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Contact Congress

Every year Congress passes scores of new laws dealing with a huge variety of issues from national security to the economy. In the midst of this, it is all too easy for legislation intended to protect children from abuse and neglect to fall by the wayside. For this reason it is vital that we keep the pressure on members of Congress to pass much needed legislation designed to protect the most innocent and defenseless in society – our children.

Here you will learn about important legislation that is pending before Congress and be able to personally email letters of support to your Congressperson and Senators. We urge you to let them know that you stand with Childhelp in requesting their support for the following bills.


Support our Lifesaving Work

Legislation is constantly changing but the needs of our children never go away. Take a moment to send this letter to your congressmen and senator. It may not seem like much but the legislation Congress passes today could help a child tomorrow.

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Let your voice be heard by sending a message to Congress about what you want to see happening for child safety in our country.

Click on these links to search for and send a message to your House and Senate representatives:  | Copy and paste the letter below into the message field of the contact form. Be sure to enter the name of your representative at the start of the message, and sign your name at the end.

Dear ____________________,


I support the lifesaving work of Childhelp – the nation’s oldest and largest nonprofit dedicated to the treatment and prevention of child abuse – and I am writing today to ask for your URGENT support of their work on behalf of the children in your district and nationwide. Children are our future and they deserve to be protected.

Unfortunately, even as child abuse has been a much discussed consequence of the pandemic and Childhelp has responded by increasing their services across the board, frequent attempts to include funding for lifesaving child abuse services as part of each Covid relief package have been repeatedly delayed – even as the need continues to increase each day.

The time to act is now.

Children are dying.

Child abuse victims are some of the pandemic’s youngest and most underserved victims.

Please ask the best person in your office focusing on these issues to contact me and Childhelp’s Kristen Douglas ( so we can relay urgent funding and policy priorities to support the work of organizations like Childhelp and the many prevention and treatment programs Childhelp operates across the county.



Child Protection Act

Child Protection Act of 2012 – Amends Title 18 of the United States Code to require stricter penalties for possession of child pornography, with provided enhanced protection for child witnesses, and an increase in funding for the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

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Let your voice be heard by sending a message to Congress about what you want to see happening for child safety in our country. For more information on the bill’s status, sponsors, and full text, please Click Here.

Click on these links to search for and send a message to your House and Senate representatives:  | Copy and paste the letter below into the message field of the contact form. Be sure to enter the name of your representative at the start of the message, and sign your name at the end.

Letter | Child Protection Act

Dear ____________________,


I am writing today to ask you to support the Child Protection Act of 2012 (S. 3456). This bill would amend Title 18 of the United States code to require stricter penalties for possession of child pornography, will provided enhanced protection for child witnesses, and increases funding for the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.


This is a piece of common sense legislation. Individuals who have committed crimes against children or other sex offenses should not have easy access victims and should be severely punished for their crimes.  In addition, crimes against children via the internet have become increasing prevalent and need to be dealt with.


Child abuse is a serious issue and passing this bill is one easy step we can take to help protect our nation’s children. As a supporter of Childhelp, an organization dedicated to the treatment and prevention of child abuse, and a constituent of yours, I urge you to support this important piece of legislation.

