Czech Republic

The Czech Republic approved a new National Energy Policy (SEP) aiming to reduce energy consumption and improve the economy’s energy intensity. However, reaching the targets of the SEP will require greater effort if the country is to play its part in the global energy transition.

Czech Republic

Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2016

  • Set out clear implementation plans to support the National Energy Policy (SEP)

    Further develop sectoral national action plans (NAPs) to establish clear expectations for industry stakeholders and future investors, in order to achieve fully the objectives of the SEP.

  • Increase public funding towards energy policies implementation

    Ensure that the implementation of the SEP, NAPs and other supporting policies are adequately resourced.

  • Examine the possibility of introducing a carbon tax

    As the Czech effective tax rates on carbon emissions are among the lowest in the OECD, consider introducing a carbon tax on sectors outside the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS), to foster incentives to transition towards a low-carbon economy.

  • Promote the use of renewables in the electricity sector

    Develop and publish proposals to reintroduce support mechanisms for electricity generated from renewable energy sources to meet the projected target of 25% renewable energy in total energy consumption by 2040.

