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Office of the National Capital Region Coordination

Our Mission

To conduct preparedness, planning, and operational activities and provide leadership and coordination within the National Capital Region (NCR) to synchronize and integrate the whole community in executing homeland security and emergency management activities.

What We Do

Working closely with our NCR partners and FEMA Region III, we coordinate homeland security and emergency management planning, operations, training, and exercises at the federal, state, regional and local levels.  Through our NCR Watch Desk, we provide 24/7 situational awareness for the NCR and FEMA leadership.

Other Office Functions

  • Serves as the federal representative within the NCR homeland security governance structure, providing guidance, oversight, and collaborative decision-making on regional homeland security and emergency management matters.
  • Provides federal response support and operational coordination to DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency or other impacted jurisdictions to assist in managing the initial federal response to any NCR incident.
  • Provides a 24/7/365 situational awareness for NCR stakeholders, FEMA Region III, and FEMA leadership.
  • Serves as a liaison among federal agencies in the NCR and the jurisdictions that comprise the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.
  • Serves, on behalf of FEMA, as the lead for planning for emergency management for national special security events and other large events in the NCR.
  • Chairs and provides operation and management of the Joint Federal Committee, a critical forum for enhancing federal interagency coordination for homeland security matters among all three branches.
  • Enhances regional federal, state, local, and private sector coordination with respect to the National Preparedness Goal.
  • Coordinates public and internal communications related to homeland security and emergency management matters.

Contact Us

Kim Kadesch

Last updated July 7, 2020