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Tana description and information


Type:Location given for the higher of two stratocones, collectively and informally called "Tana"
Most Recent Activity:
Seismically Monitored: No
Elevation: 3839 ft (1170 m)
Latitude: 52.839° N
Longitude:169.758° W
CAVW Number:311241
Pronunciation: Sound file
Nearby towns:Nikolski 38 mi (61 km) NE
Unalaska 151 mi (243 km) NE
Akutan 187 mi (300 km) NE
Atka 192 mi (309 km) SW
Anchorage 939 mi (1510 km) NE
From Smithsonian Institution, online Global Volcanism Program database, accessed November 16, 2007: "The Tana volcanic complex forming the eastern half of the dumbbell-shaped Chuginadak Island, opposite the dramatic conical Cleveland stratovolcano, is composed of two prominent E-W-trending volcanoes. The complex shows evidence of glacial erosion, but the observation on satellite imagery of highly irregular coastlines forming peninsulas west of Applegate Cove on the NW side of the complex and Concord Point on the south side imply lava flows of mid- to late-Holocene age (Nye 2007, pers. Comm.). Prominent lava flow levees are visible near Concord Point, where a low-silica rhyolite sample was obtained. The undissected cone and youthful crater forming the western summit also imply a post-glacial age, and youthful cinder cones also lie east of the isthmus between Cleveland and Tana volcanoes." See http://www.avo.alaska.edu/volcanoes/volcinfo.php?volcname=Cleveland for Cleveland information.
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Page modified: September 29, 2020 12:19
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