2021 ACS Spring Grant Eligibility Updates


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News for Research Scholar Grant Applicants and Post-Doctoral Fellows 

RSG Eligibility Change

Effective January 2021, eligibility requirements for Research Scholar Grant (RSG) applicants will be extended an additional 2 years. Investigators will be eligible within the first 8 years of an independent research career or faculty appointment.  Eligibility is extended to 10 years for clinician scientists who remain active in clinical care. The prior limits were 6 and 8 years respectively.

New Parental Leave Policy for Post-Doctoral Fellows

Effective January 2021, new parent postdoctoral fellows (PFs) may elect to take parental leave for the adoption or birth of a child.  The PF will not perform research during family leave but will continue to receive the ACS stipend/salary for up to 12 weeks (minimum of 4 weeks) of leave per year.  

In addition, ACS will extend the end date of the postdoctoral fellowship as well as a fellowship supplement that's equivalent to the amount of time used for parental leave. This new policy allows the PF to complete the full fellowship term and retain their stipend both while on leave and during the extension. 

How to Submit a Grant Application

Applications must be submitted in an electronic version on proposalCENTRAL by close of business (5:00 PM ET) on the specified deadline date. (We no longer require a paper copy, unless requested.)

Note: In proposalCENTRAL, make sure to include contact information for yourself, the institution official, technology transfer officer, and the department head.

ACS Grant Mechanisms

Mission Boost Grants (MBG) Who Can Apply: Current and past American Cancer Society grantees

Purpose: Enables transition of patient-focused research to accelerate clinical impact

Funding: Stage I: $240K; Stage II: $360K 

Application Deadlines: April 1 and October 15

Research Scholar Grants (RSG)

Also see this special initiative: 
Health Equity Research in Cancer Control & Prevention

UPDATED—Who Can Apply: Investigators within the first 8 years of an initial independent research career or faculty appointment; eligibility extends to 10 years for clinician scientists who remain active in clinical care.

Funding: Up to 4 years at $165K/year (direct costs), plus 20% allowable indirect costs 

Deadlines: April 1 and October 15

Institutional Research Grants (IRG)

Who Can Apply: Awarded to institutions as block grants to provide seed money for newly independent investigators to initiate cancer research projects. The principal investigator of the grant should be a senior faculty member.  

 1 to 3 years, with an average of $120K/year, and may be renewed

 April 1 and October 15

Special Initiative—Priority Focus 

Health Equity Research in Cancer Control and Prevention
Who Can Apply: Applicants for Research Scholar Grants (at any career stage), Clinician Scientist Development Grants, Postdoctoral Fellowships, and Clinical Research Professor Awards

To prioritize research addressing cancer health equity and health disparities as a priority within the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Program
RFA: The Role of Health Policy and Health Insurance in Improving Access to and Performance of Cancer Care  Who Can Apply: Independent investigators at any career stage with a doctoral degree and a full-time faculty appointment or equivalent, who are evaluating changes in the health care system with a focus on cancer

 Award length and budget varies

April 1 and October 15
RFA: Pilot and Exploratory Projects in Palliative Care of Cancer Patients and Their Families Who Can Apply: Independent investigators at any career stage with a doctorate degree and a full-time faculty position or equivalent

 $60K/year (direct costs) plus 20% allowable indirect costs

April 1 and October 15

Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF)

LOOK: Improvements to Parental Leave!

Who Can Apply: Investigators who are US citizens or permanent residents and within 3 years of receiving a doctoral degree NOTE: 1-year fellowships have been eliminated; resubmissions are grandfathered and will be accepted

Funding: Progressive stipends up to 3 years, plus an annual $4K fellowship allowance and $1,500 travel allowance in the final year

Application Deadlines:  April 1 and October 15
Clinician Scientist Development Grant (CSDG)
Who Can Apply: Licensed clinicians who are US citizens or permanent residents and are within the first 6 years of their initial faculty appointment, who have an active role in patient care  

 $135K direct costs, plus 8% allowable indirect costs per year for 3 to 5 years

  April 1 and October 15


Research Professor Grants (RP) Who Can Apply: Investigators who have been a full professor for 15 years or less and made seminal contributions that have changed the direction of cancer care research and who expect to continue to provide leadership in their research area

Funding: $80K/year for a 5-year term; renewable

Letter of Intent (LOI) Deadline: February 1
Application Deadline: April 1

Clinical Research Professor Grants (CRP)

Who Can Apply: Investigators who have been a full professor for 15 years or less and made seminal contributions that have changed the direction of  clinical, psychosocial, behavioral, health policy, or epidemiologic cancer research and who expect to continue to provide leadership in their research area

 $80K/year for a 5-year term; renewable

Letter of Intent (LOI) Deadline:
 August 1
Application Deadline: October 15