Freddie Mac Home

  • Fifty Yeas of Home

    Since our founding in 1970, we’ve made home possible nearly 80 million times.
    See our impact in your state over the last 50 years.
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  • Our COVID-19 Response

    We are taking action to protect our employees, customers, homeowners and renters.
    Learn More about our response
  • Strength in Stability

    We are committed to supporting America’s homeowners, renters and customers while serving as a stabilizing force in the U.S. housing finance system.
    Learn More about our commitment

Relief for Homeowners and Renters

We’re extending help to millions of homeowners and renters facing financial hardships as a result of COVID-19

The Agile Way to Innovation

Across all sectors in housing, we’re experiencing a technology transformation that is increasing velocity, reducing cost and improving quality. In fact, the pace of change throughout the mortgage process has been steadily accelerating, and that trajectory is likely to continue in years ahead.

Frank Nazzaro test
Frank Nazzaro
EVP and Chief Information Officer

Freddie Mac Clears Path for New Index Rate

Freddie Mac today highlighted the key milestones it achieved in 2020 as part of its transition from LIBOR (formally the London Interbank Offered Rate) to...

How Much Can You Sell Your Home For?

Here are some ways to get an understanding of what your home could sell for.

Fifty Years of Home

Explore the Fifty Years of Home interactive map to see how we’ve made home possible in your state over the last five decades.

Learn More - about 50 years of home


Mortgage Forbearance Rates during the COVID-19 Crisis

INSIGHT | Nov 17, 2020

Explore the Research

We're Tracking The Market

Freddie Mac surveys lenders each week on the rates, fees and points for the most popular mortgage products. Average Mortgage Rates as of December 17, 2020

Get Weekly Rates
30-Yr FRM

0.7 Fees/Points

15-Yr FRM

0.6 Fees/Points

5/1-Yr ARM

0.3 Fees/Points

Power of Partnerships

Focusing on companywide collaboration and effective communication skills to create a strong risk culture

How we're connecting

Photo of two employees having a discussion