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Fitness and Sports Nutrition

A variety of fitness and sports nutrition topics and resources from organizations and institutes that specialize in sports medicine and exercise science research.

DHHS, President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition.

Links to organizations that offer credible and practical resources on physical activity. These resources are for communicating how to incorporate activity into daily life.


Athletic performance and recovery from training are enhanced by attention to nutrient intake. Developing an ideal nutrition plan for health and performance includes identifying the right quantity, quality and proper timing of food and fluids needed to support regular training and peak performance.

President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition.

The health, physical activity, fitness and sports information web site of the President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition.

HHS, Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee

The 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee submitted its Scientific Report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services in February 2018. The report summarizes the scientific evidence on physical activity and health, and will be used by the government to develop the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
