Summary: H.R.2810 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)All Information (Except Text)

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Public Law No: 115-91 (12/12/2017)


The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 authorizes FY2018 appropriations and sets forth policies regarding the military activities of the Department of Defense (DOD), military construction, and the national security programs of the Department of Energy (DOE).

The bill authorizes appropriations, but does not provide appropriations, which are considered in subsequent appropriations legislation.

Among other things, the bill authorizes appropriations to DOD for

  • Procurement;
  • Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation;
  • Operation and Maintenance;
  • Cooperative Threat Reduction;
  • Working Capital Funds;
  • the National Defense Sealift Fund;
  • Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction;
  • Defense-Wide Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities;
  • the Defense Inspector General; and
  • the Defense Health Program.

This bill also authorizes FY2018 appropriations for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO), which are exempt from limits on discretionary spending. OCO appropriations authorized in the bill support base budget requirements as well as OCO activities.

The bill authorizes the FY2018 personnel strengths for active duty and reserve forces and sets forth policies regarding military personnel; compensation and other personnel benefits; health care; acquisition policy and management; DOD organization and management; civilian personnel matters; matters relating to foreign nations; strategic programs; and cyber and intelligence matters.

The bill authorizes FY2018 appropriations and sets forth policies regarding military construction for the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, defense agencies, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program, and Guard and Reserve Forces facilities.

The bill authorizes FY2018 appropriations for base realignment and closure (BRAC) activities.

The bill also authorizes FY2018 appropriations and sets forth policies for DOE national security programs, including the National Nuclear Security Administration.

Full Summary:

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018

(Sec. 3) This bill defines "congressional defense committees" as the House and Senate Armed Services and Appropriations Committees.

(Sec. 4) The bill specifies procedures for determining the budgetary effects of this bill for compliance with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010.



Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

(Sec. 101) The bill authorizes appropriations to the Department of Defense (DOD) for procurement at the levels identified in section 4101 of this bill.

Subtitle B--Army Programs

(Sec. 111) The Army may expedite the procurement of not more than 7,000 7.62mm rifles.

(Sec. 112) The bill limits funding for the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical program until the Army reports on its strategy for modernizing air-land ad-hoc, mobile tactical communications and data networks.

(Sec. 113) The bill limits funding for the upgrade of M113 vehicles until the Army reports on its strategy for the upgrade.

Subtitle C--Navy Programs

(Sec. 121) The bill amends the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 to revise the cost limits for the CVN-79 aircraft carrier and future CVN-78 class aircraft carriers.

(Sec. 122) The U.S. Coast Guard may procure one polar-class heavy icebreaker vessel.

(Sec. 123) The Navy may enter into one or more contracts beginning in FY2018 for the procurement of not more than 15 Arleigh Burke class destroyers.

(Sec. 124) The Navy may enter into one or more contracts beginning in FY2018 for the procurement of not more than 13 Virginia class submarines.

(Sec. 125) The Navy may enter into a contract beginning in FY2018 for the design and construction of the (1) lead ship of the amphibious ship replacement class designated LX(R), or (2) amphibious transport dock designated LPD-30.

(Sec. 126) The Navy may enter into one or more contracts beginning in FY2018 for the procurement of a V-22 Osprey aircraft, and readiness and modernization upgrades for the V-22 Osprey aircraft. Limits the contract period to no more than seven years.

(Sec. 127) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to extend through FY2018 the prohibition on funds being used to enter into or prepare to enter into sole source contracts for one or more joint high speed vessels or expeditionary fast transports unless the Navy submits a certification and report to Congress.

(Sec. 128) The bill limits the funds that may be used for the enhanced multi-mission parachute system until the Navy submits to Congress a certification that states whether (1) the multi-mission parachute system fielded by the Marine Corps meets Marine Corps requirements, (2) the RA-1 parachute system of the Army meets Marine Corps requirements, (3) the PARIS, Special Application Parachute of the Marine Corps meets Marine Corps requirements, (4) the testing plan for the enhanced multi-mission parachute system meets all applicable regulatory requirements, and (5) the Navy has determined that a high glide canopy parachute system is as safe and effective as the fielded free fall parachute systems.

(Sec. 129) The Navy must submit to Congress a report that describes and assesses the capacity of the Navy to increase production of anti-submarine warfare rotary wing aircraft and search and rescue rotary wing aircraft.

Subtitle D--Air Force Programs

(Sec. 131) The Air Force must maintain a total aircraft inventory of fighter aircraft of not less than 1,970 aircraft and a total primary mission aircraft inventory of not less than 1,145 fighter aircraft.

(Sec. 132) The bill prohibits the retirement of any E-8 Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System aircraft except aircraft that the Air Force determines to be non-operational because of mishaps, other damage, or being uneconomical to repair.

(Sec. 133) If a DOD budget request includes a request by the Air Force to cancel or modify the JSTARS aircraft recapitalization program, the budget request must also include a report on the implications of the cancellation or modification.

(Sec. 134)The bill prohibits the Air Force from selecting a single contractor to carry out increment 2 of the C-130H avionics modernization program until it submits to Congress a written certification that (1) commercially available off-the-shelf items are used under the program, and (2) excessively restrictive military specification standards will not be used to restrict or eliminate full and open competition in the selection process.

(Sec. 135) The bill limits the availability of funds for the EC-130H Compass Call recapitalization program until DOD submits to Congress a written certification that (1) an independent review of the acquisition process for the program has been conducted; and (2) it has been determined that the acquisition process for such program complies with all applicable laws, guidelines, and best practices.

(Sec. 136) The bill limits the retirement of the U-2 aircraft and RQ-4 aircraft until DOD submits to Congress a written certification that the costs of the replacements for the aircraft are less than the costs of the current aircraft. DOD must certify that the capability to be fielded at the same time or before the retirement of the U-2 aircraft or RQ-4 aircraft would result in equal or greater capability available to the commanders of the combatant commands.

(Sec. 137) DOD must conduct an analysis that compares the costs and benefits of (1) upgrading fielded MQ-9 Reaper aircraft to a Block 5 configuration, and (2) proceeding with the procurement of MQ-9B aircraft instead of upgrading fielded MQ-9 Reaper aircraft to a Block 5 configuration.

(Sec. 138) The Air Force must develop a plan to modernize the radars of F-16 fighter aircraft of the National Guard by replacing legacy mechanically-scanned radars for such aircraft with active electronically scanned array radars.

(Sec. 139) The Government Accountability Office (GAO) must conduct a review of the Air Force fielding plan for the HH-60 replacement programs.

Subtitle E--Defense-Wide, Joint, and Multiservice Matters

(Sec. 141) DOD may enter into one or more contracts beginning in FY2018 for the procurement of economic order quantities of material and equipment that has completed formal hardware qualification testing for the F-35 aircraft program.

(Sec. 142) DOD may provide to an explosive ordnance disposal unit the authority to acquire new or emerging technologies and capabilities that are not specifically provided for in the authorized equipment allowance for the unit.

(Sec. 143) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 to require DOD to notify Congress not later than 15 days after issuing a solicitation for a Common Data Link to be sunset (CDL-TBS) waveform.

(Sec. 144) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 to require the Air Force to preserve eight retired C-5 aircraft until 30 days after DOD submits its briefing to Congress.


Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

(Sec. 201) The bill authorizes appropriations for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation at the levels identified in section 4201 of this bill.

Subtitle B--Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations

(Sec. 211) The bill requires aircraft procured under the presidential aircraft recapitalization (PAR) program of the Air Force to meet specified capability requirements. The Air Force may adjust the capability requirements after it submits to Congress a written determination that such an adjustment is necessary.

(Sec. 212) The bill increases the threshold for capital assets that may be procured in advance of the availability of funds in the working-capital fund.

(Sec. 213) The bill limits the award of a solely nonmonetary prize with a fair market value of more than $10,000 without the approval of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering.

(Sec. 214) The bill amends the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 to redesignate the joint technology office on hypersonics in the Office of the Secretary of Defense as the Joint Hypersonics Transition Office.

(Sec. 215) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to designate the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering as the official with principal responsibility for development and demonstration of directed energy weapons. The Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering must establish a program on the prototyping and demonstration of directed energy weapon systems to build and maintain the military superiority of the United States.

(Sec. 216) The bill modifies requirements for certain prototype projects to allow projects to include a nonprofit research institution instead of a nontraditional defense contractor.

(Sec. 217) DOD may establish one or more multi-institution task order contracts, consortia, cooperative agreements, or other arrangements to facilitate expedited access to university technical expertise, including faculty, staff, and students, in support of its missions

(Sec. 218) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to modify the DOD Laboratory Quality Enhancement Program, including to require issuance of regulations regarding the meaning, scope, implementation, and applicability of statutes relating to a science and technology reinvention laboratory.

(Sec. 219) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 to modify the Defense Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, including to increase the number of university researchers in eligible states capable of performing science and engineering research responsive to the needs of DOD.

(Sec. 220) DOD must establish mechanisms under which the director of a defense laboratory may use 2%-4% of funds available to the defense laboratory to fund (1) innovative basic and applied research that is conducted at the defense laboratory and supports military missions, (2) development programs that support the transition of technologies developed by the defense laboratory into operational use, (3) workforce development activities that improve the capacity of the defense laboratory to recruit and retain personnel with necessary scientific and engineering expertise that support military missions, and (4) the repair or minor military construction of the laboratory infrastructure and equipment.

(Sec. 221) The bill expands the definition of competitive procedures, for purposes of procurement, to include competitive selection for award of science and technology proposals.

(Sec. 222) The bill requires the strategic plan for DOD test and evaluation resources to include modeling and simulation capabilities. The proposed budgets of military departments and defense agencies with test and evaluation responsibilities must include modeling and simulation activities.

(Sec. 223) The bill limits funding for F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Follow-On Modernization until DOD provides to Congress the final report that contains the basic elements of an acquisition program baseline for Block 4 modernization.

(Sec. 224) DOD must improve the process used to update the mission data files used in advanced combat aircraft so that such updates can occur more quickly.

(Sec. 225) DOD may support national security innovation and entrepreneurial education programs.

(Sec. 226) The bill limits the cancellation of the designation of the Air Force as the DOD executive agent of certain Defense Production Act programs until DOD conducts a review and assessment of the programs and submits a briefing to Congress on its findings.

Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters

(Sec. 231) The Navy must submit to Congress and the GAO a matrix that identifies, in six-month increments, key milestones, development events, and specific performance goals for the design and construction of the Columbia-class submarine.

(Sec. 232) DOD must review directives, rules, regulations, and other policies that adversely affect the ability of the innovation, research, and engineering enterprise of DOD to effectively and efficiently execute its missions.

(Sec. 233) DOD must establish a pilot program to assess the feasibility and advisability of distributing to a DOD laboratory the royalties and other payments received from licensing and assignment of the laboratory's inventions.

(Sec. 234) The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff must jointly develop a plan to procure a secure, low probability of detection data link network capability with the ability to effectively operate in hostile jamming environments while preserving the low observable characteristics of the relevant platforms.

(Sec. 235) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to revise the selection dates for the pilot program for the enhancement of the research, development, test, and evaluation centers of DOD.

(Sec. 236) The Army must submit to Congress a plan to build a prototype for a new ground combat vehicle for the Army.

(Sec. 237) The Army must submit to Congress a plan to successfully field a suitable, survivable, and effective Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System program.


Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

(Sec. 301) The bill authorizes appropriations for Operation and Maintenance activities at the levels identified in section 4301 of this bill.

Subtitle B--Energy and Environment

(Sec. 311) DOD must establish a Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting Clearinghouse to coordinate review of applications for energy projects that may have an adverse impact on military operations and readiness.

(Sec. 312) DOD must consider for the purpose of developing and implementing the energy performance goals and energy performance master plan: (1) opportunities to enhance energy resilience, and (2) opportunities to leverage financing provided by a non-DOD entity to address installation energy needs.

(Sec. 313) The Army may transfer not more than $125,000 to the Hazardous Substance Superfund for the purpose of satisfying a stipulated penalty assessed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) against the Umatilla Chemical Depot, Oregon.

(Sec. 314) The Army may transfer not more than $1,185,000 to the Hazardous Substance Superfund for the purpose of satisfying a stipulated penalty assessed by the EPA against the Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, Texas.

(Sec. 315) The Army may use funds for the removal and cleanup of petroleum, oil, and lubricants associated with the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen.

(Sec. 316) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention must commence a study on the human health implications of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances contamination in drinking water, ground water, and any other sources of water and relevant exposure pathways.

(Sec. 317) DOD may establish and carry out a program to preserve sentinel landscapes, which are areas that include a military or National Guard installation and support the rural economy, the natural environment, outdoor recreation, and national defense test and training missions.

(Sec. 318) DOD must submit to Congress an addendum to the report titled "2017 Annual Report For Groundwater Impacts at Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant Bethpage, New York" that details any releases by DOD of radium or radioactive material into the groundwater within a 75-mile radius of the industrial reserve plant in Bethpage, New York.

Subtitle C--Logistics and Sustainment

(Sec. 321) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 to reauthorize the multi-trades demonstration project under which workers who are certified at the journey level as able to perform multiple trades must be promoted by one grade level.

(Sec. 322) DOD may authorize an installation commander to realign up to 7.5% of an installation's sustainment funds to restoration and modernization.

(Sec. 323) The Army must establish clear and prescriptive guidance on the process for conducting make-or-buy analyses for its requirements.

Subtitle D--Reports

(Sec. 331) The bill revises quarterly report requirements for DOD on personnel and unit readiness.

(Sec. 332) The bill revises biennial core report requirements for DOD on maintenance and repair capability.

(Sec. 333) The National Guard Bureau must submit an annual report that identifies the personnel, training, and equipment required by the nonfederalized National Guard.

(Sec. 334) The bill establishes requirements for the military working dogs program, including that the program report on the procurement and retirement of military working dogs.

(Sec. 335) DOD must submit to Congress a report on vulnerabilities to military installations and combatant commander requirements resulting from climate change over the next 20 years.

(Sec. 336) The Bases, Ranges, and Airspace Directorate of the Air Force and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) must submit to Congress a report on optimization of training in and management of special use airspace.

(Sec. 337) The Chief of Naval Operations and the Commandant of the Marine Corps must develop a plan to establish a modernized, dedicated adversary air training enterprise for the Navy.

(Sec. 338) DOD must direct the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics to require future biennial core reports to include instructions to the reporting agencies on how to report certain workload information.

Subtitle E--Other Matters

(Sec. 341) The bill modifies the Ammunition Storage Board, including by renaming it to the Explosive Safety Board.

(Sec. 342) DOD may provide up to $5 million in financial support for the acquisition, installation, and maintenance of exhibits, facilities, historical displays, and programs at military service memorials and museums that highlight the role of women in the military.

(Sec. 343) The bill prohibits the use of funds for the enhancement of the advanced skills management software system of the Navy until 60 days after the Navy submits to Congress a written certification that it solicited information on commercially available off-the-shelf software solutions and has considered using such solutions.

(Sec. 344) DOD must conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the uniform specification for the Afghan military or security forces uniform each time it enters into a contract for the provision of such uniforms.

(Sec. 345) The Army may authorize up to 10 leases and contracts for a military manufacturing arsenal, depot, or plant each fiscal year through FY2020.

(Sec. 346) DOD must submit to Congress a comprehensive plan for the sharing of best practices for depot-level maintenance among the military services.

(Sec. 347) DOD and the military departments must submit to Congress a budget annex regarding certain operation and maintenance sub-activity groups in the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, and the Air Force.

(Sec. 348) The Army must transfer to a suitable organic facility all excess firearms, related spare parts and components, small arms ammunition, and ammunition components currently stored at Defense Distribution Depot, Anniston, Alabama, that are no longer actively issued for military service and that are otherwise prohibited from commercial sale, or distribution.

(Sec. 349) The Navy may transfer to the Civilian Marksmanship Program M-1 Garand and caliber .22 rimfire rifles that are held within the inventories of the Navy and the Marine Corps, and stored at Defense Distribution Depot, Anniston, Alabama, or Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane, Indiana.

(Sec. 350) The Air Force may enter into one or more contracts with appropriate civilian entities in order to provide flying or operating training for Air National Guard pilots and sensor operator aircrew members in the MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle.

(Sec. 351) The Army and the Air Force may provide support for training of appropriate personnel of the National Guard on wildfire response and prevention.

(Sec. 352) The bill permits the Second Indianhead Division Association, Inc., Scholarship and Memorials Foundation to place additional commemorative elements or engravings on the raised platform or stone work of the existing Second Division Memorial located in President's Park, between 17th Street Northwest and Constitution Avenue in the District of Columbia.


Subtitle A--Active Forces

(Sec. 401) The bill authorizes specified end strengths for active duty personnel of the Armed Forces.

(Sec. 402) The bill establishes new minimum active duty end strengths for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force.

Subtitle B--Reserve Forces

(Sec. 411) The bill authorizes specified end strengths for Selected Reserve personnel.

(Sec. 412) The bill authorizes specified end strengths for reserves on active duty in support of the reserves.

(Sec. 413) The bill authorizes specified end strengths for military technicians (dual status).

(Sec. 414) The bill establishes the maximum end strengths for non-dual status technicians in the reserve of the Army and Air Force.

(Sec. 415) The bill authorizes the maximum number of reserve personnel who may be on active duty or full-time National Guard duty to provide operational support during FY2018.

(Sec. 416) The bill limits the number of members of the National Guard within the National Guard Bureau on full-time duty in support of the reserves.

Subtitle C--Authorization of Appropriations

(Sec. 421) The bill authorizes appropriations for military personnel at the levels identified in section 4401 of this bill.


Subtitle A--Officer Personnel Policy

(Sec. 501) The bill modifies the deadline for submittal by officers of written communications to selection boards on matters of importance to their selection.

(Sec. 502) The bill revises the exception for removal of officers from list of officers recommended for promotion after 18 months.

(Sec. 503) The bill modifies the specification of the number of officers who may be recommended for early retirement by a selective early retirement board.

(Sec. 504) The bill extends through 2025 the service-in-grade waiver authority for voluntary retirement for brigadier generals, major generals, and rear admirals.

(Sec. 505) The bill removes the requirement that the Principal Military Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics be a lieutenant general.

(Sec. 506) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to state that officers retain their grade as long as the officer remains in continuous service after the date of repeal of the statutory specification of officer grade.

(Sec. 507) The bill repeals the statutory specification of general officer grade for the Dean of the Academic Board of the U.S. Military Academy.

(Sec. 508) The bill allows flexibility in promotion of officers to positions of Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps and Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Navy or the Air Force.

(Sec. 509) The bill allows an officer selected to hold a position of Assistant Judge Advocate General in the Navy as of December 23, 2016, to retire in the grade of rear admiral (lower half) or brigadier general.

Subtitle B--Reserve Component Management

(Sec. 511) The bill expands the circumstances under which members of the reserves are eligible for health care when they are ordered to active duty.

(Sec. 512) Each military department may credit any person receiving an original appointment as a reserve commissioned officer with a period of constructive service for experience, training, or advanced education in a cyberspace-related field related to the operational needs of the armed force concerned.

(Sec. 513) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 to extend the deadline by which DOD must submit to Congress an alternate approach regarding consolidation of statutory authorities by which members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces may be ordered to perform duty.

(Sec. 514) The Army may carry out a pilot program for the Army National Guard under which retired senior enlisted members of the Army National Guard serve as contract recruiters for the Army National Guard.

Subtitle C--General Service Authorities

Part I--Matters Relating to Discharge and Correction of Military Records

(Sec. 520) The bill requires boards for the correction of military records to review medical evidence related to post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury for certain claims regarding a discharge or dismissal.

(Sec. 521) Boards for the correction of military records and discharge review boards must publish the number and disposition of claims in which sexual assault is alleged to have contributed to the discharge or release of the former member.

(Sec. 522) The bill expands the requirement for confidential review of characterization terms regarding discharge of members of the Armed Forces who are victims of sex-related offenses to include individuals who allege they are victims of a sex-related offense and apply the requirement to all boards.

(Sec. 523) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to revise the training requirements for members of boards and personnel who investigate claims of retaliation, including to require training regarding guidelines for consideration of evidence substantiating sex-related allegations.

(Sec. 524) DOD may carry out a pilot program on use of video teleconferencing technology by boards for the correction of military records and discharge review boards.

Part II--Other General Service Authorities

(Sec. 526) DOD or the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may extend the period for enlistment in the Armed Forces under the delayed entry program.

(Sec. 527) The bill reauthorizes the authority of a military department to order retired members to active duty in high-demand, low-density assignments.

(Sec. 528) The bill requires written notification to a member of the Armed Forces who receives an administrative separation or mandatory discharge under conditions other than honorable that the member may petition to receive certain veterans' benefits.

(Sec. 529) The bill extends the authority of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide for the conduct of examinations with respect to the medical disabilities of applicants for benefits by contract physicians.

(Sec. 530) DOD must ensure that members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps are informed of the availability of naturalization through service in the Armed Forces.

Subtitle D--Military Justice and Other Legal Issues

(Sec. 531) The bill amends the Uniform Code of Military Justice, including to specify that certain appeals by the government are subject to regulation.

(Sec. 532) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to ensure effective prosecution and defense in court-martial matters.

(Sec. 533) The bill prohibits wrongful broadcast or distribution of intimate visual images or visual images of sexually explicit conduct under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

(Sec. 534) Each military department must garnish the retired pay of a member to satisfy judgment rendered for physically, sexually, or emotionally abusing a child.

(Sec. 535) Each military department must provide training on sexual assault prevention and response for all individuals enlisted in the Armed Forces under a delayed entry program.

(Sec. 536) The Special Victims' Counsel training must include training to recognize and deal with the unique challenges often faced by male victims of sexual assault.

(Sec. 537) The bill amends the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 to require each military department to include information regarding military sexual harassment and incidents involving nonconsensual distribution of private sexual images in its annual report on sexual assault.

(Sec. 538) The bill requires the annual Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office report to include information regarding a sexual assault committed by a member of the Armed Forces against the spouse or intimate partner of the member or another dependent of the member.

Subtitle E--Member Education, Training, Resilience, and Transition

(Sec. 541) DOD and DHS must develop an element in preseparation counseling for members of the Armed Forces regarding assistance and support services for caregivers. The bill requires each military department to allow members undergoing preseparation counseling who have identified an individual to provide them with caregiver services after separation to permit the individual to participate in the preseparation counseling.

(Sec. 542) DOD must (1) establish a database to record all training performed by members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps that may have application to employment in the civilian sector, and (2) make unclassified information regarding such information available to states and other potential employers.

(Sec. 543) The bill limits the release of military service academy graduates to participate in professional athletics.

(Sec. 544) The bill extends the Suicide Prevention and Resilience Program for members of the National Guard and reserves and their families.

(Sec. 545) The Navy must submit to Congress a certification on the status of implementing the Ready, Relevant Learning initiative for each applicable enlisted rating.

(Sec. 546) DOD may expand eligibility for the United Services Military Apprenticeship Program to include any member of the uniformed services.

(Sec. 547) The bill limits the availability of funds for attendance of Air Force enlisted personnel at Air Force officer professional military education in-residence courses until the Air Force and GAO report on the attendance of such personnel at the courses.

(Sec. 548) The Army must designate a number of scholarships under the Army Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program as Lieutenant Henry Ossian Flipper Leadership Scholarships.

(Sec. 549) Each military department may carry out a pilot program under which medically disqualified former cadets or midshipmen may be appointed in the excepted service.

Subtitle F--Defense Dependents' Education and Military Family Readiness Matters

Part I--Defense Dependents' Education Matters

(Sec. 551) The bill authorizes funds for assistance to local educational agencies educating military children with severe disabilities and additional funding for such agencies that have higher concentrations of military children with severe disabilities.

(Sec. 552) The bill amends the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 to make permanent the authority of the DOD to work collaboratively with the Department of Education to ease transitions of military dependent students from DOD dependent schools to local educational agencies.

(Sec. 553) DOD must submit to Congress a report on DOD activities to improve educational opportunities and achievement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for military dependent students.

Part II--Military Family Readiness Matters

(Sec. 555) The bill requires the U.S. Special Operations Command to report on family support programs.

(Sec. 556) Each military department may reimburse a member of the Armed Forces for licensure and certification costs of the member's spouse arising from relocation to another state.

(Sec. 557) The bill extends protections for members of uniformed services relating to mortgages, mortgage foreclosure, and eviction.

(Sec. 558) Each military department must ensure that the hours of operation of each childcare development center under its jurisdiction are established and maintained in manner that takes into account the demands and circumstances of members of the Armed Forces, including members of the reserve components, who use such center in facilitation of the performance of their military duties.

(Sec. 559) DOD may appoint qualified childcare services providers in the competitive service if it determines (1) there is a critical hiring need for childcare services providers for DOD child development centers, and (2) there is a shortage of childcare services providers.

(Sec. 560) DOD must carry out a pilot program to assess the feasibility and advisability of providing telework facilities for military spouses on military installations outside the United States.

Subtitle G--Decorations and Awards

(Sec. 561) The President may award the Medal of Honor to Garlin M. Conner for acts of valor during World War II.

(Sec. 562) The President may award the Distinguished-Service Cross to Specialist Frank M. Crary for acts of valor in Vietnam.

Subtitle H--Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements

(Sec. 571) DOD must conduct a comparative analysis of accompanied tours of duty and unaccompanied tours of duty of members of the Armed Forces in remote locations with high family support costs.

(Sec. 572) DOD must conduct a review and report of its policies for the career management of regular and reserve officers of the Armed Forces pursuant to the Defense Officer Personnel Management Act and the Reserve Officer Personnel Management Act.

(Sec. 573) DOD must undertake a review and report of the effects of the personnel requirements and limitations on the availability of members of the National Guard for the performance of funeral honors for veterans.

(Sec. 574) DOD must conduct a review and report on the authority for the employment, use, and status of National Guard and Reserve technicians.

(Sec. 575) DOD must conduct an assessment of the feasibility and advisability changing certain policies regarding childcare services.

(Sec. 576) DOD must review and report on compensation provided for childcare services providers within DOD.

(Sec. 577) The GAO must assess the purpose, structure, and effectiveness of the Office of Complex Investigations within the National Guard Bureau.

(Sec. 578) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to modify the date the GAO is required to submit to Congress a report setting forth a review of the integrity of the DOD whistle-blower program.

Subtitle I--Other Matters

(Sec. 581) The bill expands eligibility of private sector employees for enrollment in the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology.

(Sec. 582) The bill makes the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Corps a basic branch of the Army if the Army does not take certain actions regarding explosive ordinance disposal.

(Sec. 583) DOD must designate an office or official within the Office of the Secretary of Defense to oversee use of food assistance programs by members of the Armed Forces on active duty.


Subtitle A--Pay and Allowances

(Sec. 601) The bill requires the annual adjustment of basic monthly pay to take effect on January 1, 2018, notwithstanding any determination made by the President.

(Sec. 602) The bill prohibits an entity from imposing fees in addition to rent on Armed Forces members in Military Housing Privatization Initiative housing.

(Sec. 603) The bill requires the DOD to pay 1% of the basic allowance for housing to lessors of certain Military Housing Privatization Initiative housing.

(Sec. 604) DOD must permit a member of the Armed Forces who is undergoing a permanent change of station within the United States to request a certain period of continued housing in the current location or advance housing in the future location to accommodate a spouse or dependent.

(Sec. 605) The bill extends the authority of DOD to provide an increase in the rates of basic allowance for housing under certain circumstances.

(Sec. 606) DOD must reevaluate the basic housing allowance for the military housing area that includes Staten Island, New York.

Subtitle B--Bonus and Special and Incentive Pays

(Sec. 611) The bill extends certain bonus and special pay authorities for Reserve Forces.

(Sec. 612) The bill extends certain bonus and special pay authorities for health care professionals.

(Sec. 613) The bill extends certain bonus and special pay authorities for nuclear officers.

(Sec. 614) The bill extends specified special pay, incentive pay, and bonus authorities.

(Sec. 615) The bill extends specified bonus and special pay authorities.

(Sec. 616) The GAO must submit to Congress a report regarding the extent of the national pilot shortage and the impact that such shortage has on the ability of DOD to retain pilots.

(Sec. 617) The bill authorizes special aviation incentive pay and bonuses, including for pilots of remotely piloted aircraft. The bill authorizes a maximum aviation bonus of $35,000 for each 12-month period of obligated service, and requires specified details regarding the bonuses in budget justification documents.

(Sec. 618) The bill makes technical and clerical amendments related to the 2008 consolidation of certain special pay authorities.

Subtitle C--Disability Pay, Retired Pay, and Survivor Benefits

(Sec. 621) The bill extends permanently the special survivor indemnity allowance.

(Sec. 622) The bill makes adjustments to the survivor benefit plan for members electing lump sum payments under the retirement system for members of the uniformed services.

(Sec. 623) The bill makes a technical correction regarding election to participate in a modernized retirement system for reserve component members after a break in service.

(Sec. 624) The bill makes technical corrections regarding retired pay in the case of a division of property as part of a final decree of divorce, dissolution, annulment, or legal separation that becomes final prior to the date of a member's retirement.

(Sec. 625) The bill authorizes continuation pay for the Coast Guard.

Subtitle D--Other Matters

(Sec. 631) The Army and the Air Force may convey a specified property in Dallas, Texas that was purchased using nonappropriated funds of the Army and Air Force Exchange Service.

(Sec. 632) Each military department may pay the necessary expenses of those who die on active duty and are interred in a foreign cemetery.

(Sec. 633) The bill eliminates the requirement for DOD to buy athletic shoes for new service members from U.S. companies if there is only one certified source of supply. DOD must purchase the shoes using firm fixed price contracts.

(Sec. 634) DOD must ensure that its regulations comply with Federal consumer protection laws with respect to the collection of debt.


Subtitle A--TRICARE and Other Health Care Benefits

(Sec. 701) The bill provides continued access to medical care at facilities of the uniformed service for certain members of the reserve components.

(Sec. 702) The bill sets the cost sharing requirements for the TRICARE pharmacy benefits program and revises treatment of certain pharmaceutical agents under the program.

(Sec. 703) DOD may furnish hyperbaric oxygen therapy available at a military medical treatment facility to a covered member if such therapy is prescribed by a physician to treat post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury.

(Sec. 704) The bill specifies that individuals under the age of 21 are eligible for concurrent hospice care and health care services for the same condition.

(Sec. 705) Each military department must provide a physical examination for members of the reserve component who are separating from the Armed Forces.

(Sec. 706) The bill requires a mental health assessment before a member separates from the Armed Forces.

(Sec. 707) The bill expands sexual trauma counseling and treatment to include trauma suffered during inactive duty training.

(Sec. 708) DOD must implement processes and procedures to ensure that a covered beneficiary under the TRICARE program whose pregnancy is complicated with (or suspected of complication with) a fetal condition may elect to receive expedited evaluation, nondirective counseling, and medical treatment from a perinatal or pediatric specialist capable of providing surgical management and intervention in utero.

Subtitle B--Health Care Administration

(Sec. 711) DOD must ensure that each military medical treatment facility located outside the United States maintains inpatient capabilities.

(Sec. 712) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to allow DOD to prioritize at military treatment facilities the evaluation and treatment of individuals severely injured by acts of terror.

(Sec. 713) DOD may allow a military director (or any other senior military officer or officers) of a military treatment facility to be a commanding officer.

(Sec. 714) DOD must ensure that a contract entered into with a TRICARE pharmacy program contractor includes requirements to regularly update the pricing standard for prescription drugs.

(Sec. 715) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to modify contracting responsibility for the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment for managed care support services under TRICARE.

(Sec. 716) DOD may authorize an emergency use outside the United States of medical products to reduce the number of deaths or the severity of harm to members of the Armed Forces caused by a risk or agent of war.

(Sec. 717) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to require DOD's determination of average wait times at urgent care clinics and pharmacies at military medical treatment facilities to use a formula derived from best practices.

(Sec. 718) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to make it a requirement for DOD to reimburse entities carrying out state vaccination programs for costs of vaccines to covered beneficiaries.

(Sec. 719) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 to extend the authority of the joint DOD-VA medical facility demonstration fund.

(Sec. 720) DOD must ensure that to serve as a podiatrist in the Armed Forces, an individual must have successfully completed a three-year podiatric medicine and surgical residency.

(Sec. 721) DOD must add physical therapist assistants and occupational therapy assistants to the list of individual professional providers of care who are authorized to provide services to beneficiaries under the TRICARE program.

(Sec. 722) DOD must establish the common qualifications and core competencies required for an individual to serve as a military commander or director of a military medical treatment facility.

Subtitle C--Reports and Other Matters

(Sec. 731) DOD must carry out a pilot program to provide a health care assistance service to certain covered beneficiaries enrolled in TRICARE Select using purchased care to improve the health outcomes and patient experience for covered beneficiaries with complex medical conditions.

(Sec. 732) DOD must conduct a feasibility study and cost estimate for a pilot program that uses predictive analytics and screening to identify mental health risk and provide early targeted intervention for part-time members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces to improve readiness and mission success.

(Sec. 733) DOD must submit to Congress a report setting forth its plan to improve pediatric care and related services for children of members of the Armed Forces.

(Sec. 734) DOD must conduct a longitudinal medical study on blast pressure exposure of members of the Armed Forces during combat and training.

(Sec. 735) DOD must conduct a study on the effectiveness of the training provided to military health care providers regarding opioid prescribing practices, initiatives in opioid safety, the use of the VA/DOD Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain, and other related training.

(Sec. 736) DOD must submit to Congress a report on the implementation of the GAO recommendations regarding post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.

(Sec. 737) DOD must conduct a declassification review of documents related to any known incident in which no fewer than 100 members of the Armed Forces were intentionally exposed to a toxic substance that resulted in at least one case of a disability that a member of the medical profession has determined to be associated with that toxic substance.

(Sec. 738) The Office of Public Health of the Veterans Health Administration must coordinate efforts related to furthering understanding of burn pits, the effect of burn pits on veterans, and effective treatments relating to such effects, including with respect to research efforts and training of clinical staff on related matters.

(Sec. 739) The bill makes technical amendments to TRICARE.


Subtitle A--Acquisition Policy and Management

(Sec. 801) DOD must revise the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement to include specified statements of purpose.

(Sec. 802) The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment must develop policy on the acquisition or licensing of intellectual property. The office must also establish a cadre of personnel who are experts in intellectual property matters.

(Sec. 803) DOD must comply with commercially accepted standards of risk and materiality in the performance of each incurred cost audit of costs associated with its contracts.

(Sec. 804) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to eliminate the requirement that the Defense Contract Audit Agency accept certain commercial audits.

(Sec. 805) The bill increases the simplified acquisition threshold from $100,000 to $250,000.

(Sec. 806) The bill increases the micro-purchase threshold amount from $3,000 to $10,000 and limits the amount that may be paid by a convenience check.

(Sec. 807) DOD must establish a process for enhancing scrutiny of acquisition decisions in order to improve the integration of supply chain risk management into the overall acquisition decision cycle.

(Sec. 808) DOD must form a committee of senior executives from the national technology and industrial base to exchange information on technology threats to national security and on emerging technologies that may become available to counter such threats in a timely manner.

(Sec. 809) DOD must carry out a review of the authorities available to each military department for the development, acquisition, and sustainment of technology, equipment, and services in order to determine the feasibility and advisability of providing such authorities to the U.S. Special Operations Command.

(Sec. 810) The bill makes technical amendments related to program management.

Subtitle B--Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, Procedures, and Limitations

(Sec. 811) The bill modifies certifications of cost and pricing data and requires the GAO to report on the implementation and effect of the modifications.

(Sec. 812) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to modify the pilot program for accelerating foreign military sales to allow price reasonableness to be determined based on a similar product instead of only on the same product.

(Sec. 813) The bill eliminates the requirement for DOD to acquire chemical weapons antidote and photovoltaic devices from United States sources.

(Sec. 814) The GAO must submit to DOD and to Congress a report on the safety and health records of DOD contractors.

(Sec. 815) The bill limits contracting officers from unilaterally definitizing contract specifications or price.

(Sec. 816) Each military department must make the memorandum and supporting documentation for each sustainment review available to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment within 30 days after the review is completed.

(Sec. 817) The bill allows an entity with a procurement technical assistance program to use program income to carry out a future procurement technical assistance program.

(Sec. 818) DOD must revise the DOD Supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation to include additional requirements for post-award briefings.

(Sec. 819) The bill eliminates certain sunset dates related to information technology and amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 to extend the federal data center consolidation initiative.

(Sec. 820) The bill modifies the definition of subcontract to state the term does not include agreements entered into by a contractor for the supply of commodities that are intended for use in the performance of multiple contracts with the federal government and other parties and are not identifiable to any particular contract.

(Sec. 821) The bill applies inflation adjustments to procurement or services contracts and subcontracts.

(Sec. 822) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to add situations where DOD may use the lowest price technically acceptable source selection process.

(Sec. 823) The bill revises design-build selection procedures to exempt indefinite delivery-indefinite quantity contracts from the limit on phase-two proposals.

(Sec. 824) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to expand DOD contract closeout authority to allow DOD to close out contracts over 17 fiscal years old.

(Sec. 825) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 to eliminate cost underruns as a factor in calculation of penalties for cost overruns.

(Sec. 826) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 to modify annual meeting requirements for the Configuration Steering Board of a major defense acquisition program.

(Sec. 827) DOD must carry out a pilot program to determine the effectiveness of requiring contractors to reimburse DOD for costs incurred in processing certain bid protests that were denied by the GAO.

Subtitle C--Provisions Relating to Major Defense Acquisition Programs

(Sec. 831) The bill revises the definition of "major defense acquisition program" to exclude acquisition programs for defense business systems.

(Sec. 832) The bill prohibits DOD from using a lowest price technically acceptable source selection process for the engineering and manufacturing development contract of a major defense acquisition program.

(Sec. 833) The bill requires the Chiefs of the Armed Forces to concur in material development decisions and milestone approvals.

(Sec. 834) DOD must ensure that the defense acquisition system gives ample emphasis to sustainment factors, such as reliability and maintainability, in the development of a weapon system.

(Sec. 835) DOD must negotiate a price for technical data to be delivered under a contract before it selects a contractor for a major weapon system.

(Sec. 836) The bill provides statutory authority for requirements pertaining to the assessment, management, and control of operating and support costs for major weapon systems.

(Sec. 837) DOD must amend the Defense Supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation to incorporate certain elements into the should-cost review process of a major weapon system.

(Sec. 838) DOD must: (1) assess the sufficiency of developmental testing and evaluation that is part of major defense acquisition programs, and (2) evaluate its strategy for developing and expanding the use of tools designed to facilitate developmental testing.

(Sec. 839) The bill authorizes reports: (1) comparing items evaluated for a major defense acquisition program to legacy items, or (2) addressing concerns related to the annual report. The bill requires development of policies and procedures to collect data on testing costs for major defense acquisition programs.

Subtitle D--Provisions Relating to Acquisition Workforce

(Sec. 841) DOD must implement a program manager development program to provide for the professional development of high-potential, experienced civilian personnel.

(Sec. 842) The bill authorizes DOD to adjust the amount it credits to its Acquisition Workforce Development Fund.

(Sec. 843) The bill authorizes the Acquisition Workforce Development Fund to be used to pay the salaries of personnel who manage the fund. The GAO must submit to Congress a report on the effectiveness of hiring and retention flexibility for the acquisition workforce.

(Sec. 844) The bill extends and modifies the acquisition demonstration project. DOD must develop an implementation strategy to address areas for improvement in the demonstration project.

Subtitle E--Provisions Relating to Commercial Items

(Sec. 846) The General Services Administration (GSA) must establish a program to procure commercial products through commercial e-commerce portals for purposes of enhancing competition, expediting procurement, enabling market research, and ensuring reasonable pricing of commercial products.

(Sec. 847) The bill makes a revision to the definition of commercial item to include certain items sold to multiple foreign governments.

(Sec. 848) The bill allows items previously acquired as commercial items to be acquired as commercial items in the future, with exceptions.

(Sec. 849) DOD must review and propose revisions to regulations related to commercial items.

(Sec. 850) The Defense Acquisition University must establish a comprehensive training program in commercial items procurement.

Subtitle F--Provisions Relating to Services Contracting

(Sec. 851) The bill sets forth requirements for services contracts, including that the DOD collect and analyze data to support the validation of requirements for services contracts and inform its planning, programming, budgeting, and execution process.

(Sec. 852) DOD must encourage the use of standard guidelines for the evaluation of requirements for services contracts.

(Sec. 853) DOD must submit to Congress a report on the merits of using outcome-based services contracts.

(Sec. 854) DOD must carry out a pilot program under which it may enter multiyear services contracts for periods of up to 10 years.

Subtitle G--Provisions Relating to Other Transaction Authority and Prototyping

(Sec. 861) The bill allows contracts awarded from the competitive selection of science and technology proposals to include an option for the advanced development, prototyping, initial production, or additional production of technology developed under the contract.

(Sec. 862) DOD or the military departments may engage in research and development by transactions or purchases for experimental purposes.

(Sec. 863) DOD must (1) ensure that its management, technical, and contracting personnel involved in the award or administration of research project transactions are afforded opportunities for adequate education and training; and (2) establish minimum levels and requirements for continuous and experiential learning for such personnel, including levels and requirements for acquisition certification programs.

(Sec. 864) The bill modifies the cost ranges that determine who authorizes a transaction for a prototype project.

(Sec. 865) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to authorize demonstrations of unmanned ground logistics and unmanned air logistics capabilities enhancement under a pilot program for nontraditional defense contractors and small businesses.

(Sec. 866) The bill amends National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 to eliminate a cost sharing requirement for rapid prototyping in the middle tier of acquisition programs.

(Sec. 867) For science and technology and prototyping programs, DOD must establish a preference for using its authority for procurement for experimental purposes and transactions other than contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants.

(Sec. 868) The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering must develop prototypes to digitize defense acquisition regulations, policies, and guidance and to develop a digital decision support tool that facilitates the ability of users to tailor programs in accordance with existing laws, regulations, and guidance.

Subtitle H--Provisions Relating to Software Acquisition

(Sec. 871) DOD must ensure that negotiations for the acquisition of noncommercial computer software consider certain matters.

(Sec. 872) The Defense Innovation Board must study streamlining software development and acquisition regulations.

(Sec. 873) DOD must establish a pilot program to tailor and simplify software development requirements and methods for major software-intensive warfighting systems and defense business systems.

(Sec. 874) DOD must identify software development activities to be developed in a pilot program using agile acquisition methods.

(Sec. 875) DOD must initiate the open software pilot program established by the Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-16-21 titled "Federal Source Code Policy: Achieving Efficiency, Transparency, and Innovation through Reusable and Open Source Software" and dated August 8, 2016.

Subtitle I--Other Matters

(Sec. 881) The bill extends the maximum duration of contracts for liquid fuels and natural gas storage, handling, or distribution.

(Sec. 882) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to prohibit the use by DOD of reverse auctions or lowest price technically acceptable contracting methods for the procurement of aviation critical safety items.

(Sec. 883) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 to make modifications to the advisory panel on streamlining acquisition regulations.

(Sec. 884) The bill repeals an expired pilot program that authorized the Army to lease commercial utility cargo vehicles.

(Sec. 885) The bill provides an exception from the requirement to accept $1 coins for certain business operations.

(Sec. 886) DOD must define Procurement Administrative Lead Time, which describes the amount of time from the issuance of a solicitation to the award of a contract or task order.

(Sec. 887) DOD must establish specific notional milestones and standard timelines for processing a foreign military sale.

(Sec. 888) DOD must conduct an assessment of trade between China and North Korea, including elements important to United States national security and defense.

(Sec. 889) DOD must submit to Congress a report on defense contracting fraud.

(Sec. 890) The GAO must submit to Congress a report evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of the program for the improvement of contractor business systems.

(Sec. 891) DOD must establish a training course at the Defense Acquisition University on agile or iterative development methods to provide training for personnel implementing and supporting the pilot programs for major software-intensive warfighting systems and defense business systems.


Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Defense and Related Matters

(Sec. 901) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to repeal a provision that makes the incumbent Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering when that position comes into effect.

(Sec. 902) The bill changes the authority of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment over certain service acquisition programs from supervisory to advisory.

(Sec. 903) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to make the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment an Executive Schedule Level III position instead of a Level II position.

(Sec. 904) The bill mandates that a person may not be appointed as an Under Secretary within seven years after relief from active duty as a commissioned officer of a regular component of the Armed Forces.

(Sec. 905) The bill modifies the required qualifications and duties of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).

(Sec. 906) The bill redesignates the Principal Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense as Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense. The bill replaces the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics with the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.

(Sec. 907) The bill reduces the number of Assistant Secretaries of Defense from 14 to 13 and eliminates certain designations of Assistant Secretaries of Defense.

(Sec. 908) The bill limits the number of Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense to 48.

(Sec. 909) The bill modifies the appointment and responsibilities of the Chief Information Officer of DOD.

(Sec. 910) The bill modifies the appointment and qualifications of the Chief Management Officer of DOD.

Subtitle B--Data Management and Analytics

(Sec. 911) DOD must establish a data policy that mandates any data contained in a defense business system related to business operations and management is an asset of DOD.

(Sec. 912) The defense business enterprise architecture must include enterprise data that may be automatically extracted from the relevant systems to facilitate DOD-wide analysis and management of its business operations.

(Sec. 913) DOD must establish a set of activities that use data analysis, measurement, and other evaluation-related methods to improve the acquisition outcomes of the agency and enhance organizational learning.

Subtitle C--Organization of Other Department of Defense Offices and Elements

(Sec. 921) The bill modifies qualifications for appointment of Assistant Secretaries of each military department for financial management.

(Sec. 922) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 to implement the headquarters reduction plan so that reductions in major DOD headquarters activities pursuant to the plan are carried out only after certain considerations.

(Sec. 923) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 to require the Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation to certify to DOD and to Congress cost savings achieved by reductions in major DOD headquarters activities.

(Sec. 924) The bill amends the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 to modify qualifications for any individual designated as a corrosion control and prevention executive of a military department.

(Sec. 925) DOD may conduct security, suitability, and credentialing background investigations for its personnel.

Subtitle D--Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements

(Sec. 931) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to add additional organization and management goals and priorities for DOD. These new elements require DOD to report on (1) a civilian operating force structure sized for operational effectiveness, and (2) the hiring authorities and other actions DOD will take to eliminate gaps between desired and current civilian workforce levels.

(Sec. 932) DOD must submit to Congress a report containing a strategy to ensure that there is sufficient expertise, oversight, and policy direction on developmental test and evaluation within the Office of the Secretary of Defense after the completion of the reorganization of that office.

(Sec. 933) DOD must submit to Congress a report (1) evaluating the continued need for the Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight, and (2) recommending whether to retain or terminate the Office.

Subtitle D--Other Matters

(Sec. 941) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to extend the deadlines for report and briefing requirements of the Commission on the National Defense Strategy.


Subtitle A--Financial Matters

(Sec. 1001) The bill authorizes DOD to make transfers between specified amounts authorized for FY2018, subject to certain limitations and a congressional notification requirement.

(Sec. 1002) The bill modifies certain authorities and requirements related to auditing DOD financial statements.

(Sec. 1003) The Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) must take certain actions with regard to estimating improper payments.

(Sec. 1004) DOD must submit to Congress a report setting forth a ranking of the auditability of the financial statements of the departments, agencies, organizations, and elements of its agency according to the progress made toward achieving auditability as required by law.

(Sec. 1005) The Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) must develop and maintain an online tool that permits officials to track key indicators of DOD financial performance.

(Sec. 1006) DOD may establish within its agency a team of private sector experts who have experience conducting financial audits of large public or private sector organizations. This team shall review and make recommendations to improve DOD efforts to obtain an audit opinion on its full financial statements.

(Sec. 1007) DOD must notify Congress for certain contracts regarding the annual preparation of audited financial statements.

Subtitle B--Counterdrug Activities

(Sec. 1011) The bill amends the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 to extend the authority to support the unified counterdrug and counterterrorism campaign in Columbia.

(Sec. 1012) The bill modifies venue requirements for the prosecution of maritime drug trafficking charges.

Subtitle C--Naval Vessels and Shipyards

(Sec. 1021) DOD may use funds from the National Defense Sealift Fund to recapitalize the Ready Reserve Force component of the national defense reserve fleet and the Military Sealift Command surge fleet.

(Sec. 1022) The bill authorizes the use of the National Sea-Based Deterrence Fund for multiyear procurement of critical components to support continuous production.

(Sec. 1023) The bill authorizes corrective and preventive maintenance or repair of Littoral Combat Ships (relatively small surface vessels designed for operations near shore) if the work is performed by U.S. government or contractor personnel.

(Sec. 1024) The bill limits the availability of funds for retirement or inactivation of a cruiser or dock landing ship.

(Sec. 1025) The bill specifies that it is U.S. policy to have no less than 355 battle force ships available, comprised of the optimal mix of platforms.

(Sec. 1026) The Chief of Naval Operations must submit to Congress a report setting forth a force structure assessment that establishes a surveying ship requirement.

Subtitle D--Counterterrorism

(Sec. 1031) The bill gives the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict the primary responsibility for oversight of policies and programs regarding special operations to combat terrorism.

(Sec. 1032) The bill terminates on December 31, 2020, the requirement that DOD submit an annual budget justification for the combating terrorism program.

(Sec. 1033) DOD is prohibited from using funds to transfer or release detainees at U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, (Guantanamo) to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions.

(Sec. 1034) DOD is prohibited from using funds to construct or modify any facility in the United States, its territories, or possessions to house any detainee transferred from Guantanamo for the purposes of detention or imprisonment in the custody or under the effective control of DOD.

(Sec. 1035) DOD is prohibited from using funds to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer or release of any individual detained at Guantanamo to Libya, Somalia, Syria, or Yemen.

(Sec. 1036) DOD is prohibited from using funds for the closure or abandonment of Guantanamo, the relinquishment of control of Guantanamo to Cuba, or the implementation of a material modification to the Treaty Between the United States of America and Cuba that constructively closes Guantanamo.

(Sec. 1037) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that military judges overseeing commissions in Guantanamo should consider making arrangements to take recorded testimony from victims and their families.

(Sec. 1038) The GAO must study and report on the feasibility and advisability of expanding the public availability of military commissions proceedings that are made open to the public.

Subtitle E--Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations

(Sec. 1041) The bill limits the expenditure of funds for intelligence or counter-intelligence activities until DOD has notified Congress of the intent to obligate or expend the funds and 15 days have elapsed since the date of the notification.

(Sec. 1042) DOD must make available to Congress, the Congressional Budget Office, the GAO, and the Congressional Research Service each future-years defense program.

(Sec. 1043) The bill modifies the role of the Armed Forces in providing humanitarian demining assistance and stockpiled conventional munitions assistance.

(Sec. 1044) The bill prohibits a charge of certain tariffs on aircraft traveling through channel routes.

(Sec. 1045) The bill prohibits individuals from engaging in lobbying activities with respect to DOD during the two-year period beginning on the date of retirement or separation from service in the Armed Forces or the date of retirement or separation from service with DOD.

(Sec. 1046) The bill prohibits the Navy from using funds for the retirement of legacy maritime mine countermeasures ships.

(Sec. 1047) The Navy must submit to Congress a report on the ship depot maintenance capability and capacity required for Navy ships operating in the western Pacific Ocean.

(Sec. 1048) DOD may furnish annual training to all members of the Armed Forces and all DOD civilian employees, regarding attempts by Russia and its proxies and agents to influence and recruit members of the Armed Forces as part of its influence campaign.

(Sec. 1049) The bill addresses workforce issues regarding military realignments in the Northern Mariana Islands and Guam by allowing an alien to seek admission as a nonimmigrant worker without counting against certain numerical limitations.

Subtitle F--Studies and Reports

(Sec. 1051) The bill eliminates various DOD reporting requirements.

(Sec. 1052) DOD must submit to Congress a report on the transfer of defense articles to units committing gross violations of human rights.

(Sec. 1053) DOD must submit to Congress a report on the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) that includes the functions of the NBACC, the end users of the NBACC, and the cost and mission impact for each user of any potential closure of the NBACC.

(Sec. 1054) DOD must submit to Congress a report setting forth (1) necessary steps DOD is undertaking to resolve Arctic security capability and resource gaps, and (2) the requirements and investment plans for military infrastructure necessary to protect U.S. national security interests in the Arctic region.

(Sec. 1055) DOD must submit to Congress a review and assessment of personnel recovery and nonconventional assisted recovery programs, authorities, and policies.

(Sec. 1056) The Chief of Naval Operations must submit a plan for inspections of each unit and organization tasked with delivering operational capability, missions and mission essential tasks, functions, supporting roles, organization, manning, training, and materiel for naval mine warfare.

(Sec. 1057) DOD must submit to Congress a report on civilian casualties caused as a result of U.S. military operations during the preceding year.

(Sec. 1058) The Air Force must submit to Congress a report regarding proposed improvements to the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex.

(Sec. 1059) DOD must submit to Congress a report on its status with respect to developing a new military specification for safe and effective alternatives to aqueous film forming foam that do not contain perfluorooctanoic acid or perfluorooctanesulfonic acid.

(Sec. 1060) DOD must provide for and oversee an assessment of the global force posture of the Armed Forces.

(Sec. 1061) The Army must develop a modernization strategy for the total Army.

(Sec. 1062) The Army must submit to Congress a report on the plans of the Army to improve operational unit readiness in the Army by reducing the number of non-deployable soldiers assigned to its operational units and replacing such soldiers with soldiers capable of world-wide deployment.

(Sec. 1063) The Navy must provide to Congress information on efforts by the Navy's Physiological Episode Team to combat the prevalence of physiological episodes (when a pilot experiences loss in performance related to insufficient oxygen, depressurization, or other factors during flight) in F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet, EA-18G Growler, and T-45 Goshawk aircraft.

(Sec. 1064) DOD must provide for the performance of three independent studies of alternative aircraft inventories through 2030, and an associated force-sizing construct, for the Air Force.

(Sec. 1065) The Navy must submit to Congress a report on the capabilities of the Navy in the Arctic region.

(Sec. 1066) The Navy must submit to Congress a report on maritime intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and targeting capabilities.

(Sec. 1067) DOD must submit to Congress a report on the operational need and requirement for a consolidated Joint Chemical-Biological Defense Logistics Center.

(Sec. 1068) DOD and the State Department must jointly submit to Congress a report providing an evaluation of the impact to national security of current U.S. policy regarding proliferation of complete unmanned aerial vehicle systems under Category I of the Missile Technology Control Regime.

(Sec. 1069) DOD in concurrence with the State Department, Department of the Treasury, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) must assess and develop a plan and recommendations for agencies of the U.S. Government, other than DOD, to improve the effectiveness of the interagency vetting of foreign investments that may potentially impair U.S. national security.

(Sec. 1070) DOD must provide to Congress a briefing on all attempts to breach, intrude, or otherwise hack into DOD systems that (1) occurred during the last 24-month period ending on the date of the enactment of this bill, and (2) were attributable either to the government of Russia or actors substantially supported by the government of Russia.

(Sec. 1071) DOD must establish a process, or designate an existing process, for enhancing its ability to analyze, assess, and monitor the vulnerabilities of, and concentration of purchases in, the defense industrial base.

(Sec. 1072) The Navy must submit to Congress a report on the defense of combat logistics and strategic mobility forces.

(Sec. 1073) The Navy must submit to Congress a report on the acquisition strategy to recapitalize the existing system for undersea fixed surveillance.

(Sec. 1074) DOD must submit to Congress a report on the implementation of requirements in connection with the organization of DOD for management of special operation forces and capabilities.

(Sec. 1075) DOD must submit to Congress an assessment of its policies and operational plans for addressing the national security implications of global food system vulnerabilities.

Subtitle G--Modernizing Government Technology

(Sec. 1076) The bill defines terms used in this subtitle.

(Sec. 1077) The bill authorizes the heads of certain agencies to establish an information technology system modernization and working capital fund for necessary expenses.

(Sec. 1078) The bill establishes a Technology Modernization Fund for technology-related activities to improve information technology and to enhance cybersecurity across the federal government.

Subtitle H--Other Matters

(Sec. 1081) The bill makes technical and conforming amendments regarding certain matters.

(Sec. 1082) The bill clarifies the applicability of certain provisions to civilian judges of the U.S. Court of Military Commission Review, and it considers such judges to be officers or employees of the United States with respect to their status as a judge during periods when they are performing the duties of a judge.

(Sec. 1083) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 to modify the number of positions DOD is required to convert from military technician (dual status) positions to civilian positions.

(Sec. 1084) DOD must conduct an efficiency and effectiveness review of the governance structure, coordination processes, documentation, and timing and deadline requirements stipulated in DOD Policy Memorandum 15-002, titled "Guidance for the Domestic Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems" and dated February 17, 2015.

(Sec. 1085) The bill expresses the sense of Congress regarding U.S. aircraft carriers, specifically, that they have served U.S. interests in times of war and peace and their contributions and heritage should be celebrated.

(Sec. 1086) The bill expresses the sense of Congress recognizing the U.S. Navy Seabees.

(Sec. 1087) The Army must authorize the construction, at an appropriate place in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, of a memorial marker honoring the three members of the crew of the Apollo I who died during a launch rehearsal test on January 27, 1967, in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

(Sec. 1088) DOD and the State Department must jointly conduct a review of the guidance of DOD applicable to its engagements with covered non-federal entities.

(Sec. 1089) DOD may establish a prize competition designed to accelerate identification of the root cause or causes of, or find solutions to, physiological episodes experienced in the Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force training and operational aircraft.

(Sec. 1090) The bill provides assistance to the House of Representatives in response to cybersecurity events.

(Sec. 1091) The Army must transfer surplus caliber .45 M1911/M1911A1 pistols to the Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety.

(Sec. 1092) The FAA and DOD may collaborate on sense-and-avoid capabilities for unmanned aircraft systems.

(Sec. 1093) The bill prohibits a multichannel video programming distributor from including certain conditions regarding obtaining retransmission consent.

(Sec. 1094) The President must submit to Congress a report on a comprehensive, interagency national strategy for countering violent extremism.

(Sec. 1095) The bill expresses the sense of Congress regarding World War I, honoring the memory of fallen World War I heroes and calling on all people of the United States to join in the commemoration of the centennial of World War I.

(Sec. 1096) DOD must make available on request to Congress a settlement agreement (including a consent decree) in any civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction involving DOD, a military department, or a Defense Agency.

(Sec. 1097) The bill reauthorizes the Office of Special Counsel and modifies provisions related to whisteblowers and information on whistleblower protections.

(Sec. 1098) DOD must conduct a policy review regarding the use of commercial air transportation or alternative forms of air transportation to transport civilian personnel of DOD to and from Afghanistan.


(Sec. 1101) DOD may appoint individuals with certain background and experience to assist and facilitate its efforts in business transformation and management innovation.

(Sec. 1102) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to extend through FY2021 direct hire authority for qualified candidates to positions in the competitive service at any defense industrial base facility or the Major Range and Test Facilities Base.

(Sec. 1103) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to extend through FY2021 the authority to provide voluntary separation incentive pay for civilian employees of DOD.

(Sec. 1104) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 to designate additional DOD science and technology reinvention laboratories.

(Sec. 1105) The bill amends the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 to extend through 2018 the authority to waive the annual limitation on premium pay and the aggregate limitation on pay for civilian employees working overseas.

(Sec. 1106) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for 2017 to modify direct hire authority for financial management experts in the DOD workforce.

(Sec. 1107) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to extend through 2021 the authority for temporary personnel flexibility for domestic defense industrial base facilities and Major Range and Test Facilities Base civilian personnel.

(Sec. 1108) The bill extends through 2019 the temporary authority to grant allowances, benefits, and gratuities to civilian personnel on official duty in a combat zone.

(Sec. 1109) The bill extends through FY2019 the overtime rate authority for Navy employees performing work aboard, or dockside in direct support of, the nuclear aircraft carrier that is forward deployed in Japan.

(Sec. 1110) DOD must carry out a pilot program to assess the feasibility and advisability of an enhanced personnel management system for cybersecurity and legal professionals who enter civilian service with DOD on or after January 1, 2020.

(Sec. 1111) The bill establishes management by directors at the Major Ranger and Test Facility Base and the Defense Test Resource Management Center.


Subtitle A--Assistance and Training

(Sec. 1201) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 to extend logistical support for coalition forces supporting operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

(Sec. 1202) DOD may, with the concurrence of the relevant Chief of Mission, expend funds through FY2020 to provide support to foreign forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals engaged in supporting or facilitating ongoing and authorized irregular warfare operations by U.S. Special Operations Forces.

(Sec. 1203) The bill limits the use of funds for annual obligations from the Special Defense Acquisition Fund.

(Sec. 1204) The bill modifies provisions related to defense institution capacity building and the authority to build the capacity of foreign security forces.

(Sec. 1205) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 to extend through December 31, 2020, and modify the authority for DOD to provide training for Eastern European national military forces in the course of multilateral exercises.

(Sec. 1206) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 to extend through FY2019 the Global Security Contingency Fund.

(Sec. 1207) DOD may operate an institute to be known as the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies to promote an understanding of and appreciation for the rule of law and encourage international development of certain internal capacities for foreign governments.

(Sec. 1208) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to extend through FY2019 participation in and support of the Inter-American Defense College.

(Sec. 1209) DOD and the State Department must jointly submit to Congress a report setting forth a plan to improve the ability of the national security forces of foreign countries to protect civilians.

Subtitle B--Matters Relating to Afghanistan and Pakistan

(Sec. 1211) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 to extend through December 31, 2018, the authority to transfer defense articles and provide defense services to the military and security forces of Afghanistan.

(Sec. 1212) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 to extend and modify the authority for reimbursement of certain coalition nations for support provided to U.S. military operations.

(Sec. 1213) The bill expands the number of principal aliens who may be provided special immigrant status under the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009.

(Sec. 1214) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 to extend through December 31, 2019, the authority for DOD to acquire products and services produced in countries that are situated along a major route of supply to Afghanistan.

(Sec. 1215) The bill amends the Carl Levin and Howard P. `Buck' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 to extend the date through which DOD must submit to Congress a semiannual report on enhancing security and stability in Afghanistan.

(Sec. 1216) DOD may establish one or more permanent positions to oversee and support human rights matters regarding the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.

Subtitle C--Matters Relating to Syria, Iraq, and Iran

(Sec. 1221) The President must submit to Congress a report that describes U.S. strategy in Syria.

(Sec. 1222) The bill amends the Carl Levin and Howard P. `Buck' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 to extend through December 31, 2019, and modify the authority of DOD to provide assistance to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

(Sec. 1223) The bill amends the Carl Levin and Howard P. `Buck' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 to modify the authority of DOD to provide assistance to the vetted elements of the Syrian opposition.

(Sec. 1224) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 to extend through FY2018 and modify the authority of DOD to support operations and activities of the Office of Security Cooperation in Iraq.

(Sec. 1225) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 to modify and require additional elements in the annual report on the Military Power of Iran.

(Sec. 1226) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to extend through December 31, 2022, the requirement for quarterly reports and sanctions relating to confirmed ballistic missile launches by Iran.

(Sec. 1227) The bill limits the use of funds to provide man-portable air defense systems (MANPADs) to the vetted Syrian opposition.

(Sec. 1228) The President must submit to Congress a report on any agreement reached with Russia relating to a political settlement or long-term territorial control in Syria.

Subtitle D--Matters Relating to the Russian Federation

(Sec. 1231) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to extend through 2018 the limitation on military cooperation between the United States and Russia.

(Sec. 1232) The bill prohibits funds from being used to implement any activity that recognizes the sovereignty of Russia over Crimea.

(Sec. 1233) The bill expresses the sense of Congress regarding U.S. support for European security.

(Sec. 1234) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 to modify and extend through December 31, 2020, the authority for DOD to provide security assistance and intelligence support to military and other security forces of the government of Ukraine.

(Sec. 1235) The bill limits the availability of fund relating to the implementation of the Open Skies Treaty until the President submits a plan describing the objectives for all flights planned for purposes of implementing the treaty.

(Sec. 1236) The bill expresses the sense of Congress on the importance of nuclear capabilities of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

(Sec. 1237) DOD must submit to Congress a report on security cooperation with respect to Western Balkan countries.

(Sec. 1238) The President must submit to Congress a report (1) describing the options available in response to a failure by Russia to achieve the reductions required by the New START Treaty before February 5, 2018, and (2) including the assessment of whether such a failure constitutes a material breach of the New START Treaty

(Sec. 1239) DOD must develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to counter threats by Russia.

(Sec. 1239A) DOD and the State Department must jointly develop a comprehensive strategy to counter the threat of malign influence by Russia.

Subtitle E--Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty Preservation Act of 2017

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty Preservation Act of 2017

(Sec. 1242) The bill expresses congressional findings that Russia is in violation of its obligations under the INF Treaty not to possess, produce, or flight-test a ground-launched cruise missile with a range capability of 500 to 5,500 kilometers, or to possess or produce launchers of such missiles

(Sec. 1243) DOD must establish a program of record to develop a conventional road-mobile ground-launched cruise missile system with a range of between 500 to 5,500 kilometers, including research and development activities with respect to such cruise missile system.

(Sec. 1244) The ODNI must notify Congress of any development, deployment, or test of a system by Russia that it determines is inconsistent with the INF Treaty.

(Sec. 1245) The President must conduct a review of and submit a report on the RS-26 ballistic missile of Russia.

(Sec. 1246) The bill provides the definitions for terms used in this subtitle.

Subtitle F--Matters Relating to the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region

(Sec. 1251) DOD may carry out an Indo-Asia-Pacific Stability Initiative to enhance stability in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.

(Sec. 1252) DOD must submit to Congress a report that contains a strategy to prioritize U.S. defense interests in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.

(Sec. 1253) DOD must assess and report on U.S. force posture and basing needs in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.

(Sec. 1254) DOD must submit to Congress a plan to enhance the extended deterrence and assurance capabilities of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region.

(Sec. 1255) The bill expresses the sense of Congress reaffirming security commitments to the governments of Japan and South Korea and trilateral cooperation between the United States, Japan, and South Korea.

(Sec. 1256) The President must submit to Congress a report setting forth the strategy of the United States with respect to North Korea.

(Sec. 1257) DOD must provide to Congress a briefing on the hazards or risks posed directly or indirectly by the nuclear ambitions of North Korea.

(Sec. 1258) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year 2017 to modify provisions related to the advancement in defense and security cooperation with India.

(Sec. 1259) The bill expresses that it is U.S. policy to reinforce its commitments to Taiwan under the Taiwan Relations Act as both governments work to improve Taiwan's self-defense capability.

(Sec. 1259A) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that any requests from the government of Taiwan for defense articles and defense services must receive a case-by-case review by DOD that is consistent with the standard processes and procedures in an effort to normalize the arms sales process with Taiwan.

(Sec. 1259B) DOD must assess the foreign military and non-military activities of China that may affect the regional and global national security and defense interests of the United States.

(Sec. 1259C) The bill approves the Compact Review Agreement and appendices signed by the United States and Palau on September 3, 2010.

(Sec. 1259D) DOD must enter into an agreement with an appropriate independent entity to conduct a study and assessment of U.S. security and foreign policy interests in the Freely Associated States of Palau, the Marshall Islands, and Micronesia.

Subtitle G--Reports

(Sec. 1261) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 to modify annual reporting requirements on military and security developments involving China to include any Chinese laws, regulations, or policies that could jeopardize the economic security of the United States.

(Sec. 1262) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to make modifications to the annual update of the DOD Freedom of Navigation Report.

(Sec. 1263) The President must submit to Congress a report on the U.S. strategy to defeat Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, and their associated forces and co-belligerents.

(Sec. 1264) The President must submit to Congress a report on the legal and policy frameworks for the United States' use of military force and related national security operations.

(Sec. 1265) DOD and the State Department must jointly submit to Congress a report on military action of Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners in Yemen.

(Sec. 1266) The bill requires DOD to submit the Supplemental and Cost of War Execution report quarterly.

(Sec. 1267) DOD must submit to Congress a report on U.S. Armed Forces, DOD civilian employees, and DOD contractor employees deployed in support of (1) Operation Inherent Resolve, (2) Operation Freedom's Sentinel, and (3) associated or successor operations.

(Sec. 1268) The GAO must submit to Congress a report on pricing and availability with respect to foreign military sales.

(Sec. 1269) The bill amends the Carl Levin and Howard P. `Buck' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 to require that an assessment of Russia's hybrid warfare strategy and capabilities be included in the annual report on military and security developments involving Russia.

Subtitle H--Other Matters

(Sec. 1271) The President must submit to Congress a report that contains a comprehensive U.S. strategy to achieve long-term security and stability in Somalia.

(Sec. 1272) DOD must update relevant security cooperation guidance issued for use of the Global Theater Security Cooperation Management Information System and submit to Congress a report that contains such guidance.

(Sec. 1273) DOD must submit to Congress a future years plan on activities and resources of the European Deterrence Initiative.

(Sec. 1274) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 to extend the authority for DOD to enter into agreements with participating countries in the American, British, Canadian, and Australian Armies' Program.

(Sec. 1275) The President must submit to Congress a report that contains a military and diplomatic strategy for Yemen.

(Sec. 1276) DOD must ensure that any high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle receives certain updates and modernizations before an excess of these vehicles are transferred to a foreign country.

(Sec. 1277) DOD must develop and implement a program to prepare U.S. students studying abroad through DOD National Security Education Programs to recognize and protect themselves against recruitment efforts by intelligence agents.

(Sec. 1278) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 to limit and extend through December 31, 2020, the authority of the United States and Israel anti-tunnel cooperation.

(Sec. 1279) The State Department, DOD, and the U.S. Agency for International Development must jointly develop a strategy to prevent corruption in any reconstruction efforts associated with U.S. contingency operations and submit such strategy to Congress.

(Sec. 1279A) The President must submit to Congress a report that contains a comprehensive strategy to support improvements in defense institutions and security sector forces in Nigeria.

(Sec. 1279B) The bill prohibits the use of funds for DOD to implement the Arms Trade Treaty unless the treaty has received the advice and consent of the Senate and has been the subject of implementing legislation.

(Sec. 1279C) DOD must designate an employee to serve as the Coordinator for Cultural Heritage Protection.

(Sec. 1279D) DOD may, with the concurrence of the State Department, conduct or support a single joint program of the Baltic nations to improve their interoperability and build their capacity to deter and resist aggression by Russia.

(Sec. 1279E) Congress declares that United Nations Security Council Resolution 2310 (September 23, 2016) does not obligate the United States to refrain from actions that run counter to the object and purpose of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

(Sec. 1279F) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 to revise the authority of DOD to support border security operations of the government of Jordan and the government of Lebanon.


(Sec. 1301) The bill specifies the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) programs and authorizations of appropriations included in this bill and authorizes CTR funds to be obligated for FY2018-FY2020.

(Sec. 1302) The bill allocates authorizations of appropriations of funds for the CTR program in FY2018.


Subtitle A--Military Programs

(Sec. 1401) The bill authorizes appropriations for Working Capital Funds at the levels identified in section 4501.

(Sec. 1402) The bill authorizes appropriations for Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction, Defense, at the levels identified in section 4501.

(Sec. 1403) The bill authorizes appropriations for Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense-wide, at the levels identified in section 4501.

(Sec. 1404) The bill authorizes appropriations for the DOD Office of the Inspector General at the levels identified in section 4501.

(Sec. 1405) The bill authorizes appropriations for the Defense Health Program at the levels identified in section 4501.

(Sec. 1406) The bill authorizes appropriations for the National Defense Sealift Fund at the levels identified in section 4501.

Subtitle B--Other Matters

(Sec. 1411) The bill authorizes DOD to transfer funds from the Defense Health Program to the Joint DOD-Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility Demonstration Fund for the Captain James A. Lovell Health Care Center.

(Sec. 1412) The bill authorizes appropriations for the Armed Forces Retirement Home.

(Sec. 1413) The bill addresses matters related to the Armed Forces Retirement Home, including the Armed Forces Retirement Home Advisory Council.

(Sec. 1414) The bill provides authority for the National Defense Stockpile Manager to dispose of not more than 25 short tons of materials transferred from another department or agency of the United States to the National Defense Stockpile.

(Sec. 1415) The bill establishes requirements for acquisition reporting on major chemical demilitarization programs of DOD.


Subtitle A--Authorization of Appropriations

(Sec. 1501) The bill specifies that the purpose of this subtitle is to authorize FY2018 appropriations for overseas contingency operations (OCO).

(Sec. 1502) The bill authorizes additional appropriations for OCO as designated in the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

(Sec. 1503) The bill authorizes additional appropriations for procurement accounts for the Army, the Navy and the Marine Corps, the Air Force, and Defense-wide activities at the levels identified in section 4102.

(Sec. 1504) The bill authorizes additional appropriations for research, development, test, and evaluation at the levels identified in section 4202.

(Sec. 1505) The bill authorizes additional appropriations for operation and maintenance at the levels identified in section 4302.

(Sec. 1506) The bill authorizes additional appropriations for military personnel at the levels identified in section 4402.

(Sec. 1507) The bill authorizes additional appropriations for defense working capital funds at the levels identified in section 4502.

(Sec. 1508) The bill authorizes additional appropriations for Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense-wide, at the levels identified in section 4502.

(Sec. 1509) The bill authorizes additional appropriations for the Office of the Inspector General at the levels identified in section 4502.

(Sec. 1510) The bill authorizes additional appropriations for the Defense Health Program at the levels identified in section 4502.

Subtitle B--Financial Matters

(Sec. 1511) The bill specifies that appropriations authorized by this title are in addition to amounts otherwise authorized to be appropriated by this bill.

(Sec. 1512) The bill authorizes the transfer of up to $2.5 billion of the FY2018 OCO funding authorized by this title to unforeseen higher priority needs in accordance with normal reprogramming procedures.

Subtitle C--Limitations, Reports, and Other Matters

(Sec. 1521) The bill continues the existing limitations and restrictions on the use of funds in the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund. The bill extends the authority to accept certain equipment procured using the funds and to treat the equipment as DOD stocks. The bill also continues the goal of using specified funds to support the efforts of the government of Afghanistan to recruit, train and integrate women into the Afghan National Security Forces and the requirement for a report on the plan to promote the security of Afghan women.

(Sec. 1522) The bill extends the use and transfer authority for the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Fund. The bill expands the foreign governments to whom assistance may be provided in order to counter the flow of improvised explosive device precursor chemicals. The bill also extends the authority for interdiction of improvised explosive device precursor chemicals.

(Sec. 1523) The GAO must submit to Congress a report assessing the feasibility of separating expenditures of amounts appropriated for OCO from expenditures of all other amounts appropriated for DOD.

(Sec. 1524) DOD must update the guidelines regarding the budget items that may be covered by OCO accounts.


Subtitle A--Space Activities

(Sec. 1601) The bill addresses space acquisition and management, including the Air Force Space Command. DOD must conduct a review and identify a recommended organizational and management structure for the national security space components of DOD, including the Air Force Space Command, that implements the organizational policy guidance.

(Sec. 1602) The bill modifies and extends through December 31, 2023, the limitation on construction of satellite positioning ground monitoring stations of certain foreign governments on U.S. territory.

(Sec. 1603) The bill limits the authority of DOD to enter into a contract for satellite services with any entity if it reasonably believes that (1) entering into the contract would create an unacceptable cybersecurity risk, (2) the satellite services will be provided using satellites that will be designed or manufactured in a foreign country, or (3) the satellite services will be launched using a launch vehicle that is designed or manufactured in a foreign country.

(Sec. 1604) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to extend the DOD pilot program on commercial weather data.

(Sec. 1605) DOD may only use funds to carry out the evolved expendable launch vehicle program to (1) develop a domestic rocket propulsion system to replace non-allied space launch engines; (2) develop the necessary interfaces to, or integration of, such domestic rocket propulsion system with an existing or planned launch vehicle; and (3) develop capabilities necessary to enable existing or planned commercially available space launch vehicles or infrastructure that are primarily for national security space missions to meet the assured access to space requirements.

(Sec. 1606) DOD, the Department of Transportation (DOT), and DHS must jointly develop a plan for carrying out a backup global positioning system (GPS) capability demonstration.

(Sec. 1607) DOD, acting through the Council on Oversight of the DOD Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Enterprise, must develop a plan to increase the positioning, navigation, and timing capacity of DOD to provide resilience to the positioning, navigation, and timing capabilities of the agency.

(Sec. 1608) The Air Force must submit to Congress a report that includes its views and plans to acquire from commercial providers a portion of the satellite bandwidth, ground services, and advanced services for the pathfinder program

(Sec. 1609) DOD must carry out a program to modernize infrastructure and improve support activities for the processing and launch of U.S. national security space vehicles launching from federal ranges.

(Sec. 1610) The bill limits FY2018 funds from being used for the Joint Space Operations Center mission system program until the Air Force submits to Congress a specified plan to operationalize existing commercial space situational awareness capabilities to address warfighter requirements.

(Sec. 1611) The bill prohibits FY2018 funds from being used for the Delta IV launch vehicle until the Air Force certifies that it plans to launch a satellite on a Delta IV launch vehicle during the three-year period beginning on the date of the certification.

(Sec. 1612) The Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center must establish and maintain a watch list of contractors with a history of poor performance on space procurement contracts or research, development, test, and evaluation space program contracts.

(Sec. 1613) DOD and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff must jointly certify to Congress that appropriate contingency plans exist in the event of a loss or degradation of U.S. space capabilities.

(Sec. 1614) DOD must submit to Congress a report on protected satellite communications.

(Sec. 1615) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that DOD must establish a Space Flag training event.

(Sec. 1616) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that DOD must ensure the timely provision of operational space weather observations, analyses, forecasts, and other products to support the mission of DOD and coalition partners.

(Sec. 1617) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that the National Space Defense Center is critical to protect all U.S. assets in space and that DOD should seek ways to bolster integration with respect to space threats through work at the National Space Defense Center.

Subtitle B--Defense Intelligence and Intelligence-Related Activities

(Sec. 1621) DOD may grant a security clearance for facilities of certain companies if specified criteria are met.

(Sec. 1622) The bill extends through December 31, 2023, the authority of DOD to engage in commercial activities necessary to provide security for intelligence collection.

(Sec. 1623) The bill revises the date for the submission to Congress of audits regarding commercial activity funds.

(Sec. 1624) The bill amends the Carl Levin and Howard P. `Buck' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 to revise the annual briefing requirements of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to include space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance requirements.

(Sec. 1625) The bill amends the David L. Boren National Security Education Act of 1991 to consider service by recipients of Boren Scholarships in excepted service positions as service under career appointments for purposes of career tenure.

(Sec. 1626) DOD must review the support provided by defense intelligence elements to the acquisition activities conducted by DOD.

(Sec. 1627) The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff must establish an organization within the Joint Staff that shall synchronize cross-combatant command intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance plans and develop strategies to satisfy the intelligence needs of the combatant commands for DOD.

(Sec. 1628) DOD must develop processes and procedures necessary to build, certify, and maintain certifications for multi-use sensitive compartmented information facilities not tied to a single contract and where multiple companies can securely work on multiple projects at different security levels.

(Sec. 1629) The bill limits the availability of funds for certain counterintelligence activities until DOD submits a specified report.

Subtitle C--Cyberspace-Related Matters

Part I--General Cyber Matters

(Sec. 1631) DOD must notify Congress of any sensitive military cyber operations conducted under this title.

(Sec. 1632) The bill modifies briefing requirements for DOD related to quarterly cyber operations.

(Sec. 1633) The President must (1) develop a national policy for the United States relating to cyberspace, cybersecurity, and cyber warfare, and (2) submit to Congress a report on the policy.

(Sec. 1634) The bill prohibits the federal government from using products or services developed or provided by the Kaspersky Lab.

(Sec. 1635) The bill modifies the authority of the combatant commander relating to the unified combatant command for cyber operations.

(Sec. 1636) The bill modifies the definition of acquisition workforce to include military personnel or civilian employees of DOD who contribute to cybersecurity systems.

(Sec. 1637) DOD must establish processes and procedures to integrate strategic information operations and cyber-enabled information operations across the elements of DOD.

(Sec. 1638) DOD may carry out exercises relating to the cybersecurity of election systems of states as part of the exercise commonly known as the Cyber Guard Exercise.

(Sec. 1639) DOD must make changes to the cybersecurity scorecard as are necessary to ensure that it measures the progress of each element of DOD in securing the industrial control systems of its agency against cyber threats.

(Sec. 1640) DOD must submit to Congress a plan for the establishment of a Strategic Cybersecurity Program.

(Sec. 1641) DOD must develop a plan to increase cyber planning and information operations in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.

(Sec. 1642) The U.S. Cyber Command must conduct an evaluation of alternative methods for developing, acquiring, and maintaining software-based cyber tools and applications for the U.S. Cyber Command, the Army Cyber Command, the Fleet Cyber Command, the Air Force Cyber Command, and the Marine Corps Cyberspace Command.

(Sec. 1643) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2017 to include in the DOD pilot program an assessment of isolating military infrastructure from the national electric grid and the use of microgrids.

(Sec. 1644) DOD must conduct a comprehensive review of the U.S. cyber posture over the posture review period and submit to Congress a report on the results of the review.

(Sec. 1645) The Army must submit to Congress a briefing on the ability of the Army Combat Training Centers to provide sufficient cyber training for deploying forces.

(Sec. 1646) DOD must provide to Congress a briefing on the cyber applications of blockchain technology.

(Sec. 1647) DOD must provide to Congress a briefing on its training infrastructure for cyber mission forces.

(Sec. 1648) DOD must submit to Congress a report on terminating the dual-hat arrangement for commander of the U.S. Cyber Command.

Part II--Cybersecurity Education

(Sec. 1649) The bill redesignates the Information Security Scholarship program as the Cyber Scholarship program.

(Sec. 1649A) The National Science Foundation (NSF) must develop and implement a pilot program at community colleges to provide scholarships to eligible students who (1) are pursuing associate degrees or specialized program certifications in the field of cybersecurity, and (2) have bachelor's degrees or are veterans of the Armed Forces. The NSF must also assess the benefits and feasibility of providing scholarships through community colleges to eligible students who are pursuing associate degrees, but do not have bachelor's degrees.

(Sec. 1649B) The bill amends the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014 to revise the Federal Cyber Scholarship for Service program.

(Sec. 1649C) The bill amends the National Science Foundation Authorization Act of 2002 to modify certain definitions related to cybersecurity teaching.

Subtitle D--Nuclear Forces

(Sec. 1651) The U.S. Strategic Command and the U.S. Cyber Command must jointly conduct an assessment of the cyber resiliency of the nuclear command and control system.

(Sec. 1652) DOD and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) must collect and store cost programmatic and technical data relating to programs and projects of the nuclear security enterprise and nuclear forces.

(Sec. 1653) The Nuclear Weapons Council must notify Congress if any authorized funds will result in a delay regarding the dual-capable F-35A aircraft.

(Sec. 1654) The bill addresses oversight of delayed acquisition programs by the Council on Oversight of the National Leadership Command, Control, and Communications System.

(Sec. 1655) DOD and the ODNI must jointly establish an intelligence fusion center to effectively integrate and unify the protection of nuclear command, control, and communications programs, systems, and processes and continuity of government programs, systems, and processes.

(Sec. 1656) The bill prohibits DOD from obtaining any equipment, system, or service to carry out the missions that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services to carry out the nuclear deterrence mission or the homeland defense mission of the DOD. Covered telecommunications equipment or services means equipment or services (1) produced or provided by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation, or (2) produced or provided by an entity that DOD reasonably believes to be owned, controlled by, or otherwise connected to the governments of China or Russia.

(Sec. 1657) The bill provides oversight of the Senior Leader Airborne Operations Center, the executive airlift program of the Air Force, and the E-6B modernization program by the Council on Oversight of the National Leadership Command, Control, and Communications System.

(Sec. 1658) DOD must require the issuance of a security classification guide for each covered program to ensure the protection of sensitive information from public disclosure.

(Sec. 1659) DOD must conduct evaluations of the supply chain vulnerabilities of programs relating to (1) nuclear weapons; (2) nuclear command, control, and communications; (3) continuity of government; or (4) ballistic missile defense.

(Sec. 1660) The bill requires that certain funds available for the Missile Procurement, Air Force, be used for intercontinental ballistic missile fuzes.

(Sec. 1661) The bill transfers to the Program Executive Office with responsibility for the Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals program all program elements and funding for the Presidential National Voice Conferencing System and the Phoenix Air-to-Ground Communications Network.

(Sec. 1662) The Air Force may not award a contract for engineering and manufacturing development of the ground-based strategic deterrent missile program unless the U.S. Strategic Command makes certain determinations.

(Sec. 1663) The bill extends through FY2019 the prohibition on the availability of funds for the mobile variant of ground-based strategic deterrent missile.

(Sec. 1664) The bill prohibits funding from being used to reduce the intercontinental ballistic missiles of the United States.

(Sec. 1665) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 to modify reporting requirements for the nuclear weapons stockpile, nuclear weapons complex, nuclear weapons delivery systems, and nuclear weapons command and control system.

(Sec. 1666) DOD must issue a final instruction establishing procedures for the long-term implementation of the recommendations contained in the Independent Review of the Department of Defense Nuclear Enterprise, dated June 2, 2014, and the Internal Assessment of the Department of Defense Nuclear Enterprise, dated September 2014.

(Sec. 1667) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that nuclear proliferation continues to be a serious threat to U.S. security and that it is critical for the United States to understand the impacts of proliferation and ensure the necessary policies and resources are in place to prevent proliferation.

(Sec. 1668) DOD must certify that the Nuclear Posture Review addresses the deterrent effects and nuclear capabilities of the United States.

(Sec. 1669) The Air Force must develop a plan to manage the Air Force missile warning elements of the Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment System.

(Sec. 1670) DOD must certify that an assured capability to produce or acquire strategic radiation hardened trusted microelectronics is operational and available to supply necessary components involved with the acquisition of delivery systems for nuclear weapons.

(Sec. 1671) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that nuclear posture review should (1) take into account U.S. treaty obligations, (2) examine the tools required to sustain the stockpile stewardship program, and (3) consider input and views from relevant stakeholders in the U.S. government.

(Sec. 1672) The bill expresses the sense of Congress on the importance of the nuclear deterrent of the United Kingdom.

Subtitle E--Missile Defense Programs

(Sec. 1676) DOD must establish a unified major force program for missile defense and defeat programs.

(Sec. 1677) The bill modifies conditions for proceeding beyond low-rate initial production for operational test and evaluation of defense acquisition programs.

(Sec. 1678) The bill limits the Army from using funds to demilitarize any GEM-T interceptor.

(Sec. 1679) The Army must issue an acquisition strategy for a 360-degree lower tier air and missile defense sensor.

(Sec. 1680) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that DOD must ensure Hawaii has missile defense coverage from a ballistic missile attack.

(Sec. 1681) DOD must designate the preferred location of a potential additional U.S. interceptor site.

(Sec. 1682) DOD must continue the development, procurement, and deployment of anti-air warfare capabilities at each Aegis Ashore site in Romania and Poland.

(Sec. 1683) The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) must develop a highly reliable and cost-effective persistent space-based sensor architecture that is capable of supporting the ballistic missile defense system.

(Sec. 1684) The bill limits the amount of funds available for the MDA that may be provided to the government of Israel to procure Tamir interceptors for the Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system.

(Sec. 1685) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that DOD must rapidly develop and demonstrate a boost phase intercept capability for missile defense.

(Sec. 1686) DOD may increase the capacity of ground-based interceptors and improve the capability and reliability of such interceptors.

(Sec. 1687) The bill prohibits the use of certain funds for the ground-based midcourse defense element of the ballistic missile defense system until the MDA certifies that the risk of mission failure due to foreign object debris has been minimized.

(Sec. 1688) The MDA must develop a space-based ballistic missile intercept layer to the ballistic missile defense system.

(Sec. 1689) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that DOD must consider accelerating the development of technologies to increase the capacity, capability, and reliability of the ground-based midcourse defense element of the ballistic missile defense system.

(Sec. 1690) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that the MDA should continue to flight test the ground-based midcourse defense element.

Subtitle F--Other Matters

(Sec. 1691) The bill establishes the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attacks and Similar Events.

(Sec. 1692) DOD may take steps that are necessary to mitigate the threat to safety or security from an unmanned aircraft.

(Sec. 1693) DOD must plan to reach early operational capability for the conventional prompt strike weapon system by September 30, 2022.

(Sec. 1694) DOD must conduct a business case analysis regarding the options of the federal government to ensure a robust domestic industrial base to supply ammonium perchlorate for use in solid rocket motors.

(Sec. 1695) DOD must report on options to ensure a robust domestic industrial base for large solid rocket motors.

(Sec. 1696) DOD must establish a pilot program to enhance information sharing with cleared defense contractors to ensure all source information is appropriately, singularly, and exclusively shared for the purpose of ensuring the security or integrity of the supply chain of covered programs.

(Sec. 1697) DOD may establish a pilot program to assess the viability of mapping the electromagnetic spectrum used by the agency.

(Sec. 1698) The bill provides a procurement process for each Distributed Common Ground System.


(Sec. 1701) The bill makes amends the Small Business Act to revise HUBZone program provisions, including eligibility requirements for qualified HUBZone small businesses.

(Sec. 1702) The bill makes modifications to procurement terminology.

(Sec. 1703) The bill revises reporting requirements for the Small Business Administration (SBA) regarding small business awards or contracts.

(Sec. 1704) The bill revises the duties of a Business Opportunity Specialist that is employed by the SBA.

(Sec. 1705) The bill revises the principal duties of a commercial market representative that is employed by the SBA.

(Sec. 1706) The bill modifies the past performance pilot program to include consideration of past performance with certain nations.

(Sec. 1707) DOD must establish procedures to ensure that notice regarding the registration of small business concerns contains information about cost-free federal procurement technical assistance services.

(Sec. 1708) The bill authorizes certain entities to furnish education on the requirements applicable to small businesses under the Small Business Act.

(Sec. 1709) The bill revises requirements related to competitive procedures and justification for awards under the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program.

(Sec. 1710) DOD must establish a pilot program to award multiple award contracts for the purchase of technologies, supplies, or services through the SBIR or STTR program.

(Sec. 1711) DOD must carry out a pilot program to assess the feasibility and advisability of increasing the capability of the defense industrial base to support (1) production needs to meet military requirements, and (2) manufacturing and production of emerging defense and commercial technologies.

(Sec. 1712) DOD, in concurrence with the State Department, must review whether certain organizations that are part of the national technology and industrial base should be exempted from the foreign ownership requirements of the National Industrial Security Program.

(Sec. 1713) DOD must submit to Congress a report on the procurement of tungsten and tungsten powders for military applications.

(Sec. 1714) The SBA must submit to Congress a report on the utilization of small business concerns for federal contracts.


Saving Federal Dollars Through Better Use of Government Purchase and Travel Cards Act of 2017

(Sec. 1802) The bill defines terms used in this subtitle.

(Sec. 1803) The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) must develop a strategy to expand the use of data analytics in managing government purchase and travel charge card programs.

(Sec. 1804) The OMB must issue guidance on improving information sharing by government agencies to curb improper payments related to government purchase and travel charge card programs.

(Sec. 1805) The GSA and the OMB must establish a purchase and travel charge card data management group to develop and share best practices.

(Sec. 1806) The bill establishes reporting requirements for federal agencies regarding the purchase and travel charge card programs.


Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018

(Sec. 2002) The bill specifies that the authorizations provided in titles XXI through XXVII will expire on October 1, 2022, or the date of enactment of an act authorizing funds for military construction for FY2023, whichever is later.

(Sec. 2003) The bill specifies that titles XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, and XXIX will take effect on October 1, 2017, or the date of enactment of this bill, whichever is later.


(Sec. 2101) The bill authorizes specified Army construction and land acquisition projects.

(Sec. 2102) The bill authorizes new construction and planning and design of family housing units for the Army.

(Sec. 2103) The bill authorizes the Army to make improvements to existing units of family housing.

(Sec. 2104) The bill authorizes appropriations for Army military construction, land acquisition, and military family housing functions at the levels identified in section 4601.

(Sec. 2105) The bill modifies the authorization for construction of an aircraft maintenance hangar at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, and permits the Army to construct an aircraft washing apron.

(Sec. 2106) The bill modifies the authorization for construction of a command and control facility at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, and permits the Army to construct 15 megawatts of redundant power generation.

(Sec. 2107) The bill extends the authorizations for specified FY2014 projects until the later of (1) October 1, 2018; or (2) the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for FY2019.

(Sec. 2108) The bill extends the authorizations for specified FY2015 projects until the later of (1) October 1, 2018; or (2) the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for FY2019.

(Sec. 2109) The bill extends the authorizations for the Army to carry out specified FY2000 and FY2005-FY2007 projects.


(Sec. 2201) The bill authorizes specified Navy construction and land acquisition projects.

(Sec. 2202) The bill authorizes new construction and planning and design of family housing units for the Navy.

(Sec. 2203) The bill authorizes the Navy to make improvements to existing units of family housing.

(Sec. 2204) The bill authorizes appropriations for Navy military construction, land acquisition, and military family housing functions at the levels identified in section 4601.

(Sec. 2205) The bill extends the authorizations for specified FY2014 projects until the later of (1) October 1, 2018; or (2) the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for FY2019.

(Sec. 2206) The bill extends the authorizations for specified FY2015 projects until the later of (1) October 1, 2018; or (2) the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for FY2019.


(Sec. 2301) The bill authorizes specified Air Force construction and land acquisition projects.

(Sec. 2302) The bill authorizes architectural and engineering services and construction design activities with respect to the construction or improvement of family housing units for the Air Force.

(Sec. 2303) The bill authorizes the Air Force to make improvements to existing units of family housing.

(Sec. 2304) The bill authorizes appropriations for Air Force military construction, land acquisition, and military family housing functions at the levels identified in section 4601.

(Sec. 2305) The bill modifies the authorization for the Air Force to carry out specified FY2017 projects.

(Sec. 2306) The bill extends the authorization for specified FY2015 projects until the later of (1) October 1, 2018; or (2) the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for FY2019.


(Sec. 2401) The bill authorizes specified construction and land acquisition projects for defense agencies.

(Sec. 2402) The bill authorizes DOD to carry out specified energy resiliency and conservation projects.

(Sec. 2403) The bill authorizes appropriations for military construction, land acquisition, and military family housing functions of defense agencies at the levels identified in section 4601.

(Sec. 2404) The bill modifies the authorization for construction of the Sembach Elementary/Middle School replacement in Kaiserslautern, Germany.

(Sec. 2405) The bill extends the authorizations for specified FY2014 projects until the later of (1) October 1, 2018; or (2) the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for FY2019.

(Sec. 2406) The bill extends the authorizations for specified FY2015 projects until the later of (1) October 1, 2018; or (2) the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for FY2019.


Subtitle A--North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program

(Sec. 2501) The bill authorizes DOD to make specified contributions to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program equal to the sum of the amount authorized in section 2502 and the amount collected from NATO for construction previously financed by the United States.

(Sec. 2502) The bill authorizes appropriations for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program at the levels identified in section 4601.

Subtitle B--Host Country In-Kind Contributions

(Sec. 2511) The bill authorizes DOD to accept specified military construction projects from the Republic of Korea as in-kind contributions.

(Sec. 2512) The bill modifies the authorization for DOD to carry out specified FY2017 projects.


Subtitle A--Project Authorizations and Authorization of Appropriations

(Sec. 2601) The bill authorizes specified construction and land acquisition projects for the Army National Guard.

(Sec. 2602) The bill authorizes specified construction and land acquisition projects for the Army Reserve.

(Sec. 2603) The bill authorizes specified construction and land acquisition projects for the Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve.

(Sec. 2604) The bill authorizes specified construction and land acquisition projects for the Air National Guard.

(Sec. 2605) The bill authorizes specified construction and land acquisition projects for the Air Force Reserve.

(Sec. 2606) The bill authorizes appropriations for the National Guard and Reserve military construction at the levels identified in section 4601.

Subtitle B--Other Matters

(Sec. 2611) The bill modifies the authorization for construction of an Army Reserve Center in Starkville, Mississippi. The bill also permits the Army to acquire approximately 15 acres of land.

(Sec. 2612) The bill extends the authorizations for specified FY2014 projects until the later of (1) October 1, 2018; or (2) the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for FY2019.

(Sec. 2613) The bill extends the authorizations for specified FY2015 projects until the later of (1) October 1, 2018; or (2) the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for FY2019.


(Sec. 2701) The bill authorizes appropriations for ongoing Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) activities at the levels identified in section 4601.

(Sec. 2702) The bill specifies that nothing in this bill authorizes an additional BRAC round.


Subtitle A--Military Construction Program and Military Family Housing

(Sec. 2801) The bill revises notice and wait requirements for military construction activities, including by eliminating written notice requirements.

(Sec. 2802) The bill modifies the thresholds for unspecified minor military construction projects.

(Sec. 2803) The bill requires each military department to make annual locality adjustments of dollar limitations for unspecified minor military construction projects.

(Sec. 2804) The bill extends the authority for DOD to use operation and maintenance funds for construction projects outside the United States.

(Sec. 2805) The bill authorizes each military department to use available appropriations for operation and maintenance to replace facilities damaged or destroyed by natural disasters or terrorism incidents.

(Sec. 2806) The Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering must submit to Congress annual report on unfunded requirements for laboratory military construction projects.

Subtitle B--Real Property and Facilities Administration

(Sec. 2811) The bill eliminates the written notice requirement for military real property transactions.

(Sec. 2812) The bill revises certification requirements related to certain military acquisitions or leases of real property.

(Sec. 2813) The bill increases the term limit for intergovernmental support agreements to provide installation support services.

(Sec. 2814) DOD may agree to reimburse a state for the reasonable costs in suppressing wildland fires caused by DOD activities pursuant to any lease, permit, license, or other grant of access for use of state lands.

(Sec. 2815) The bill revises the criteria for exchanges of property at military installations.

(Sec. 2816) The bill sets forth conditions on conveyance authority for military departments concerning encroachment on military installations.

(Sec. 2817) The bill requires each military department to ensure that military family housing units are equipped with window fall prevention devices.

(Sec. 2818) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to prohibit the use of an updated assessment of public schools located on DOD installations to supersede funding of certain projects.

(Sec. 2819) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to provide transportation network companies with access to military installations.

Subtitle C--Project Management and Oversight Reforms

(Sec. 2821) Each military department must notify Congress and the GAO of any military construction project or family housing project over $40 million that has a cost increase of 25% or more.

(Sec. 2822) DOD must submit to Congress a report on each military construction or housing project for which the estimated completion date is delayed by more than one year.

(Sec. 2823) The Inspector General of DOD must submit to Congress a report on design errors and omissions related to the hospital replacement project at Fort Bliss, Texas.

(Sec. 2824) The Inspector General of DOD must submit to Congress a report on design errors and omissions related to the construction of the U.S. Strategic Command's new command and control facility at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.

Subtitle D--Energy Resilience

(Sec. 2831) DOD must ensure the readiness of the Armed Forces for their military missions by pursuing energy security and energy resilience.

(Sec. 2832) The bill authorizes DOD to use energy cost savings for energy resilience, mission assurance, and weather damage repair and prevention measures.

(Sec. 2833) Each military department must prioritize energy security and resilience.

(Sec. 2834) Each military department may ensure that utility systems meet energy resilience requirements.

(Sec. 2835) The bill requires the consideration of energy resilience in the event of commercial grid outages.

(Sec. 2836) The bill revises annual reporting requirements for DOD energy management reports.

(Sec. 2837) DOD or each military department must aggregate energy efficiency and energy resilience projects in life cycle cost analyses.

Subtitle E--Land Conveyances

(Sec. 2841) The bill authorizes the Navy to convey and exchange all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to a parcel of real property located at Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant in Sunnyvale, California.

(Sec. 2842) The bill authorizes the Air Force to convey to Mountain Home, Idaho, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to a parcel of real property located near Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho.

(Sec. 2843) The bill authorizes the Navy to lease three acres of land at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Alumni Association and Foundation Center.

(Sec. 2844) The bill authorizes the Army to sell and convey all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to parcels of real property located in the vicinity of Hudson, Wayland, and Needham, Massachusetts.

(Sec. 2845) The bill authorizes the Navy to convey to Corpus Christi, Texas all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to a parcel of real property associated with the Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas.

(Sec. 2846) The bill amends the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 to impose additional conditions on the future use of the Castner Range in Fort Bliss, Texas.

(Sec. 2847) The bill authorizes the Air Force to convey to Wyoming, without consideration, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the real property located at the former Missile Alert Facility in Laramie County, Wyoming.

Subtitle F--Military Memorials, Monuments, and Museums

(Sec. 2861) The bill recognizes the National Museum of World War II Aviation in Colorado Springs, Colorado, as America's National World War II Aviation Museum.

(Sec. 2862) The bill modifies the location of the principal office of the National Aviation Hall of Fame.

(Sec. 2863) The bill establishes a visitor services facility on the Arlington Ridge tract located in Arlington, Virginia.

(Sec. 2864) The bill extends through September 30, 2022, the prohibition on transferring veterans memorial objects to foreign governments. Despite the prohibition, the President is authorized to transfer the Bells of Balangiga to the Philippines.

Subtitle G--Other Matters

(Sec. 2871) The Air Force may accept plant or facility improvements at Air Force Plant 42 located in Palmdale, California.

(Sec. 2872) DOD must modify its guidance on the use of airfield pavement markings to prohibit the use of Type I glass beads or any glass beads with a 1.6 refractive index or less on airfields under DOD control.

(Sec. 2873) The Chief Operating Officer of the Armed Forces Retirement Home may acquire and lease property for the benefit of the retirement home.

(Sec. 2874) The Air Force may not use funds to carry out the rehabilitation of the Over-the-Horizon Backscatter Radar Station located in Modoc County, California.

(Sec. 2875) DOD must permit machine room-less elevators in DOD facilities.

(Sec. 2876) DOD must require each entity to identify and disclose ownership by foreign individuals before entering into a lease agreement for a high-security facility.

(Sec. 2877) The Air Force may enter into an agreement to permit the joint use of Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Marietta, Georgia, by the Air Force and civil aircraft.

(Sec. 2878) DOD must report on the damage to its assets and installations from hurricanes during 2017.

(Sec. 2879) The bill establishes certain limitations and conditions for the military family housing replacement project at Kwajalein Atoll, and it prohibits the Navy from carrying out any construction activity on the Replace Andersen Housing Phase II Project on Guam until the Navy makes specified certifications.

(Sec. 2880) DOD must take measures to reduce the dependency of all U.S. military installations in Europe on energy sourced inside Russia and ensure that operations can be sustained in the event of a supply disruption.


(Sec. 2901) The bill authorizes specified OCO construction and land acquisition projects for the Army.

(Sec. 2902) The bill authorizes specified OCO construction and land acquisition projects for the Navy.

(Sec. 2903) The bill authorizes specified OCO construction and land acquisition projects for the Air Force.

(Sec. 2904) The bill authorizes DOD to acquire property in Sigonella, Italy, and carry out a military construction project.

(Sec. 2905) The bill authorizes appropriations for OCO military construction at the levels identified in section 4602.

(Sec. 2906) The bill extends the authorizations for specified FY2015 projects until the later of (1) October 1, 2018; or (2) the date of the enactment of an act authorizing funds for military construction for FY2019.



Subtitle A--National Security Programs and Authorizations

(Sec. 3101) The bill authorizes appropriations to the Department of Energy (DOE) for the NNSA at the levels identified in division D. The bill also authorizes new plant projects for the NNSA at specified locations.

The NNSA may enter into a contract for the Albuquerque Complex upgrades construction project located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

(Sec. 3102) The bill authorizes appropriations to DOE for Defense Environmental Cleanup activities at the levels identified in division D.

(Sec. 3103) The bill authorizes appropriations to DOE for Other Defense Activities in carrying out programs as specified in division D.

(Sec. 3104) The bill authorizes appropriations to DOE for nuclear energy as specified in division D.

Subtitle B--Program Authorizations, Restrictions, and Limitations

(Sec. 3111) The NNSA must establish the Infrastructure Modernization Initiative to reduce the backlog of deferred maintenance and repair needs of the nuclear security enterprise.

(Sec. 3112) The NNSA must ensure that over-the-road shipments of any nuclear weapons incorporate surety technologies relating to transportation and shipping that were developed by the Integrated Surety Architecture program.

(Sec. 3113) The bill amends the Atomic Energy Defense Act to modify independent cost estimates that DOE must submit to Congress for nuclear weapon life extension programs.

(Sec. 3114) The NNSA must document the technologies and capabilities of the defense nuclear nonproliferation research and development program that are transitioned for development or deployment.

(Sec. 3115) DOE and DOD are prohibited from using funds to plan or carry out research and development of an advanced naval nuclear fuel system based on low-enriched uranium.

(Sec. 3116) The NNSA must carry out the pay banding and performance-based pay adjustment demonstration project and provide briefings to Congress on the implementation of the project.

(Sec. 3117) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to ensure that the President's budget request includes amounts for nuclear weapons dismantlement and disposition activities.

(Sec. 3118) The NNSA must carry out a comprehensive design competition for a nuclear warhead that can be employed on U.S. ballistic missiles by 2030.

(Sec. 3119) The bill increases the minor construction threshold for nuclear plant projects.

(Sec. 3120) The bill extends the authorization of the Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health.

(Sec. 3121) DOE must carry out construction and project support activities relating to the Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication facility located in Aiken, South Carolina.

(Sec. 3122) The bill prohibits funds authorized for atomic energy defense activities from being used to provide assistance to Russia.

Subtitle C--Plans and Reports

(Sec. 3131) The NNSA must provide annual selected acquisition reports on certain hardware projects relating to defense nuclear nonproliferation research and development.

(Sec. 3132) The NNSA must submit to DOE and Congress a report on its unfunded priorities.

(Sec. 3133) The bill eliminates and modifies certain reporting requirements related to nuclear weapons.

(Sec. 3134) The bill makes modifications to the NNSA plans for sustaining the nuclear weapons stockpile.

(Sec. 3135) The NNSA report on stockpile stewardship, stockpile management, and stockpile responsiveness and management must include a report from the national security laboratories on the need for assessing and developing prototype nuclear weapons of foreign countries.

(Sec. 3136) The President must develop a plan for verification and monitoring relating to the potential proliferation of nuclear weapons, components of such weapons, and fissile material.

(Sec. 3137) DOE must enter into an arrangement with the private scientific advisory group to assess and recommend improvements to U.S. nuclear and radiological terrorism prevention strategy.

(Sec. 3138) The NNSA must seek to contract with a federally funded research and development center to conduct an assessment of the management and operating contracts for national security laboratories.

(Sec. 3139) DOE must conduct an evaluation of the feasibility, costs, and cost savings of classifying defense nuclear waste as other than high-level radioactive waste without decreasing environmental, health, or public safety requirements.

(Sec. 3140) The NNSA must submit to Congress a report regarding any anti-smuggling radiation detection systems that it proposes to deploy.

(Sec. 3141) The NNSA must report on the recommended alternative for recapitalization of plutonium science and production capabilities of the nuclear security enterprise.

(Sec. 3142) The NNSA must report on critical decision 1 in the acquisition process for the Material Staging Facility project at the Pantex Plant, Amarillo, Texas.

(Sec. 3143) DOE must develop a plan to minimize the use of highly enriched uranium for medical isotopes.

Subtitle D--Other Matters

(Sec. 3151) The bill expresses the sense of Congress that the U.S. government should appropriately compensate and recognize certain individuals who were exposed to uranium mining and nuclear testing.


(Sec. 3201) The bill authorizes appropriations for the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.


(Sec. 3401) The bill authorizes appropriations for the operation and maintenance of the naval petroleum reserves.


(Sec. 3501) The bill authorizes appropriations for (1) national security aspects of the merchant marine, (2) the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, (3) U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) operations and programs, (4) the National Security Multi-Mission Vessel Program, (5) the federal ship financing loan guarantee program, (6) state maritime academies, (7) the National Defense Reserve Fleet, and (8) the small shipyards program.

(Sec. 3502) The bill makes technical and conforming corrections to the Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946.

(Sec. 3503) The bill prohibits a vessel, other than a replacement vessel, from transporting cargo between points in the United States and its territories either directly or via a foreign port.

(Sec. 3504) The bill provides statutory authority for provisions related to the acquisition, charter, and requisition of vessels.

(Sec. 3505) The bill provides for assistance (1) to small shipyards for capital improvements and (2) for maritime training programs to foster technical skills and operational productivity relating to shipbuilding, ship repair, and associated industries.

(Sec. 3506) The Coast Guard must submit to Congress a report on its sexual assault prevention and response policies and strategic goals related to sexual assault victim recovery.

(Sec. 3507) DOT may designate college maritime training programs as centers of excellence and enter into cooperative agreements to help them admit additional students, recruit additional faculty, expand facilities, create new career pathways, and award students credit for previous experience.

Foreign Spill Protection Act of 2017

(Sec. 3508) The bill amends the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 to hold foreign facilities that are located offshore and outside the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) liable for removal costs and damages that result from oil spills that reach (or threaten to reach) U.S. navigable waters, adjoining shorelines, or the EEZ.

(Sec. 3509) The bill eliminates the limitation on the number of contractors that can provide services as adjunct professors and eliminates reporting requirements.

(Sec. 3510) The MARAD may accept a qualified guarantee from a donor or donors for the completion of a major project for the benefit of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

(Sec. 3511) The bill authorizes MARAD to pay all necessary expenses in connection with the conveyance or transfer of a gift, devise, or bequest to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

(Sec. 3512) The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy may compete for and accept qualifying research grants if the work under the grant is to be carried out by a professor or instructor of the academy.

(Sec. 3513) The bill amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to require MARAD to ensure that each cadet from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy who is participating in the Sea Year program is provided a functional satellite communication device.

(Sec. 3514) The bill requires actions to address sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

(Sec. 3515) The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy must employ or contract with at least one full-time sexual assault response coordinator who must reside at or near the academy.

(Sec. 3516) The MARAD must require the owner or operator of any commercial vessel that is carrying a cadet from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy to certify compliance of the vessel with the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea.

(Sec. 3517) The bill requires sexual assault investigation training for each employee of the Office of Inspector General of DOT who conducts investigations and who is assigned to the regional investigations office in New York.


(Sec. 4001) The bill provides for the allocation of funds among programs, projects, and activities in accordance with the tables in division D, subject to reprogramming requirements.


(Sec. 4101) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for procurement.

(Sec. 4102) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for procurement for OCO.


(Sec. 4201) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for research, development, test, and evaluation.

(Sec. 4202) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for research, development, test, and evaluation for OCO.


(Sec. 4301) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for operation and maintenance.

(Sec. 4302) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for operation and maintenance for OCO.


(Sec. 4401) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for military personnel.

(Sec. 4402) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for military personnel for OCO.


(Sec. 4501) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for other specified authorizations, including the Working Capital Fund, the National Defense Sealift Fund, the National Sea-Based Deterrence Fund, Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction, Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, the Office of the Inspector General, and the Defense Health Program.

(Sec. 4502) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for other specified authorizations for OCO.


(Sec. 4601) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for military construction.

(Sec. 4602) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for military construction for OCO.


(Sec. 4701) The bill sets forth amounts requested and authorized for DOE national security programs.