AWIC Bulletin

The Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin (formerly Newsletter) was distributed by the National Agricultural Library (NAL). The Bulletin provided information on animal welfare to investigators, technicians, administrators, exhibitors, and the public.

View and search archived versions of all issues of the AWIC Bulletin.

Mention of commercial enterprises or brand names does not constitute endorsement or imply preference by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Articles appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily represent positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or any agency thereof.

Many of the issues contain hypertext links to authors and organizations mentioned in the documents. While the links were active at time of publication, they may not be current now.

Vol. 13 No. 1-2, Summer 2007  ( pdf | 8.7 MB )

USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin, Vol. 13 No. 1-2, Summer 2007
Retrieval approaches for alternative methods, Farm Animal Stewardship Act, Animal Fighting Bill, comparison between the American "Animal Welfare Act" and the German "Law on Protecting Animals", alternatives news, meetings and workshops, new information resources, USDA and ARS news, international news, USDA and AWIC publications.

Vol. 12 No. 3-4, Summer 2006  ( pdf | 4.5 MB )

USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin, Vol. 12 No. 3-4, Summer 2006
Searching bibliographic databases for alternatives, trauma training search example, 3Rs from the United Kingdom, lancet offers painless bleeding, ECLAM/ESLAV refinement grant, egg producers and molting, Animal Welfare Institute materials, European Union welfare quality.

Vol. 12 No. 1-2, Summer 2004  ( pdf | 3.05 MB )

USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin Vol. 12 No. 1-2, Summer 2004
Development of an environmental enrichment program utilizing simple strategies, transgenics and welfare, water and food restriction, animals feel pain, traveling with animals, UFAW materials and CAAT course, ARS and animal welfare research, livestock in disasters, international news, live animal regulations.

USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin Vol. 11 No. 3-4, Spring 2002
Guidelines for police officers responding to emergency animal incidents, tail docking dairy cattle, Emergency Animal Relief Program, pig liver cell line, changes in the Animal Welfare Act and Farm Bill, APHIS News, OLAW Guidebook, Pain Management Database.

USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin Vol. 11 No. 1-2, Summer 2000
Disaster planning for research and laboratory animal facilities, alternatives to animal testing, HSUS Humane Education Loan Program, foundation funding for refinements in animal research.

USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 3-4, Winter 1999/2000
Triple A approach to animal welfare, aquaculture and animal welfare, HSUS Pain Initiative, alternative methods databases on the web.

USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 1-2, Summer 1999
Wildlife research and the IACUC, how USDA veterinary medical officers evaluate research training programs, PMU Ranching Regulation, on-line databases.

USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin, Vol. 9 No. 1-2, Fall 1998
Handling of crippled and nonambulatory livestock, animal welfare dairy issues, virtual surgery in veterinary medicine, animal care/safeguarding the welfare of America's animals, IACUC's and the world wide web, adjuvant selection system.

USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin, Vol. 9 No. 3-4, Spring 1999
Environmental enrichment for laboratory mice, Year 2000 impact on biomedical research, animal welfare issues in swine, understanding USDA APHIS/Animal Care Policy 12.

USDA. NAL. Animal Welfare Information Center.

Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 3-4, Winter 1997/1998
Alternatives to ascites production of monoclonal antibodies, alternative model for pain research, group housing for hamsters, reducing animal use in the U.S. Army, assessment and alleviation of post-operative pain.
