National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN)

APHIS Announces Farm Bill Funding to Support Animal Disease Prevention and Management!

The 2018 Farm Bill established the opportunity for annual National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) Enhancement funding. NAHLN laboratories are asked to develop projects that will build a network successful in providing early detection of significant animal disease, rapid response to the presence of a confirmed disease and appropriate recovery from an outbreak. Enhancement of the NAHLN is one of three programs that are supported through the 2018 Farm Bill Section 12101, Animal Disease Prevention and Management Program.

NAHLN Farm Bill Funding Opportunities

NAHLN Farm Bill Projects

A brief description of projects awarded since 2019 can be viewed by selecting the links below.

More Information

Learn more about the organization, mission, and vision of the NAHLN.

NAHLN Activities
View VS Program diseases under NAHLN's scope, a list of NAHLN SOPs, information on NAHLN's IT and secure messaging, plus recent training and preparedness activities.

NAHLN Laboratories 
View lists of approved NAHLN laboratories, plus requirements for membership in the NAHLN and information about being a NAHLN lab.

NAHLN-Related Publications
This section contains the NAHLN Quarterly newsletter, brochures, white papers, updates, and other NAHLN-related publications.

Surveillance and Preparedness Efforts 
NAHLN laboratories perform targeted surveillance and response testing for both endemic and foreign animal diseases.