
Get More COVID Data

For more data on Delaware COVID cases, testing and outcomes, including demographic breakdowns, go to My Healthy Community

Contact Tracing

The Division of Public Health does not require quarantine clearance letters. If your employer or school requires a quarantine clearance letter for you to return, and you meet the quarantine clearance requirements and would like to request a letter from the Division of Public Health visit:

What is Contact Tracing?

In contact tracing, public health staff work with an individual who has a positive test for COVID-19 to help them recall everyone with whom they have had close contact during the timeframe while they may have been infectious. See the latest data on contact tracing in Delaware on the My Healthy Community website.

Learn more about contact tracing from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Help us Stop The Virus,
Please Answer the Call!

If you get a call from (302) 446-4262, or your caller ID says DE PUBLICHEALTH, that’s a representative from the Delaware Contact Tracing Program calling to give you important information about your health.  Please answer the call and take the time to speak with our contact tracers.

Download the DE COVID Alert App

Help your community by adding your phone to the coronavirus fight! Download the DE COVID Alert smartphone app – it is free and anonymous. You’re in control of the data you want to share. Receive exposure notifications if someone you’ve been in close contact (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) has tested positive for COVID-19 and is also using the app.

Delaware’s Plan for Contact Tracing

Governor John Carney announced on May 12 that the State of Delaware and the nonpartisan research institution NORC at the University of Chicago would work together to build Delaware’s statewide contact tracing program, adding as many as 200 contact tracers. In the meantime, members of the Delaware National Guard have been trained and are supplementing the work being done by the Division of Public Health.

Apply to be a Contact Tracer

  • Apply to be a field contact tracer with the State of Delaware. This includes going out in the field to conduct in-person interviews with individuals that have tested positive for COVID-19, and people they have been in contact with over the past few days. The ability to read, write and speak Spanish and/or Haitian Creole fluently is preferred, but is not required. Read more on the State of Delaware Jobs Website.
  • Apply to be the Field Director for the contact tracing program with the State of Delaware. This position will serve as a Field Director in the community for Contact Tracing for the COVID-19 response. The incumbent will oversee staff going out in the field to make contact with individuals who cannot be reached by phone. This position will be responsible for providing guidance to field staff, troubleshooting issues, and providing daily reports to leadership.
  • Apply to be an Epidemiologist II or Epidemiologist III with the State of Delaware. See the job descriptions for more details.



Press Release: Governor Announces Statewide Contract Tracing Plan

DHSS Notice of Privacy Practices

Terms and Privacy 2020

Learn more about contact tracing in Delaware:


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