Flag of the United States of America   An official website of the Department of Homeland Security
Section 508 Accessibile Version

About ACE

The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is the primary system through which the trade community reports imports and exports and the government determines admissibility. Through ACE as the Single Window, manual processes are streamlined and automated, paper is being eliminated, and the trade community is able to more easily and efficiently comply with U.S. laws and regulations. CBP is working to complete the final deployment of core trade processing capabilities in ACE. Visit ACE website

About this Dashboard

This dashboard is a work in progress and part of an ongoing effort to transparently present key availability and business metrics to members of the trade community, CBP partner government agencies, software developers, and the general public. The dashboard currently reflects the status of ACE application servers.

Business Metrics

Users can track message volume through ACE below. Please note that the below statistics only represent a snapshot at a particular moment in time.

ACE Automated Export System
ACE Portal (Truck Manifest and Accounts)
AES Messaging (EDI)
Cargo Release
Cargo Release Query
Entry Summary
Entry Summary Interfaces
Import Security Filing
PGA Records Processing (Message Set & DIS)