Risk Assessment

Flooded cropland.
Risk Assessment and Communication Related to Water Resources

USDA. NAL. Water and Agriculture Information Center.

"While there are many definitions of the word 'risk,' the EPA considers risk to be the chance of harmful effects to human health or to ecological systems resulting from exposure to an environmental stressor.  A stressor is any physical, chemical, or biological entity that can induce an adverse response. Stressors may adversely affect specific natural resources or entire ecosystems, including plants and animals, as well as the environment with which they interact." Environmental Protection Agency.


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Bibliographies covering 1985-19931988-1995 and 1995-1999 are also available.

EPA. Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances.

Overview of the Ecological Risk Assessment Process in the Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (PDF | 975 KB) EPA. Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances. Explains the ecological risk assessment process for the "evaluation of potential risk to endangered and threatened (listed) species from exposure to pesticides."

EPA. National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center.

For the agricultural sector, outlines the "potential threat of environmental exposures to human and ecological health" and defines risk assessment. Go here information on Risk Communication. Includes links to the Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook and risk assessment software.

Environmental Protection Agency.

"EPA conducts ecological risk assessments to determine what risks are posed by a pesticide and whether changes to the use or proposed use are necessary to protect the environment." The use of some pesticides may impact the quality of soil and water.

EPA. Office of Water.

"Section 304(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act requires EPA to develop criteria for water quality" that accurately reflect environmental or human health risks.

University of Minnesota. Digital Center for Risk Management Education.

"Organizes thousands of risk management materials which help producers and agricultural professionals quickly locate information, tools, and assistance on specific risk management topics."