Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies - logo

The Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies programme will work with specific emerging economies to implement actions to fulfil global clean energy and climate targets in line with the Paris agreement. Built on a foundation of fact-based insights and tangible recommendations, the programme's objective is to guide policy makers on how to push ahead in sector reforms, attract investments, foster innovation and ultimately enable a clean energy transition in selected emerging economies.

The intended specific objectives of the programme are to:

  • Create more effective knowledge and information sharing and create capacity to enable stronger policy action and alignment of investment flows, including via country-specific reviews of policies, supported by scenario modelling where relevant
  • Strengthen international energy and climate plans in a way that complements existing initiatives, support multilateral efforts to facilitate and enable National Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation, increase collaboration between experts across priority countries and share relevant global expertise
  • Encourage innovation for the promotion of clean energy technologies and related investments
  • Enhance and build upon an existing analytically rigorous evidence base for policy action, via statistics, indicators, and improved capabilities for data analysis

The Programme contributes to and is carried out in coordination with the IEA Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP), which includes a broader set of activities and a larger number of focus target countries. The CETP leverages the IEA’s unique energy expertise across all fuels and technologies to accelerate global clean-energy transitions, particularly in major emerging economies. CETP activities include collaborative analytical work, technical cooperation, training and capacity building and strategic dialogues.

Supported by

  • European Union

    The Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies programme has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952363