Gulf of the Farallone National Marine Sanctuaries Logo
Black Oystercatcher

Emergency Response

The Sanctuary acts as a resource trustee during oil spills or other emergency situations that could potentially impact sanctuary resources. In the event of an emergency, this page will be updated with information pertaining to media inqueries, volunteer opportunities, and other important information.

To be better prepared for such an emergency, staff have gathered important data together in an easily accessible PDF document.

Emergency Response Portfolio - January 2013 (7MB PDF)
Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps - Point Reyes & North (5MB PDF)
Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps - Point Reyes & South (7MB PDF)
Static Maps - MLPA (5MB PDF)

Please note: The interactive IMAP portfolio is intended for use by GFNMS staff when responding to a sanctuary emergency. It is *password protected*. If you have questions regarding this document please contact:

Tim Reed, GIS Analyst
Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
991 Marine Drive, The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
Phone: 415-970-5242