National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) NASS LogoCenter for Integrated Pest Management
  Agricultural Chemical Use Database Search Tips

Usage Search    | US Maps    | Graphical Reports    | Statistics: by Year  | by State  | by Commodity

News: January 04, 2008: 2006 vegetable agricultural chemical use data were added to the database.
News: July 13, 2007: 2006 agricultural chemical use data were added to the database.
News: May 11, 2007: 2005 agricultural chemical use data were added to the database.

This site provides interactive access to data from NASS, as part of a cooperative effort among USDA, the USDA Regional Pest Management Centers and the NSF Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM). All data available have been previously published by NASS and have been consolidated at the state level.

Commodity acreages and active ingredient agricultural chemical use (% acres treated, ai/acre/treatment, average number of treatments, ai/acre, total ai used) data are available. All data can be searched by commodity, year, state and active ingredient. For more details on methodology, please see NASS website.

Search results can be obtained in web format and as downloadable Excel files. For each individual active ingredient, commodity, year and statistic, dynamic U.S. maps of each use statistic can be generated. Agricultural chemical usage statistic data can also be seen in a graphical format.

Currently, this site contains the data from 1990 to 2003. We will continue to update the database annually. As this site is enhanced, we will also provide means and totals of the statistics over years, states, and commodities. If you have specific needs for a specific output display, please let us know.

Disclaimer: NASS statistics do not represent total use of any agricultural chemical in the U.S. or state level. Statistics are provided for selected states and crops. Information about program states can be viewed from the Program States selection. If you have any questions about the data and/or the site, please contact:
Scott Shimmin at NASS:, tel: 202-720-0684 or Yulu Xia at CIPM:, tel: (919) 513-8187

Data provided electronically by NASS. Online search and access provided by the NSF Center for Integrated Pest Management as part of the USDA Regional Pest Management Centers Information System. Funding provided by USDA/CSREES. This site is developed by Yulu Xia with help of Eva Zurek