The council staff supports the fishery management decision-making process. It coordinates meetings and provides information to the Council, its advisory groups, fishermen and the public. The Council’s executive director carries out the tasks assigned by the Council and, with the senior scientists and program officer, directs and oversees the technical and support staff. The technical staff analyzes alternatives for regulatory change for the Council’s review, with a focus on biology, economics, and social science, ecosystems and habitat. The technical staff also develops fishery management documents and regulations based on the Council’s decisions.

Kitty Simonds

Executive Director (808) 522-8220

Loren Bullard

Technical Assistant (808) 522-6044

Joshua DeMello

Fishery Analyst/Data Coordinator/Aquaculture Specialist (808) 522-7493

Mark Fitchett

Pelagic Fisheries Ecosystem Scientist (808) 522-8141

Elysia Granger

Administrative Officer (808) 522-6012

Bella Hirayama

Travel/Administrative Clerk (808) 522-6043

Randy Holmen

Fiscal Officer (808) 522-8167

Asuka Ishizaki

Protected Species Coordinator (808) 522-8224

Mark Mitsuyasu

Insular Program Officer (808) 522-8223

Marlowe Sabater

Marine Ecosystem Scientist (808) 522-8143

Sylvia Spalding

Communications Officer (808) 522-7498

Amy Vandehey

Education Outreach Coordinator (808) 522-8229

Zach Yamada 

Fishery Analyst I (808) 522-8227
Vacant International Fisheries/Enforcement/NEPA Coordinator  

Pacific Island Coordinators

Felix Reyes

Guam Coordinator  

Nate Ilaoa

American Samoa Coordinator (684) 633-5175

Floyd Masga

CNMI Coordinator