ILAB in the Americas



Title Amount Location Grantee Start Sort ascending End

Evidence to Action: Increasing the Impact of Research to Mobilize Efforts against Forced Labor

This project will promote increased use of forced labor research in policy and programmatic decision-making to help eliminate forced labor around the world. The project will support achievement of this objective by increasing knowledge through robust research on forced labor in the textile and garment sector and engaging decision makers and stakeholders to use this knowledge to take actions against forced labor.

$3,000,000 Argentina, Global, Mauritius International Labor Organization (ILO) 12/15/2019 12/14/2022

EQUAL - Equal Access to Quality Jobs for Women and Girls in Mexico

In support of Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative (W-GDP), focusing on women and adolescent girls, EQUAL will increase job quality and safety, create opportunities for economic participation, and address gaps in social programs to reach remote and impoverished families in Mexico.

$5,000,000 Mexico World Vision 12/15/2019 12/14/2023

Senderos: Sembrando Derechos, Cosechando Mejores Futuros

Senderos is a project in Mexico that involves multiple stakeholders in government, the private sector, and civil society working together to improve adherence to international standards on child labor, forced labor, occupational safety and health (OSH), and other acceptable conditions of work in the sugarcane and tobacco sectors in Jalisco and Nayarit.

$8,000,000 Mexico Verité 12/04/2019 12/03/2023

Equal Access to Quality Jobs for Women and Girls in Agriculture (EQUAL) in Colombia

In support of the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative, EQUAL/Colombia aims to reduce the risk of child labor, forced labor, and other violations of labor rights by empowering vulnerable women and girls working in the production of unrefined brown sugar (panela) and the cut flowers sector and promoting a better understanding of labor rights.

$5,000,000 Colombia PACT 12/01/2019 11/30/2023

Attaining Lasting Change (ATLAS)

The ATLAS project seeks to build the capacity of host governments to more effectively combat child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking by helping them strengthen their laws and regulations, improve their capacities to enforce them, and strengthen coordination between law enforcement and social protection entities.

$7,500,000 Global, Paraguay, Thailand Winrock International 01/01/2019 12/31/2022

Multi-stakeholder Strategy for Child Labor Elimination in Agriculture in Argentina

This project seeks to raise the visibility and understanding of child labor in agriculture in Argentina and contribute to improving the tools and coordination among government entities, the private sector, and civil society to confront the problem.

$2,500,000 Argentina Desarrollo y Autogestión (DYA) 01/01/2019 10/31/2021

Improving the Capacity of Labor and Agriculture Stakeholders to Address Child Labor in Agricultural Areas of Argentina Project

This project works to build the capacity of labor and agriculture stakeholders to more effectively implement the National Action Plan on Child Labor and coordinate efforts to combat child labor. It utilizes existing structures at the national, provincial, and municipal levels to expand coordination to reduce the risk that children will be harmed by performing hazardous work in agriculture.

$2,500,000 Argentina International Labor Organization (ILO) 01/01/2019 08/31/2022

Palma Futuro: Preventing and Reducing Child Labor and Forced Labor in Palm Oil Supply Chains

This project works to improve the implementation of social compliance systems that promote acceptable conditions of work and the prevention and reduction of child and forced labor in palm oil supply chains in Colombia and Ecuador. It will also disseminate best practices in social compliance systems in these and other palm oil producing countries, particularly Brazil and Peru.

$6,000,000 Colombia, Ecuador Partners of the Americas 01/01/2019 12/31/2022

Strengthening Labor Law Enforcement

This project enhances governments’ capacity to create, implement, and monitor the application of labor laws by working with ministries of labor, labor judges, and other judicial labor authorities. It seeks to use data collected from labor inspections to identify gaps that facilitate violations and to support legal reforms to address them. The project also uses data analytics to identify and combat labor inspection corruption, waste and inefficiency, and identifies regional inspection units in need of training and capacity building.

$8,750,000 Georgia, Global, Honduras, Mexico IMPAQ International 01/01/2019 12/31/2022

Engaging Workers and Civil Society to Strengthen Labor Law Enforcement

Workers and civil society organizations help to supplement and support government labor law enforcement efforts by proactively identifying potential labor violations and filing justiciable complaints with the appropriate authorities.  This project works in U.S. trade partner countries to improve labor law enforcement, as well as compliance with labor-related U.S. trade provisions, by improving the involvement of workers and civil society organizations in this process.

$6,850,000 Georgia, Global, Mexico, Peru American Center for International Labor Solidarity 10/01/2018 03/31/2021


Title Release Year Sort ascending

2019 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor


ILAB Synthesis Review


United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Labor Rights Report


Report on the U.S. Employment Impact of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement


Work-Related Violence Research Project: Overview and Survey Module and Focus Group Findings (Central America)

The objective of this Final End of Project Report is to summarize the development and field testing of a new module on survey questions and focus group protocols on the topic of workrelated violence (WRV), for use in Central America. This document is submitted in fulfillment of the final requirement ("Submittal 3") of the Purchase Order DOL-OPS-15-P-00239, which is cofunded by USDOL ILAB and CEO. 

PDF Attachment


Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2015-04 (Mexico)


Public Report of Review of Submission No. 2015-01 (Peru)


Independent Impact Evaluation for the Strengthening Protections of Internationally Recognized Labor Rights in Colombia Project

This report describes in detail the final impact evaluation of the Strengthening Protections of Internationally Recognized Labor Rights in Colombia project. IMPAQ International, LLC, conducted an independent evaluation in collaboration with the project team and stakeholders and prepared the evaluation report according to the terms specified in its contract with the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of International Labor Affairs and the DOL Chief Evaluation Office. IMPAQ would like to express sincere thanks to all the parties involved for their support and valuable contributions. 

PDF Attachment


Progress in Implementing Capacity-Building Provisions under the Labor Chapter of the Dominican Republic - Central America - United States Free Trade Agreement (Third Biennial)


Standing Up for Workers: Promoting Labor Rights Through Trade