., Ellis, G.S., Gaswirth, S.B., Marra, K.R., Tennyson, M.E., and Shorten, C.M., 2020, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk and Tokio and Eutaw Formations, U.S. Gulf Coast, 2019 (ver 1.1., December 2020): U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2020–3045, 4 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/fs20203045.

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Year Published: 2020

Assessment of undiscovered gas resources in the Lewis Shale Total Petroleum System of the San Juan Basin Province, New Mexico and Colorado, 2020

Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated undiscovered, technically recoverable mean resources of 2.6 trillion cubic feet of gas in the Lewis Shale Total Petroleum System of the San Juan Basin Province, New Mexico and Colorado.

Marra, Kristen R.; Schenk, Christopher J.; Mercier, Tracey J.; Leathers-Miller, Heidi M.; Tennyson, Marilyn E.; Finn, Thomas M.; Woodall, Cheryl A.; Brownfield, Michael E.; Le, Phuong A.; Drake, Ronald M.
Marra, K.R., Schenk, C.J., Mercier, T.J., Leathers-Miller, H.M., Tennyson, M.E., Finn, T.M., Woodall, C.A., Brownfield, M.E., Le, P.A., and Drake, R.M., II, 2020, Assessment of undiscovered gas resources in the Lewis Shale Total Petroleum System of the San Juan Basin Province, New Mexico and Colorado, 2020: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2020–3048, 2 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/fs20203048.

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Year Published: 2020

Assessment of undiscovered gas resources of the Fruitland Total Petroleum System, San Juan Basin Province, New Mexico and Colorado, 2020

Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated undiscovered, technically recoverable mean resources of 39 trillion cubic feet of gas within continuous and conventional reservoirs of the Fruitland Total Petroleum System in the San Juan Basin Province, New Mexico and Colorado.

Marra, Kristen R.; Schenk, Christopher J.; Mercier, Tracey J.; Leathers-Miller, Heidi M.; Tennyson, Marilyn E.; Finn, Thomas M.; Woodall, Cheryl A.; Brownfield, Michael E.; Le, Phuong A.; Drake, Ronald M.
Marra, K.R., Schenk, C.J., Mercier, T.J., Leathers-Miller, H.M., Tennyson, M.E., Finn, T.M., Woodall, C.A., Brownfield, M.E., Le, P.A., and Drake, R.M., II, 2020, Assessment of undiscovered gas resources of the Fruitland Total Petroleum System, San Juan Basin Province, New Mexico, and Colorado, 2020: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2020–3047, 2 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/fs20203047.

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Year Published: 2020

Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Mancos-Menefee composite and underlying Todilto Total Petroleum Systems of the San Juan Basin Province, New Mexico and Colorado, 2020

Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated undiscovered, technically recoverable mean resources of 12 million barrels of oil and 27 trillion cubic feet of gas in the Mancos-Menefee Composite and underlying Todilto Total Petroleum Systems of the San Juan Basin Province, New Mexico and Colorado.

Marra, Kristen R.; Schenk, Christopher J.; Mercier, Tracey J.; Leathers-Miller, Heidi M.; Tennyson, Marilyn E.; Finn, Thomas M.; Woodall, Cheryl A.; Brownfield, Michael E.; Le, Phuong A.; Drake, Ronald M.
Marra, K.R., Schenk, C.J., Mercier, T.J., Leathers-Miller, H.M., Tennyson, M.E., Finn, T.M., Woodall, C.A., Brownfield, M.E., Le, P.A., and Drake, R.M., II, 2020, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Mancos-Menefee composite and underlying Todilto Total Petroleum Systems of the San Juan Basin Province, New Mexico, and Colorado, 2020: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2020–3049, 4 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/fs20203049.

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Year Published: 2020

Optimization assessment of a groundwater-level observation network in the Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA), measures groundwater levels continuously (hourly) and discretely (semiannually and annually) at a network of wells and piezometers (hereafter called the observation network) within the Middle Rio Grande Basin in central New Mexico....

Ritchie, Andre B.; Pepin, Jeff D.
Ritchie, A.B., and Pepin, J.D., 2020, Optimization assessment of a groundwater-level observation network in the Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020–5007, 113 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20205007.

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Year Published: 2020

Geochemistry and age of groundwater in the Williston Basin, USA: Assessing potential effects of shale-oil production on groundwater quality

Thirty water wells were sampled in 2018 to understand the geochemistry and age of groundwater in the Williston Basin and assess potential effects of shale-oil production from the Three Forks-Bakken petroleum system (TBPS) on groundwater quality. Two geochemical groups are identified using hierarchical cluster analysis. Group 1 represents the...

McMahon, Peter B.; Galloway, Joel M.; Hunt, Andrew; Belitz, Kenneth; Jurgens, Bryant; Johnson, Tyler D.

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Year Published: 2020

Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of Southeast Asia, 2020

Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated undiscovered, technically recoverable mean resources of 10.5 billion barrels of oil and 271.5 trillion cubic feet of gas within 33 geologic provinces of Southeast Asia.

Schenk, Christopher J.; Mercier, Tracey J.; Woodall, Cheryl A.; Finn, Thomas M.; Le, Phuong A.; Marra, Kristen R.; Leathers-Miller, Heidi M.; Drake, Ronald M.
Schenk, C.J., Mercier, T.J., Woodall, C.A., Finn, T.M., Le, P.A., Marra, K.R., Leathers-Miller, H.M., and Drake, R.M., II, 2020, Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of Southeast Asia, 2020 (ver. 1.1, November 2020): U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2020–3046, 2 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/fs20203046.

Publication Thumbnail
Year Published: 2020

Increased burning in a warming climate reduces carbon uptake in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem despite productivity gains

1. The effects of changing climate and disturbance on mountain forest carbon stocks vary with tree species distributions and over elevational gradients. Warming can increase carbon uptake by stimulating productivity at high elevations but also enhance carbon release by increasing respiration and the frequency, intensity, and size of wildfires.2....

Henne, Paul D.; Hawbaker, Todd J.; Scheller, Robert M.; Zhao, Feng S; He, Hong S; Xu, Wenru; Zhu, Zhiliang

Publication Thumbnail
Year Published: 2020

Landscape and climatic influences on actual evapotranspiration and available water using the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) Model in eastern Bernalillo County, New Mexico, 2015

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Bernalillo County Public Works Division, conducted a 1-year study in 2015 to assess the spatial and temporal distribution of evapotranspiration (ET) and available water within the East Mountain area in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. ET and available water vary spatiotemporally because of complex...

Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R.; McCutcheon, Ryan J.; Mitchell, Aurelia C.; Senay, Gabriel B.
Douglas-Mankin, K.R., McCutcheon, R.J., Mitchell, A.C., and Senay, G.B., 2020, Landscape and climatic influences on actual evapotranspiration and available water using the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) Model in eastern Bernalillo County, New Mexico, 2015: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020–5095, 40 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20205095.

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Year Published: 2020

Generalizing the inversion‐based PSHA source model for an interconnected fault system

This article represents a step toward generalizing and simplifying the procedure for constructing an inversion‐based seismic hazard source model for an interconnected fault system, including the specification of adjustable segmentation constraints. A very simple example is used to maximize understandability and to counter the notion that an...

Field, Edward H.; Milner, Kevin R.; Page, Morgan T.

This web page has descriptions of and links to computer programs that may be downloaded online. To view USGS-series publications related to software, please visit the publications page of this website.

Filter Total Items: 6
March 9, 2018

Various projects on the USGS's public GitHub.

View of three USGS Visual Identity items
March 9, 2018

The software and related documentation on these Web pages were developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for use by the USGS in fulfilling its mission. The software can be used, copied, modified, and distributed without any fee or cost.

USGS science for a changing world
November 20, 2017

The is a useful tool designed to facilitate FGDC metadata creation for spatial and non-spatial data sets. It is a cross-platform desktop application built using an open-source Python architecture.

Upstream view of Fountain Creek in Colorado
May 10, 2017

The transit-loss accounting program, which has been in continuous daily use in some form since April 1989, has provided water-rights administrators with a tool to effectively manage RRFs and administer water diversion priorities along Fountain Creek on a daily basis.

USGS science for a changing world
March 23, 2012

Smart River GIS allows simultaneous views of river hydraulics, species-specific habitat, and fish population simulations, for a better understanding of complex ecological interactions. We used existing data sets from the South Platte River in Colorado to develop a multi-layered geographic information system (GIS) that resource managers can use to improve their understanding of river ecosystems.

USGS science for a changing world
January 1, 1999

CloseTest is a Windows program for testing capture-recapture data

Photos and videos described and linked on this webpage come from a wide variety of USGS science activities and presentations performed by USGS Science Center staff members in the Region 7-Upper Colorado Basin.

Filter Total Items: 519
Scientist holding brown treesnake
October 21, 2020

Scientist holding brown treesnake

A USGS scientist holds an invasive brown treesnake.

Image shows a rock core in a trough
October 19, 2020

Austin Chalk Core

Bedding features in the core from the USGS Gulf Coast #4 Bonham borehole, in the Eagle Ford Group mudstones from a depth of about 401 feet, Fannin County, Texas. The Eagle Ford Group lies underneath the Austin Chalk and serves as the source rock for much of the Austin Chalk's petroleum.

Image shows three men in safety equipment standing next to a drill rig
October 19, 2020

USGS Technicians Prepare to Take a Core of the Austin Chalk in Texas

USGS technicians at the USGS Gulf Coast #4 Bonham borehole in preparation for geophysical logging of the Austin Chalk Group and the Eagle Ford Group mudstones, Fannin County, Texas.

January 2, 2020

Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Monthly Update: January 2, 2020

Mike Poland, Scientist-in-Charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, gives an overview of activity at Yellowstone during 2019, with an emphasis on the month of December.

Map showing ice cover in the Yellowstone region
December 31, 2019

Map showing ice cover in the Yellowstone region

Map showing ice cover in the Yellowstone region. Light shaded areas bounded by black and red lines indicate areas covered during the Pinedale (about 20,000-15,000 years ago) and Bull Lake (about 150,000 years ago) glaciations, respectively. Blue lines are contours in thousands of feet on the maximum reconstructed Pinedale glacier surface. The circled numbers schematically

Tyson Hatch and Fletcher Brinkerhoff sampling suspended-sediment concentration upstream of the Buckman Diversion
December 31, 2019

Sampling Suspended-sediment Concentration

Tyson Hatch and Fletcher Brinkerhoff sampling suspended-sediment concentration upstream of the Buckman Diversion for the city of Santa Fe on the Rio Grande (08313150 Rio Grande above Buckman Diversion, near White Rock, NM)

A group of people gather around a list of climate adaptation strategies inside of a conference room.
December 5, 2019

Collaborating on Climate Adaptation

RAMPS expands drought adaptation project with national parks in the 4-Corners area. National parks across the desert Southwest are experiencing ecological impacts due to climate change. Since late 2018, USGS RAMPS scientists have been working with Southeast Utah Group of national parks to better understand climate change impacts and build a suite of science-driven

December 2, 2019

Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Monthly Update: December 2, 2019

Mike Poland, Scientist-in-Charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, describes activity at Yellowstone during the month of November 2019.

Photo showing close ups of hemorrhage and necrosis in pink in purple colors.
November 29, 2019

Photomicrographs from a Great-Horned Owl

Photomicrographs from a Great-Horned Owl showing (A) moderate acute hemorrhage in the right atrial epicardium extending into the myocardium and (B) a focally extensive area of coagulative necrosis of the epidermis and dermis (arrow) consistent with an electrical burn.

A group of people stand around a map laid out in the back of a truck while on a field trip.
November 13, 2019

Managing Fire on the US Mexico Borderlands

RAMPS met with DOI Office of Wildland Fire, US Customs and Border Patrol, and US Fish & Wildlife Service staff at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in southern AZ last November. The group is developing tools to reduce wildfire risk, conserve wildlife habitat and natural resources, and increase safety and security of border operations.

November 1, 2019

Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Monthly Update: November 1, 2019

Mike Poland, Scientist-in-Charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, describes activity at Yellowstone during the month of October 2019

October 11, 2019

Earth as Art 6

The Earth As Art project began in the early 2000s, and its original intent remains the same: to produce images that do not look like satellite images at first glance. Earth As Art shows not only what satellites capture in the visible wavelengths of light you and I can see, but also what’s hiding in the invisible wavelengths that Landsat sensors can detect in the infrared

News items shown on this page are highlights of selected studies conducted and publications produced by USGS Science Center staff members in Region 7-Upper Colorado Basin.

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Invasive brown treesnake
November 5, 2020

For the first time, an invasive brown treesnake population has been found on Cocos Island, an 83.1 acre atoll located 1.5 miles off the southwest coast of Guam.  

Image shows three men in safety equipment standing next to a drill rig
October 29, 2020

The Austin Chalk and Tokio and Eutaw Formations of the Gulf Coast Basin contain a mean of 6.9 billion barrels of oil and 41.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas according to a new assessment by the U.S. Geological Survey. In comparison, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that the United States used 7.5 billion barrels of petroleum products in 2019.

An infographic summarizing activities of the RAMPS program.
August 10, 2020

This season's edition of the Restoration Assessment and Monitoring Program for the Southwest Newsletter contains recent program highlights including research updates, new projects, field updates and more.

To subscribe to our newsletter, please visit: https://listserv.usgs.gov/mailman/listinfo/ramps

Read more about how the network or RAMPS is enhancing restoration in drylands.

Invasive Burmese Python
July 10, 2020

Washington – Today, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and Conservancy of Southwest Florida announced they have teamed up to radio-track Burmese pythons in Big Cypress National Preserve, Crocodile Lake National Wildlife Refuge and other areas of Southwest Florida.

 Map of June 23, 2020 Oaxaca, Mexico Earthquake
June 23, 2020

A magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck offshore Oaxaca, Mexico, on June 23, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. ET. Seismic instruments indicate the earthquake originated at a depth of 16 miles (26 km).  

Sagebrush-steppe landscapes have changed in fundamental ways over the past 100 years.
May 20, 2020

Weighing costs relative to outcomes: woody and invasive plant removal followed by seeding in shrublands and woodlands.

New study by RAMPS researchers examines how the costs of vegetation treatments related to outcomes. 

Find out more about how RAMPS supports land management decisions here.

An infographic summarizing activities of the RAMPS program.
May 18, 2020

This season's edition of the Restoration Assessment and Monitoring Program for the Southwest Newsletter contains recent program highlights including research updates from our RestoreNet experiment, recently awarded funding, field updates and more.

To subscribe to our newsletter, please visit: https://listserv.usgs.gov/mailman/listinfo/ramps

Get the latest updates from RAMPS here.

This page includes links to Social Media accounts (top of page), Science Centers (middle of page), and Regional Office staff members (bottom of page) of the USGS Region 7--Upper Colorado Basin.

USGS Science Centers in Region 7-Upper Colorado Basin conduct a large number of cooperative, co-funded science and monitoring projects with many other Federal, Tribal, State, and local agencies. Please scroll below to see the agencies with which those Science Centers currently have cooperative agreements.

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