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XCAMS New User Account Registration - Step 1 of 5

User Agreement

Your XCAMS user account may only be used to access nonsensitive information. This account may not be used to access classified or sensitive information.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) retains the right to monitor all activities on ORNL systems, to access any computer files or mail messages, and to disclose this information to authorized individuals or agencies, without prior notice to, or consent from, any user, sender, or addressee. Anyone using ORNL systems acknowledges their consent to, and understanding of, these terms and conditions.

I will not share my password with anyone or allow anyone to use my password to access computing resources. If I write my password down, I will protect the paper by properly securing it. If I suspect that my password has been compromised, I will promptly change my password.

I will protect all information under my control or to which I am granted access. Information in my custody is a valuable asset which should be properly protected regardless of its form (e.g. CRT, magnetic media, hardcopy, or printer ribbon).

I will only use the computing resources to which I'm granted access for official business with ORNL. I will not use these computing resources in a manner which would constitute waste or fraud (such as playing games, downloading sexually explicit materials, etc.). I will not abuse these computing resources, nor will I use the resources to support any personal business.

I will use only properly authorized and/or licensed software on ORNL computing resources to which I have access. I will not create or modify any software for the purpose of disrupting operations, circumventing security controls, or destroying or modifying data or programs without authorization. Also, I will not create or modify any software to provide unauthorized access to computing resources or to gain access to privileges, programs, data, passwords, or resources for which I am not authorized.

Failure to abide by this user agreement will result in account termination and may result in disciplinary action involving civil and criminal penalties.

Acknowledgement Statement

You are advised that there is no expectation of privacy of your activities on any system that is owned by, leased, or operated by UT-Battelle on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The Company retains the right to monitor all activities on these systems, to access any computer files or electronic mail messages, and to disclose all or part of information gained to authorized individuals or investigative agencies, all without prior notice to, or consent from, any user, sender, or addressee. This access to information or a system by an authorized individual or investigative agency is in effect during the period of your access to information on a DOE computer and for a period of three years thereafter. Anyone using these systems acknowledges their consent to, and understanding of, these terms and conditions.

I agree    I do not agree