
Turkey's reliance on natural gas use has grown along with rising oil and gas imports, leaving the Turkish economy increasingly exposed to the volatility in oil and gas prices. There is an identified need to set a longer-term energy policy agenda for 2030.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2016

  • Work towards electricity and gas market liberalisation

    Complete the liberalisation of Turkey’s electricity and natural gas markets towards market pricing and a competitive, transparent and liquid market place to support Turkey’s ambitions to become a regional energy trading centre.

  • Strengthen energy security

    Strengthen security of supply by ensuring investment in resilient gas and electricity networks and regional market integration, raising ambitions in energy efficiency and renewable energy, and ensuring high levels of nuclear safety and security through a legal framework for nuclear energy.

  • Develop a long-term energy strategy

    Set out an integrated long-term energy and climate strategy for 2030 as basis for a sustainable economic growth model, including a tracking and monitoring system, building upon the Vision 2023 and the climate pledge to COP21.

  • Prioritise energy efficiency and renewables

    As part of the strategy, prioritise short-term actions on energy efficiency and renewable energy by adopting a government-owned National Energy Efficiency Action Plan with quantitative sectoral targets and milestones. Monitor the Action Plan's outcomes, clarify sub-sectoral targets for the use of renewable energy in key sectors and promote clean transport sector and sustainable cities.