Drought and Weather

US parkland using drought mitigation
This page highlights organizations that deal with issues related to drought and weather. For drought-related tools, publications, and local information, see the menu to the right.

United States Department of Agriculture.

"USDA has the science-based solutions and technical experts on the ground today to help farmers and ranchers through drought and to prepare our country for weather events in the future. USDA offers technical and financial assistance to farmers and ranchers to cope with drought across the nation."

Drought and Water Availability

USDA. NAL. Water and Agriculture Information Center.

View the results of a dynamic search in NAL's databases for article and book citations on drought impacts and agriculture:

PubAg:  Articles


Climate Change, Water, and Agriculture

USDANAL. Water and Agriculture Information Center.

View the results of a dynamic search in NAL's databases for article and book citations of drought impacts on climate change and its impacts on water and agriculture.

PubAg:  Articles


U. S. Geological Survey Frequently Asked Questions

U. S. Geological Survey.

Answers to frequently asked questions on floods and droughts.

USGS. Water Data.

Quotes definitions of drought from several sources. Addresses different types of drought such as agricultural and meteorological drought.

USDA. Natural Resources Conservation Service.

"Leads the development and transfer of water and climate information and technology which support natural resource conservation."

USDA. NRCS. National Water and Climate Center

"The Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) is a comprehensive, nationwide soil moisture and climate information system designed to provide data to support natural resource assessments and conservation activities. Administered by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) through the National Water and Climate Center (NWCC), in cooperation with the NRCS National Soil Survey Center, the system focuses on agricultural areas of the U.S. monitoring soil temperature and soil moisture content at several depths, soil water level, air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind, precipitation, barometric pressure, and more."

DOC. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

One of NOAA's Centers for Environmental Prediction, it serves "the public by assessing and forecasting the impacts of short-term climate variability, emphasizing enhanced risks of weather-related extreme events, for use in mitigating losses and maximizing economic gains." See also the CPC's Drought Monitoring page.

University of Nebraska - Lincoln.

"Helps people and institutions develop and implement measures to reduce societal vulnerability to drought. The Center stresses preparation and risk management rather than crisis management."
