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USDA ARS Human Nutrition Research Round Up

The FNIC Research Round Up is a collection of nutrition related research from across the 6 USDA ARS human nutrition research centers. This representative listing is only a selection of evidence based food and nutrition projects intended to inform members of the public in addition to researchers, policy makers, industry, and academia.

USDA, Agricultural Research Service

The Goal of National Program (NP) 107, Human Nutrition, is to improve the nutrition and health of the American people by enhancing the quality of the American diet through research.

Program Components:

a. Linking Agricultural Practices and Beneficial Health Outcomes

b. Monitoring Food Composition and Nutrient Intake of the Nation

c. Scientific Basis for Dietary Guidance

d. Prevention of Obesity and Obesity-Related Diseases

e. Life Stage Nutrition and Metabolism

Current ARS Nutrition Research Projects:

USDA, Agricultural Research Service

Current Research Information System (CRIS) database search for Obesity/Weight Control

Current Research Information System (CRIS) database search for Human Nutrition

TEKTRAN - Searchable database of recent ARS research results. Includes abstracts and interpretive summaries for manuscripts.

  1. Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center (BHNRC)
    1. Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion of Food Components and their Impact on Chronic Disease Risk
    2. Advanced Technology for Rapid Comprehensive Analysis of the Chemical Components 
    3. Effect of Resistant Starch and Cruciferious Vegetables on Mucosal Immunity and Disease Resisitance
    4. Eludicating Phytonutrient Bioavailability, Health Promoting Effects and Mechanisms of Existing/Emerging Foods and Beverages 
    5. Polyphenol-Rich Foods and Promotion of Intestinal Health 
    6. Strategies to Alter Dietary Food Components and Their Effects on Food Choice and Health-Related Outcomes
    7. The Role of Dietary and Lifestyle Factors on Nutrition and Related Health Status Using Large-Scale Survey Data
    8. USDA National Nutrient Databank for Food Composition 
    9. Development of Analytical and Chemometric Methods for Identification and Authentication of Foods and Botanical Supplements
  1. Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging
    1. Diet and Cardiovascular Health
    2. Dietary Strategies for Cancer Prevention
    3. Energy Met.: Novel Approaches to Facilitating Successful Energy Regulation in Aging--Obesity & Met.: Role of Adipocyte Metabolism in the Development of Obesity and Associated Metabolic Complications
    4. Exploiting Nutrition and Protein Quality Controls to Delay Age-related Macular Degeneration and Cataracts
    5. Longitudinal Analysis of Diet Quality, Health Outcomes and Mortality and Predictors of Living to Become a Centenarian
    6. Nutrient Metabolism and Musculoskeletal Health in Older Adults
    7. Nutrition and Regenerative Medicine for Preventing Age-Related Neurological Disorders
    8. Nutrition, Epidemiology, and Healthy Aging
    9. Nutrition, Immune and Inflammatory Responses, and Related Diseases
    10. Nutrition, Sarcopenia, Physical Function, and Skeletal Muscle Capacity During Aging
    11. Personalized Nutrition and Healthy Aging
  1. Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center
    1. Effects of Diet and Physical Activity on Maternal/Child/Adolescent Health and Development
    2. Impact of Early Dietary Factors on Child Development and Health
  1. Children's Nutrition Research Center (CNRC)
    1. Nutritional Role of Phytochemicals
    2. Microbiota and Nutritional Health
    3. Preventing the Development of Childhood Obesity
    4. Molecular, Cellular, and Regulatory Aspects of Obesity Development
    5. Metabolic and Epigentic Regulation of Nutritional Metabolism
    6. Obesity and Related Disease Prevention Research in the Mississippi Delta/South Central U.S.
    7. Defining a Pathway of Oxalic Acid Catabolism, Influence on Nutritional Composition, Phytochemical, and Production in Dietary Important Plants
    8. The Effect of Pregnancy and Lactation on Carotenoid Status and Bioactivity
    9. Plant Antinutrients and the Gut Microbiome: A New Dimension
    10. Intestinal Microbiome and Childhood Feeding
    11. The Microbiome as a Mediator of Host-Genome-Determined Lactation Outcomes
    12. Eating Patterns and Obesity Prevention in Children
    13. Epidemiology of Childhood Diet and Obesity
    14. Neural Circuits and Obesity Mechanisms
    15. Metabolic Consequences of Obesity
    16. Impact of Perinatal Nutrition on Metabolic Health and Disease Prevention
    17. Regulation of Glucose and Gluconeogenesis and their Roles in Type-2 Diabetes and Obesity
    18. Epigenetic Mechanisms Mediating Developmental Programming of Obesity
    19. Body Weight and Health Consequences
    20. Adipose Tissue Biology
  1. Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center (GFHNRC)
    1. Dietary and Physical Activity Guidance for Weight Loss and Maintenance
    2. Epigenetic Regulation of Obesity
    3. Food Factors, Meal Patterns, and Lipoproteins
    4. Modification of Diurnal Patterns to Promote Health in Models for Human Metabolic Dysfunction
  2. Western Human Nutrition Research Center (WHNRC)
    1. Impact of Diet on Intestinal Microbiota, Gut Health and Immune Function
    2. Improving Public Health by Understanding Metabolic and Bio-Behavioral Effects of Following Recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
    3. Molecular Determinants of Energy Metabolism Regulation and Gut Function in Response to Zinc Deficiency