The National Crime Victim Bar Association is an affiliate and program of the National Center for Victims of Crime. We are the nation’s first professional association of attorneys and expert witnesses dedicated to helping victims seek justice through the civil system. The National Crime Victim Bar Association continues the pioneering work of Frank Carrington and is a testament to the National Center for Victims of Crime's long-standing commitment to civil justice for victims.


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Member Spotlight

Guy D'Andrea, Laffey, Bucci, & Kent LLP

Guy D’Andrea, Laffey, Bucci, & Kent LLP

The NCVBA would like to highlight, and congratulate, Guy D'Andrea of Laffey, Bucci, & Kent LLP, for recently being elected chair of the NCVBA's new Young Lawyer Council (YLC). Guy has been an invaluable and active member of the NCVBA, having presented at the NCVBA conference in the past and ...
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