Call for Papers: SRL Focus Section: The M5.8 2016 Pawnee Earthquake, Oklahoma

21 November 2016
Seismological Research Letters announces a May 2107 Focus Section on the 3 September 2016 Pawnee earthquake (Mw5.8), the largest recorded earthquake in Oklahoma.
Topics include seismological, geodetical, geological, hydrological and engineering aspects, as well as source rupture processes, new field observations, fore- and aftershock sequences, hydro-geophysical modeling, structural imaging and interdisciplinary studies.

Contact guest editors Norimitsu Nakata ( or Xiaowei Chen (
Submission deadline is 31 December 2016.  

Graduate Students Visit Congress as SSA Geo-CVD Grant Winners


4 November 2016 - Graduate students Rob Anthony, Kendra Johnson and Marshall Roger-Martinez were sponsored by SSA to attend Geosciences Congressional Visits Days (Geo-CVD) in September. The program brings science and engineering students to Washington, D.C. for two days to participate in a training session on the basics of how Congress works and how to impact science. Participants then visit Capitol Hill to discuss geoscience policy with Congressional staff and elected Members of Congress.

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BSSA: Early L.A. Earthquakes Possibly Triggered by Oil Production


1 November 2016 - Historical sleuthing has turned up evidence for a possible link between oil production and a handful of damaging earthquakes that took place in the Los Angeles Basin during its oil boom in the early 20th century, according to a new study published in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA).

In particular, the 1920 Inglewood quake, the 1929 Whittier quake, the 1930 Santa Monica quake and the 1933 Long Beach earthquake may have been induced by oil production activities that took place prior to the time of the seismic events.

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Apply Now for 2017 SSA Annual Meeting Travel Grants

Travel grants to attend the 2017 SSA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado are available to student SSA members, international SSA members and persons traveling from the European Seismological Commission member states. The grant application period is now open, and all applications are due 30 November 2016.

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Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand Collaborate on Seismic Hazard Models

20 October 2016 - Since 2014, research groups in Japan, Taiwan and New Zealand have been collaborating on research topics and sharing expertise to help develop national seismic hazard models. In a focus section published October 19 in Seismological Research Letters, the scientists describe their work for the Joint Japan-Taiwan-New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model Collaboration.

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BSSA: Stalagmites in Indiana Cave May Record Past Earthquakes


14 September 2016 - Stalagmites rising from the floor of a cave in southern Indiana may contain traces of past earthquakes in the region, according to a report published September 13 in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

The rock formations in Donnehue's Cave, and others like them in local caves, could help scientists better understand the history of ancient seismic events in the Wabash Valley fault system of the Midwestern United States.

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SRL Debuts Data Mine Column


9 September 2016 - Datasets from the East African North Malawi Rift and Indonesia's Banda Arc are the subjects of the inaugural papers in Data Mine, the new peer-reviewed column in SSA's Seismological Research Letters (SRL).

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Latest SSA Journals

November/December SRL Now Available

3 November 2016 – The complete November/December 2016 issue of Seismological Research Letters, Volume 87, Number 6, is now available online at the GeoScienceWorld website. This issue features the Focus Section on the Joint Japan–Taiwan–New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model Collaboration, which collects eight papers that highlight ongoing research that specifically targets improvements in the respective national seismic hazard models. In addition, this issue contains:

Cover of SRL 87:6.
Click to Enlarge Cover
[SRL Cover Picture]

On the Cover…
“Data Mine,” the new peer-reviewed column in SSA’s Seismological Research Letters that documents data collected through recent earth science experiments and tells readers how to access it, debuts in this final issue of 2016 with two articles. Shillington et al. (this issue) reports on a project to acquire a comprehensive suite of geophysical and geochemical datasets across the northern Malawi (Nyasa) rift in East Africa—and included familiarizing local high-school students with their work. Also, Miller et al. (this issue) reports on the data collection of the Banda arc seismic experiment, designed to unravel some of the complex dynamics of convergent tectonics in eastern Indonesia.

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SSA members should log in to the members area and follow the link from there to SRL Online at GeoScienceWorld to access full text or PDFs of all articles from the issue (log in with your SSA username and password required). Institutional subscribers can access the issue here. The print edition of this issue is scheduled to mail on 11 November.

Not a member? Join now to get immediate access.

October Issue of BSSA Available


26 September 2016 – The complete October 2016 issue of the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA vol. 106, no. 5) is now available online to SSA members and institutional subscribers at GeoScienceWorld and BSSA Online. SSA members should log in to the members area and follow the link from there to BSSA Online at GeoScienceWorld to access full text or PDFs of all articles from the issue (log in with your SSA username and password required). Institutional BSSA subscribers can access the issue here; Institutional GeoScienceWorld subscribers can access it here. The print edition of this issue is scheduled to mail on 4 October.
