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Fleet And Family Support Program

Fleet and Family Support Program


Fleet and Family Support Programs (FFSP) support individual and family readiness through a full array of programs and resources which help Navy families to be resilient, well-informed and adaptable to the Navy environment.

Programs include:

Programs and services are currently delivered from 81 sites worldwide, with 58 of those sites delivering a full portfolio of programs and services. Find your local Fleet and Family Support Center.

Navy FFSP is organized into three sub-functional areas: Deployment Readiness, Career Support and Retention and Crisis Response. Across all three sub-functions, services include information and referral, individual clinical and non-clinical consultation and educational classes and workshops.


Public Affairs Guide for family members

The Navy Public Affairs Guide for Families provides guidance on
the safe use of social media and on interactions with the media. 

Video Podcasts and Webinars

Helping Sailors and families adjust to
the challenges of deployment.

Family Connection NewsletterFamily Connection Newsletter - Information and resources for families.
NFAAS logoNavy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS) - used during times of crisis to account for, manage and monitor the recovery of personnel and their families.
New Spouse OrientationThis online training provides information on benefits, support services, military culture and resources to help Navy spouses adapt to the military lifestyle.

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