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Policy / Program Issuances

The Children's Bureau issues guidance to states and tribes on the administration of grant programs in the following formats:

Action Transmittals (AT) - These issuances convey program guidance information to grantees on actions they are expected or required to take.

Information Memoranda (IM) - These issuances are the Children’s Bureau’s primary means for communicating with grantees or potential grantees on a variety of matters, such as program activities and priorities, progress reports, research findings, available funds, related regulations, and proposed and pending federal legislation affecting human services programs.
Disclaimer: Information Memoranda (IMs) provide information or recommendations to States, Tribes, grantees, and others on a variety of child welfare issues. IMs do not establish requirements or supersede existing laws or official guidance.

Policy Guides and Manuals (PGM) - These issuances may be program regulation guides, grants administration manuals, and any other policy, program, or grants-related guides or manuals. They provide comprehensive guidance to clarify, explain, and expand upon the meaning of the related program and grant administration rules and regulations.

Program Instructions (PI) - These issuances clarify and explain procedures and methods for operationalizing program policies, add details to program regulations or policy guide requirements, and convey to grantees program guidance information on actions they are expected or required to take.

Program Regulations (PR) - These issuances are used to transmit final regulations, interim final rules, and notices of proposed rulemaking.

Federal Register Notices - These are notices published in the Federal Register that provide information, alert the public to upcoming events, or invite comment on issues under consideration (other than program regulations).

Last Reviewed: June 28, 2019