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Campaign: Ideas for the Mobility Strategy

Develop Shared Services Catalog

Develop government-wide shared services catalog that houses code, application programming interfaces (APIs), and web-services that agencies and the public can easily access and use. This will encourage cross-sharing of data, code, etc. (emulating forge.mil – “forge.gov”).

Submitted by


41 votes

Campaign: Ideas for the Mobility Strategy

Web To Mobile - Content Portability

Since each agencies have web content that is being used on day-to-day basis, extending the web content to Mobile approach helps to easily adopt mobile strategy for any agency. Based on the Page-Views of the Web-Content it will be easy to prioritize the content portability to mobile.

Submitted by


41 votes

Campaign: Ideas for the Mobility Strategy

The power of crowds

Everyone—specifically everyone with an internet-enabled device—is a sensor. All of these individuals have the capability to report events in real-time. As federal budgets are slashed, the Federal Mobility Strategy can incorporate the use of free, publically available information to uncover first-hand situation reports. Constant flow of geo-tagged information and images provides government the opportunity to collaborate ...more »

Submitted by


27 votes

Campaign: Ideas for the Mobility Strategy

Collaboration: the next-generation of information sharing

Government should foster secure, NIST compliant, collaboration and crowdsourcing technologies within and across government agencies to make information sharing more efficient and effective. A variety of information is collected across agencies, and agency-specific security limitations inhibit information transfer. Creating one collaboration platform accessible across agencies will increase speed of communication and information ...more »

Submitted by


26 votes

Campaign: Ideas for the Mobility Strategy

Consider Responsive Web Design

Consider updating federal websites to incorporate responsive web design. It allows the arrangement of your content to change to fit the browser screen. Imagine a seamless user experience across federal websites and across a wide range of platforms. With responsive web design you get the same content on a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone and it is displayed in a way that best suits the device you are using. This ...more »

Submitted by


25 votes

Campaign: Ideas for the Mobility Strategy

Apps are easy… enterprise strategy, not so much

Government enterprise-wide mobile strategy cannot be limited to simply purchasing mobile devices. Agencies and departments need to recognize the need to establish short- and long-term plans and strategies for mobile deployment and mobile application development. Without a strategy for effectively using mobile in the federal space, mobile application and device deployment will be inefficient and costly.

Submitted by


25 votes

Campaign: Ideas for the Mobility Strategy

Encourage BYOD Policies in Agencies to Save Money

75% of enterprises now have "Bring Your Own Device' (BYOD) policies, according to the Aberdeen Group. Given the power, availability, and relative affordability of today's smartphones and tablets, the Federal government cannot keep up on technology and shouldn't have to. Instead, provide standard mobile data management (MDM) security protocols to allow employees to use their own, privately owned devices. Agencies should ...more »

Submitted by


24 votes

Campaign: Ideas for the Mobility Strategy

Mobile Information Assurance

The civilian side of the federal government currently has no common policies or guidelines in place on how to evaluate, validate, protect or secure mobile technologies - including mobile infrastructure, mobile devices, mobile apps, mobile data practices, etc. I suggest that the government create reasonable security guidelines so that the important work of protecting the federal computing infrastructure is not duplicated ...more »

Submitted by


22 votes