
Shipping out
Western expatriates are leaving Asia

Covid-19 is not the only reason for the exodus

India’s government is undermining its own agricultural reforms

Its high-handed methods needlessly alienated farmers

In with the old
Conservationists are rushing to save Myanmar’s colonial buildings

Yangon has more of them than any other city in South-East Asia

Unshellfish love
The Thai authorities find shelter for homeless crustaceans

It’s part of a plan to strike a better balance between nature and tourism

Deepening despair
Suicide is on the rise among South Korean women

The young are especially likely to kill themselves

A people’s plight
Bangladesh is moving Rohingyas to a remote island

The relocation will make them the “Palestinians of Asia”, an activist complains

Thailand’s absolutist king is on his best behaviour

But protesters do not believe he is prepared to relinquish any power

3C epiphany
The Japanese authorities understood covid-19 better than most

That has helped keep Japan’s outbreak relatively small

Losing seam
As the federal government harrumphs, Australia moves away from coal

Both its states and its export markets have pledged drastic cuts in carbon emissions

Son set
Indonesian politics is becoming a family affair

Both the president’s son and his son-in-law are standing in regional elections