Visitor Information

Pet Owners

  • Pets must be on a leash and controlled by a responsible individual at all times when not in a designated dog run or the fenced yard provided at your residence.
  • No pet may be allowed to run free in parks or recreation areas.
  • Pet owners are responsible for immediately removing pet droppings.
  • Owners are responsible to ensure their pets do not create excessive noise.
  • For more information refer to COMFLEACT YOKOSUKA INST 6200.1 Series.

Yokosuka, Ikego and Negishi Residents

  • Do not feed stray cats.
  • Crows and stray/wild animals (Cats, Racoons, Masked Musang etc.) are watching/checking our garbage trying to get their food.  When you dump trash, please put properly in the trash bin.  Do not leave your trash outside/by the trash can.  They will come mmediately and make mess.

Base Speed Limit

Strict adherence to the speed limits on Yokosuka Base, Ikego and Negishi installations is mandatory for all. Violators will be cited and administrative or punitive action may result. It is your responsibility to make sure our streets are safe for all who live in and visit our community.

Safety Corner

Helmets are now mandatory for anyone riding bicycles, skateboards, kickboards, razors, etc. Strict adherence is required by all. Be safe, not sorry.

Your Home, My Home

Litter and vandalism are daily occurrences. If you see or suspect such acts, please contact the security office at Yokosuka: 243-2300/2301, Ikego: 246-8368/8367 and Negishi: 242-4270/4271 immediately. Base cleanliness and preservation is an all hands evolution. Be part of the solution, not the problem.

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