Supporting IECMHC to ADVANCE and IMPACT the mental health of young children, their families and staff in early childhood settings across the country.

The CoE for IECMHC is a national technical assistance center dedicated to the ADVANCEMENT and IMPACT of the field of IECMHC through training, technical assistance and resource development.

We cannot be silent.

We stand in solidarity with the Black community and in support of the local, national and global efforts to address systemic racism. The impacts of systemic racism shape the experiences and opportunities of young Black children and families, as well as those from other marginalized communities. Systemic racism and the inequitable distribution of opportunity takes a toll on social-emotional development from an early age. Mental health consultants strive to promote resilience in young children by investing in the adults who care for them, based on an understanding of culture, race and equity.

Our Center of Excellence is committed to promoting anti-racism equity work through:

  • Critically examining our own biases, and ensuring that all of our products are developed through the lens of dismantling inequities and promoting racial justice;
  • Prioritizing resources explicitly focused on consultant capacity to have difficult conversations about race and racism;
  • Drafting actionable recommendations for consultants and consultation systems leaders to be change agents in the fight against racism and in the creation of more equitable systems for children

Access our services above, resources for mental health consultants through this link, or resources for program managers and policy makers below.

  • Arizona State University Logo
  • CityMatch Logo
This product was developed [in part] under grant number 1H79SM082070-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views, policies and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.