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Older Americans 2020: Key Indicators of Well-Being

2020 Aging Stats Report PDF cover

A periodic Chartbook prepared by the Federal Interagency Forum (Forum) on Aging-Related Statistics, provides a comprehensive, easy-to-understand picture of our older population. Readers will find here an accessible compendium of indicators drawn from the most reliable official statistics. Indicators are categorized into six broad groups: Population, Economics, Health Status, Health Risks and Behaviors, Health Care, and Environment.

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Downloading the Data

Older Americans 2020 is divided into several sections. You may download the entire chartbook (PDF) or select by the individual section.

Infographic: Population Aging in the United States—A Global Perspective

The Forum continues to explore ways of providing an easy-to-understand picture of timely and relevant data related to older adults. The infographic is a perfect deliverable format for this effort. This pilot product, Aging in the U.S.: A Global Perspective, is the first in a series of infographics that the Forum will develop and release online. During 2017 - 2018, other infographics will be developed around indicators covered in the Older Americans Chartbook. Some topics will be presented in installations and prepared by representative agencies as a Forum collaboration. Stay tuned!

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