Strengthening Native American Communities & Economies

How Can We Connect?

First Nations Development Institute improves economic conditions for Native Americans through direct financial grants, technical assistance & training, and advocacy & policy.

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Our Impact

Over the last 40 years, First Nations has had a tremendous impact across Indian Country through our work in many program areas. These year-end 2020 numbers are just part of the story.

Learn More About Our Grant Programs
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2150 Grants

awarded to Native projects

$43 Million

in total grants awarded


States, D.C. & American Samoa in our grant scope so far


Help Native communities respond and recover!

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View Our Current Grant Opportunities

Each year First Nations offers several grant opportunities. Click here or visit our Grantmaking page for current projects.

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Explore our publications

We provide publications on a range of topics. Explore our publications related to the Native nonprofit sector, economic development strategies, financial education, and other topics.

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