The Office on Violence Against Women Discusses Stalking

The Office on Violence Against Women Discusses Stalking
August 24, 2020

Acting Director for the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) Laura Rogers speaks with Bob Davis, the Communications Officer at OVW, about stalking and how the office works to educate and provide resources to prevent it and support victims.

For more information about this topic, please visit:

The Office on Violence Against Women’s website
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Victims of Crimes Stalking Resource Center
Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center


Host: The spread of COVID 19 in the United States has affected all Americans.  The victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking are uniquely burden by this crisis. This podcast was recorded before the pandemic and we want you to know that DOJ, OVW, and our federal partners know that stalking which is a crime that can also be committed online continues to be a threat during the pandemic and are in daily communication with service providers and frontline advocates to better understand the needs of victims as this situation unfolds.

Episode Type: 
Updated September 3, 2020