The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) assists eligible low-income households with their heating and cooling energy costs, bill payment assistance, energy crisis assistance, weatherization and energy-related home repairs. Learn more.

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture

The ATTRA program has served as the premier source of information about sustainable agriculture for U.S. farmers and other agriculturists for more than twenty years. Visit the ATTRA website today

Save Energy

Save Energy

For more than 32 years NCAT’s energy team has helped implement energy conservation and efficiency improvements that result in cost savings while directly impacting climate change. Our specialists have expertise in commercial, residential, and farm energy. Visit our Energy Page.


Donate to NCAT

NCAT works to promote healthy communities, protect our natural resources and reduce poverty. Your gift will help leave a cleaner, more viable world to the next generation. Please consider making a donation.

Montana healthy food and communities initiative

Montana Healthy Food & Communities Initiative

Our Montana Healthy Food and Communities Initiative (MHFCI) encompasses three projects that work together to bring healthy, local foods to people across the state: the FoodCorps program, the Farm to Cafeteria Network, and the Grow Montana Food Policy Coalition. Learn more.

Mississippi food justice

Mississippi Food Justice

The groups that make up the Collaborative include the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT), FoodCorps, Mileston Cooperative Association, Mississippi Farm to School Network, and the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. The project is funded by a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF). Visit this website to learn more.

Energy Corps

Energy Corps

The Energy Corps was created to address unmet community energy needs by promoting sustainable energy consumption and education, fostering community sustainability and helping to mitigate the effects of global climate change. Serving as an Energy Corps member provides a unique opportunity to help others while gaining new skills and experiences. Visit the Energy Corps page.

armed to farm

Armed to Farm

Armed to Farm is Sustainable Agriculture Training for Military Veterans. NCAT has been involved in targeted veteran outreach and assistance since 2010. NCAT agriculture specialists have hosted and been involved in at least 17 veteran focused trainings, reaching over 800 veterans across the US. Learn more.



NCAT Newsletters

Click on the titles below to learn more about our newsletters.

The LIHEAP Networker

Weekly Harvest

Cosecha Mensual

Montana DIRT e-News

Southeast DIRT e-News

Gulf States DIRT e-News

Southwest DIRT e-News

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