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Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

When you share a goal, you share a vision. But visions need collaboration to succeed. We face big challenges as a country that cannot be solved in Washington, D.C. alone. Instead, progress requires innovative, community-based solutions. That's why USDA's Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships reaches out and connects government with non-profit organizations - both secular and faith-based - to help people in need.

Most people know USDA leads the way in agriculture, natural resources, and food. Many don't know we're also about strengthening communities, nourishing kids, and impacting lives. The Center is here to help communities connect with USDA priorities and programs so that together we're able to turn visions more effectively into reality. You can also access policy guidance and regulations for the Center.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us and discuss how we can better serve your community.

Register Now! USDA Faith Fellowship and Food Security Virtual Convening

The Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement (OPPE) is pleased to announce the USDA Faith Fellowship and Food Security Convening taking place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, December 15-17, 2020 from 1:00 - 4:30 PM (EST) on Zoom. The convening will bring together faith-based organizations and houses of workshop to engage with peers, discuss common challenges, and hear of best practices related to food security and community food system resilience. The virtual sessions will feature dialogue and discussion around the Farmers to Families Food Box program as well as other innovative anti-hunger approaches on going throughout the country. USDA subject matter experts will be on hand to explore tools and resources to build resilience at the local level. A key aspect of the meeting will be ensuring that participants have a keen understanding of the resources available to them at USDA that can assist in building community food systems infrastructure and resilience.

Please click here to register for the Faith Fellowship and Food Security Virtual Convening and reach out to with any questions or concerns.

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Other Federal Centers for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

The USDA Center is among 13 Centers for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships across Federal agencies. Others include: Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Homeland Security, U.S. Agency for International Development, Veterans Affairs, Commerce, Education, Corporation for National and Community Service, Justice, Labor, Small Business Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Each Center forms partnerships between its agency and faith-based and neighborhood organizations to advance specific goals, and all of the Centers are coordinated by the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

You can find contact information for other Centers on our contact page.

The White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

The White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships forms partnerships between government at all levels and non-profit organizations, both secular and faith-based, to more effectively serve Americans in need. In addition to coordinating the 13 Federal Centers, it also coordinates the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. The President's Advisory Council is made up of religious and secular community leaders serving one year terms. The Council is responsible for submitting recommendations for how the federal government can more effectively partner with faith and community-based organizations.