Category Archives: HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project

HFIP related developments currently taking place at HRD

Paper on how the region near the ocean surface impacts hurricane forecasts released online in Monthly Weather Review

 Summary: Forecasters and researchers use the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) model to forecast where a hurricane will go, how strong it will be, how large it will be, and where the strongest winds are. This paper looks … Continue reading

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HRD employees recognized at AOML Awards ceremony

At a recent awards ceremony, HRD Director Frank Marks and AOML Deputy Director Molly Beringer presented recognitions to several employees whose service went above-and-beyond during the past year. Bachir Annane was recognized for comprehensive and timely analyses using the OSSE framework … Continue reading

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Paper on a new way to run forecast models with multiple hurricanes at the same time published in Weather and Forecasting

Summary: HWRF is NOAA’s primary model for tropical cyclone (tropical depressions, tropical storms, and hurricanes) forecast. The distance between places where forecasts are made in the model (the grid resolution) must be small to make accurate forecasts. However, the amount … Continue reading

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Paper on a technique to find the center of a tropical cyclone using synthetic aperture radar when clouds are covering the center published in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

You can find the full article at

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HRD Monthly Science Meeting of December 2016

December’s science meeting consisted of 6 presentations: Paul Reasor (HRD):  “Real-time, storm-scale diagnostics derived from Tail Doppler Radar”, Jun Zhang (HRD):  “Recent improvement in physical parameterization of horizontal turbulent mixing in HWRF “, Rob Rogers (HRD):  “Re-writing the Tropical Record … Continue reading

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Posted in Data Assimilation, Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Observations, Presentations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

HRD Seminar – Dr. Sim Aberson, AOML/HRD – 5 December 2016

Dr. Aberson presented a seminar titled  “Dropsondes in Hurricanes (1949 to the present)” Abstract: The history of the use of dropsondes in hurricanes will be presented with special emphasis on the achievements since the development and implementation of the NCAR GPS … Continue reading

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Posted in Data Assimilation, Dynamics and Physics, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Observations, Presentations | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

2016 Hurricane Season ends

Today marks the last day of the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season, and it was a busy one for us.  AOML’s Hurricane Research Division (HRD) participated in 57 missions into six different tropical cyclones: Colin, Earl, Javier (East Pacific), Hermine, Karl, … Continue reading

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Through the Eyewall – My Experience with the NOAA Hurricane Hunters, Nicholas Komisarjevsky, Science Communications Intern, NOAA AOML

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HRD Seminar – Kelly Ryan, CIMAS and AOML/HRD, Tucson, AZ – 28 October 2016

Kelly Ryan presented a seminar titled  “OSSE Evaluation of the Impact of Aircraft Observations on Hurricane Analyses and Forecasts” at the University of Arizona. A copy of the presentation is available on the anonymous ftp site:

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Posted in Data Assimilation, HFIP-Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, Modeling and Prediction, Observations, Presentations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

HRD observation team monthly meeting – 17 November 2016

The purpose of the observation team meetings is to bring together the people who use observations in their research on a regular basis to discuss issues they’re having, provide updates on observations they’re analyzing or collecting, and any other information … Continue reading

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